
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:32 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的日记 篇1中秋节日记 篇2中秋节的日记 篇3中秋节日记 篇4中秋节的日记 篇5中秋节的日记 篇6中秋节的日记 篇7中秋节的日记 篇8中秋节的日记 篇9中秋节的日记 篇10

中秋节的日记 篇1


On this night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon viewing has become a necessary lesson. Since ancient times, the masterpiece of the moon watching is countless.Su Shi's good wishes of "I wish you a long time, a thousand miles together"; Li Shangyin's "Green Girl Su'e is all cold to resist, and in the cream in the middle of the month."The background of the times has a different emotion.In fact, everyone's views on the same thing will not be the same, because everyone has their own ideas, and remember that I have read such a story:


Once upon a painter, a painter drew a painting to get it on the street, so that the people who passed the way to draw the worst places they thought of painting with the circle. In the evening, he saw a lot of circles on the painting.On the next day, he took another painting that was the same day before. This time, the difference was that he asked the people passing by to draw the part of the painting they thought. At night, he still saw a lot of forks.And he was surprised to find that some places that were painted in a circle were painted by another person.


This is the case of humans. It is impossible for everyone's thoughts to be consistent. It is impossible for everyone to treat the same thing.For example, when two people meet a very smart child at the same time, one person will say, "This child is really clever!" And the other person said, "This child has been so cunning since he was a child."Let's take Liu Xiang's retirement!Some audiences think that Liu Xiang is pretending at all. It is nothing more than afraid of losing.And some other viewers want Liu Xiang's injury, is it serious?Although Liu Xiang did not get the gold medal, they still supported Liu Xiang.


We can't judge who is right and wrong?Because there is no clear boundary at all, everyone has their own ideas, and everything in the world has two sides, such as money. Although it can bring people's material enjoyment, it is also the source of crime.


Perhaps sometimes, we don't need to care too much about others' opinions.Regarding one thing, even if you do well and succeed, it is impossible to be affirmed by everyone.We just need to do ourselves, and the opinions of others may not be important.Take your own way and let others say it!

中秋节日记 篇2


Mid -Autumn Festival, because it was the first Mid -Autumn Festival, my mother started preparing early in the morning. Dad also followed her mother and was busy. My brother also returned home. My brother and sister could not rush back in time.Send a holiday greeting.The family is reunited.


After the meal, the moon rose, and the sound of firecrackers rang, which more settled the atmosphere of the festival.This is not available in the Mid -Autumn Festival in previous years. Maybe it is now that people's living conditions are good, and they start to pay attention to these quality life.


As the sound of firecrackers gradually got on the treetops, the family gathered around and talked about the short gossip. I moved the small bench and sat in the small courtyard. The rose of the full courtyard was still open.Dark fragrance, but mosquito interference, I took the fan, slowly shook, and quietly appreciated Yueer.


"Yueer is like lemon, hanging the sky lightly."Suddenly remembered a previous Mid -Autumn Festival, some people said that the Mid -Autumn Festival Moon was so bright that the Mid -Autumn Festival's thoughts had absorbed too many people who left the villagers.I looked at it for a long time, but I felt clear and beautiful, but I didn't read any feelings.


The shyness of Cardamom and the first feeling of spring flowers were as hazy as the moon, which was always intoxicating and fascinating.The moonlight tonight is still old, but Nianhua is old, and cardamom is no longer.Can't read the eyes of love again, you can't read the young and passionate, only a indifference, a gentle, quiet flowing like autumn water, but also a kind of quiet, comfortable after removing the lead, comfortable, comfortableBeauty, equally intoxicated ...


"Eat moon cakes" 's call for my mother to wake me up from my dream.When I got up and returned to the house, my parents had cut a few moon cakes, picked up a piece of pieces and sent it to my mouth. Well, Mid -Autumn Festival is reunion, happiness, and sweet ...

中秋节的日记 篇3


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. According to the practice of previous years, we will gather together with the cousin and my brother's family to enjoy the moon.


It is said that this year is the fifteenth fifteen, the moon will be big and round, and the next round 15 will wait until 20xx.So I can't miss the moon tonight.


In the evening, my mother and grandma were filled with foods such as fruits and moon cakes that we love to eat on the balcony.


Without our call, the moon hung up early in the air, and looked at the moonlight from a distance, like a crystal clear white jade.The bright moonlight covers the earth, like a layer of transparent silver in the earth, and the night is charming.Over time, the surroundings of the moon are covered with the sea of clouds, and there is another scenery of clouds.At this time, a large and bright Kong Ming lantern rose on the top of the building opposite. It drifted from the round moon to add light to the moon. I looked at the moon quietly, as if I saw the beautiful and lonely Chang'e and the lonely Chang'e andJade Rabbit.


Late at night, I like this bright and peaceful night, and I prefer the joy of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节日记 篇4


This Mid -Autumn Festival, our family of three originally planned to go to Zhejiang, but the new house in the family was renovating. Is there any time for our parents?


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I slept very late and got up at 9:30. When I saw the time, I found that I was sleeping late. I quickly got dressed and went to wash my hands.At this time, my mother shouted at the door: "Hurry up and eat, otherwise the small belly will be hungry!" I heard the mother responded: "Oh, I know, I will speed up!" I brushedFace, three steps and two steps underground.


I ran downstairs and saw my mother burning the soup. I asked curiously, "Mom, what are you burning?" "Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, every household has to drink a few bowls of lily taro soup!" Mom said with a long voice.I smelled a fragrance and couldn't wait to drink a few bowls of soup.Ah, it's so delicious!Lily tastes fragrant and soft. Mom also added a lot of osmanthus sugar in the soup to make her feel more delicious.Of course, the most eaten is taro.The taro in the soup was very slippery, and I managed to pinch it. I took a bite and slowly tasted it in my mouth.I found that the taro had no taste at first, but added osmanthus sugar, the taste became so delicious!


Although I didn't go out to play, I tasted the lily taro soup made by my mother's own hands, and my heart was sweet, and I had a happy holiday!

中秋节的日记 篇5


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here. After dinner, I and my parents came to May 1st Plaza to enjoy the moon.


The moon in the sky is round and bright, like a silver disc, and there is a circle of golden halo around it. Looking far away, it looks like a fresh egg that has just opened.Legend has it that a beautiful and kind fairy lives on the moon, named "Chang'e". She has the most loyal partner, a cute rabbit, called "Moon Rabbit", and one is Wu Gang. He is cutting a tree.The osmanthus tree, which can never be cut, is really interesting.


In the end, we reluctantly left May 1 Plaza, and our family spent a happy and beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival.

中秋节的日记 篇6


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here. The loved ones of every family rushed home from all directions to eat reunion meals, enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes, and worship the moonlight.


Every year I have a reunion meal at the Mid -Autumn Festival. The dishes of grandma's house can be rich.Native


After dinner, grandma was busy receiving a pot and organizing the dining table. It is said that she should respect the moonlight cleanly.After a while, I saw a refreshing dad put on the offerings: there are fiery red persimmons, big apples symbolizing peace, there are rumors like boats, peanuts like gourds and white fat crickets. Of course, there are the most important.Moon cakes like discs ...


At this time, I couldn't help chanting "The moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be on the ground ..." These eternal clauses.Sister Chang'e may be listening to the ancient poems I recite, and wearing fairy clothes to travel to various households to taste all kinds of supplies!


Although, on the evening of August 15th this year, the bright moon was still not seen.But the light and ten colors of the streets and alleys flashed everywhere, and people are immersed in the joyful festivals.


How much I hope this day of the Mid -Autumn Festival will be extended a little bit!

中秋节的日记 篇7


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country, and it is also the most poetic festival.Since being listed as a national legal holiday day, it has also been paid more and more attention.


I am fond of the Mid -Autumn Festival, because my aunt and two little cousins of my aunt's house have a birthday on the Mid -Autumn Festival.Every year, our big family will gather together and celebrate their birthdays.There are round moon cakes and cakes in the round moonlight, as well as various fruits: duck pear, grapes, apples, etc. The whole family sits together happily and chats.


In the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, our community also lit the colorful lights of meteors at night, with five lights and ten colors, illuminating the entire night sky.Although Tiangong is not beautiful, we still feel a strong festive atmosphere.


I like the Mid -Autumn Festival, because the Mid -Autumn Festival is a reunion festival and a harvest festival."The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world will be at this time." On this day, we can reunite with our family, enjoy the moon to taste food, and exchange our learning and progress. I look forward to the better Mid -Autumn Festival next year!

中秋节的日记 篇8


Tomorrow is the Mid -Autumn Festival. There is a sentence called "Moon to Mid -Autumn Festival". This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is a small rain, and the matter of appreciation of the moon will become the wish of next year.However, there are many stories about the Mid -Autumn Festival.


According to legend, in ancient times, ten sun appeared in the same time.His nine sun shot in one breath, and made the last sun rise and fall on time to make a blessing for the people.


When there is a moon, you can see a big tree on the moon, and a little white rabbit and Houyi wife underneath. In order to commemorate Houyi, people have worshiped the moon and pray for happiness.


There are many origin and stories of the Mid -Autumn Festival. My favorite and familiar is this story. I like the Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节的日记 篇9


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival on August 15th. The Chinese also call the Mid -Autumn Festival.


On this day, you can sit around the big round table with your family and eat a table of reunion.The table is full of various fruits. Of course, the moon cakes that must be eaten in the Mid -Autumn Festival are indispensable. I watched TV while eating delicious fruits.


At this time, I saw that the moon had quietly climbed up the branches, and I screamed happily: "The moon comes out!" A round of crescent moon is like the hibiscus flowers that are open in the water, which is bright.


Slowly, the moon hid in the clouds like me like me.We talked about the moon and spent a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


I have a happy Mid -Autumn Festival this year.

中秋节的日记 篇10


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival has finally arrived.I spent this happy Mid -Autumn Festival with my good friends in my house.


We had dinner, and the aunt brought the most important dish -moon cake.Moon cakes are round like the moon in the sky.It makes people like it.I like egg yolk flavor.So I took a bite of the yolk -flavored moon cake from the plate, ah!Really fragrant!There are two big sun in the moon cake.The white cream next to it is a white cloud in the sky.


Five kernel flavor is even more interesting.It is made of five kinds of kernels.The colorful colors are like light rain in the pool.There are many moon cakes more beautiful.Mom told us that when eating moon cakes, we must not eat like a pig Bajie, and cut the moon cake into small pieces.Fine taste of moon cakes delicious.At this moment we found that the younger brother had eaten two moon cakes, and his face was full of moon cakes like a little cat.We all laughed.The younger brother stared at us with big eyes and looked at us as if he was saying, "What do you laugh, do you not eat moon cakes?"


This Mid -Autumn Festival is happy!