
时间:2022-09-21 13:40:59 | 来源:语文通



绿豆观察日记 篇1绿豆观察日记 篇2绿豆观察日记 篇3绿豆观察日记 篇4绿豆观察日记 篇5

绿豆观察日记 篇1


Today, the teacher arranged a job of breeding bean sprouts.


First of all, my mother helped me take out a few mung beans from the refrigerator. I looked curiously and said, "This is mung beans, small, green and cute! Like a few little babies covering green quilts."


Is it the same bean sprouts and planting trees?I asked.Mom said, "No, let the mung beans be in a bowl until the mung beans are wrinkled before it grows up."


I think: It takes a few days to become wrinkled?


The next day, I couldn't wait to come to the kitchen when I went home from school. I looked at my Xiaodoubao. Xiaodoubao was not the same as yesterday. They all became fat. There were still a few small bean treasures.


On the morning of the third day, I came to see Xiaodoubao again.They have changed again, all the small bean treasures are cracked, and some of them have grown white tender "small tails" like a "Q".


On the fourth day, I came to see the Xiaodoubao again. I first got the Xiaodoubao to the pool and let them drink enough water.Xiaodoubao's coats are almost finished, and their tender and tender "little tails" have become longer.


On the fifth day I came to see the cute little bean treasure, and they have changed a new change.There are many "small tails" of small bean treasures and tender "small tails" into green small leaves, and some Xiaodoubao is still old, but I still hope that they will grow up quickly!


After school today, I quickly ran to the kitchen and went to see my little bean treasure again. I observed carefully, ah!Great!The "little tail" of the little bean treasure green oil grows again.Suddenly, I found that there was a little bean treasure very tall and very tall. It was as tall as my cup. I would drink water for Xiaodoubao for a day or two. Why would there be some of them?What are the tall ones?


On the seventh day, many of my little bean treasures have stems and leaves. From the bottom of the can, there are many beards. My mother told me that it was the root of Xiaodoubao.After observing for a week, Xiaodoubao changed from undressing, long small tails, small tails, long stems and leaves.I am looking forward to the little bean treasures become bean sprouts.

绿豆观察日记 篇2

10月10日 星期五 晴

Friday, October 10th, sunny


Today, the teacher has arranged several homework for us, one of which is a mung bean and a observation diary.When I got home, I put down my schoolbag and planted mung beans.I found the mung beans, glass bottles, gauze and rubber bands according to the teacher taught us. After the preparation work, I will start planting.I washed the mung beans and put it in the glass bottle, added water, and the water just shed mung beans.Then wet the gauze, wrap it on the mouth of the bottle, and tighten it with the rubber band to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly.Mung beans are planted, will it germinate tomorrow?I entered the dreamland with my expectation.

10月11日 星期六 晴

Saturday, October 11th


Today, my first thing after I got up was to see the mung beans I planted.Wow!The mung bean was fat, and the white body broke its clothes ---- mung bean skin, like a green tadpole stretching out the small tail naughty.The bud small, white, tender, like a small comma, cute.

10月12日 星期日 晴

Sunday, October 12th, sunny


Today, the third day after planting, the mung bean sprouts changed.Yesterday, the bud only broke through its coat, and today some buds have taken off all the green coats, and the white fat body is exposed throughout the whole.The buds grew longer and thicker, like a little white mouse in the sun lazily, stretching the small tail at will.There are no buds of mung bean skin lonely, some are half water, and some float on the water.The buds and buds were squeezed together, and the green and white staggered, whispering.Due to the long sunshine time, the buds above are obviously better than the bud below.In order to help them grow balanced, I turned them over when I changed the water. I hope that the buds will be full tomorrow and the sun will grow better.

10月14日 星期二 晴

Tuesday, October 14th, sunny


Today, I went home from school, and my grandmother told me an unfortunate news: The mung beans I planted became sour.At this time I was sad and surprised.I asked in confusion: "It's okay a few days ago, why are you sour today?" So I quickly put down my schoolbag and hurried to the balcony.I saw that the water in the bottle was a little turbid, some foam floated on the water, and a pungent sour smell rushed."Well, failed." I said to myself.


In the evening, my mother and I analyzed the reasons for the failure, and I got two conclusions: First, there was no change in water; second, the sun cannot be exposed directly in the sun.No way, I had to plant it again.


Although it was not successful, I was not discouraged, as people usually said, "failure is the mother of success."I believe that after this lesson, I will definitely succeed next time!

绿豆观察日记 篇3


Our dear Chinese teacher arranged a very interesting assignment to us, which is to let us observe the change of something and write it down.I hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to observe the mung beans, hee hee ...


After school, I returned home, and immediately ran to the kitchen to ask my mother for a few mung beans and a cup.Put a few wet paper towels under the cup and sprinkle the mung beans onto the paper towel.My mother told me: "The mung bean will become bean sprouts when they grow up."I look forward to it!


The next day, I couldn't wait to see my mung bean.Haha ... My mung bean baby finally changes!It took off the green clothes and grew its short and thin tail, but not each one was the same. Some of them showed a little sewing, some grew long tails, and some even seams were seams.No, some have a little white head ... and there are all kinds of.I really want to know what the mung bean baby will look like tomorrow?


ah!The little tail of the mung bean baby is gone, growing into a long braid!Mung beans finally grew into what we imagined.It grows up!


It turns out that the mung bean baby is even more amazing than I think!

绿豆观察日记 篇4


September 27th


Yesterday I planted mung beans. This is the assignment of the teacher. I am very happy and I really want it to grow up quickly.At first, the little mung beans were dark green, and there was a small white dot in the middle. It was so cute. From a distance, it was like a mung bean in the bottle.


I just got up today and ran to the place where the mung beans were put, but the little beans still didn't move at all. I was in a hurry. I thought I thought about not germination?After school, I hurried back to watch the beans, but it germinated. The beans had dropped a little bit, and it turned out to be white, just like the peanuts that were being shelled, but the middle white was out of the middle of the white.Root teeth, just like the tentacles of snails, I told my father and mother with joy, and they were also very happy.


Bean is really a magical thing.


September 29th


Today, I observed my mung beans again. I rushed up and smelled a difficult smell. Then I was taken aback and asked my mother, why did the mung beans stink in the water?Mom answered that because the plants need to absorb the nutrients of the water when they grow, the water will naturally smell. I was a little anxious and asked again, how can they make them not smelly?Mom said, you can take a plate, good idea, why didn't I think of it?Dad started to get the dish. I looked at him to do it. He first pierced the disposable plate a few small holes, then put the mung beans in the plate, and then covered the paper towels. Then he said that he would remember to water every day.It's a child.I hurriedly poured the water, okay, you can say, the little beans are, today I saw them, they had a two -inch teeth, really like automatic shell peanuts, some beansIt has been completely removed, and some of them have only one point, and some have not started to take off, really like a newborn child.So many beans can see me dazzling, it's really unclear!


I hope my beans can grow up soon.


October 2nd


Yesterday, I went to Guangzhou with my parents and I forgot to water the beans. Today we have a breakfast and embarked on the way home. After returning home, I remembered the water for the beans.I picked up the kettle to water and walked to the dish. I was taken aback. The place next to the disc was about five centimeters. Those roots were very small and fine.Blue bamboo in our school.Today, when I went to watering, I found that the beans had become the small wooden forest, and the dense leaves were under the root of mung beans. Those leaves covered all the mung beans and could not see it.


This is my bean, I have grown up!

绿豆观察日记 篇5


Today, little bean sprouts, oh no!It should be said that the "little tadpoles" have changed again.There are a few small leaves on the tail, as if a frog baby with a small tail.They have changed from a baby wrapped in pajamas to big children.Then he turned from the eldest child to a soldier wearing armor.If they used to be a small tadpole, now they have become little frogs.


Their small tails are tied together, and their hands are settled together.Their leaves are tender and green, like a small flower umbrella hanging on the bowl.Seven hours later, the leaves had a thin layer of thin, velvet hair, and some tender small thorns on both sides of the leaves.Nine hours later, two or three leaves grew out. At this time, the colors of the leaves of the small bean seedlings were already dark green.Their thin bodies are lying on the bowl of their heads with a big head!You see that some of them are raised high, and some are looking forward, as if looking at the distance; others look down, as if shy.


This time soaked beans made me fully know the knowledge about bean, and I also realized how tenacious and amazing the life of beans is!