
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:30 | 来源:语文通



中秋节日记 篇1中秋节日记 篇2中秋节日记 篇3中秋节日记 篇4中秋节日记 篇5中秋节日记 篇6

中秋节日记 篇1


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. The moon must be bigger, round, brighter, and more beautiful.In the evening, the air was particularly fresh, and the strange clouds were rowed into columns, and a line of line, like guests from afar welcomed the arrival of the moon.Finally, the sky gradually darkened, and the moon appeared in a gorgeous step.


The moon showed a small half face, and it was very naughty to cover it back with the veil. Finally, it couldn't help but curiously to show her small eyes and looked out. Half of the body had been revealed inadvertently.The quietness and sadness at night, I think that this is just a silk gauze falling from the moon in the sky.


A burst of breeze blew me very cool, and at the same time blown away Wuyun.Just just point!The moon was struggling to skip Wuyun.Blocking, appearing in front of me with a more beautiful attitude, I was drunk, he was so beautiful, so bright, and so glorious.I sat down slowly, the moonlight was like a mirror, without any flaws; the moonlight was like water, and there was no movement.Looking back, the moon covered the city in their arms, letting them fall asleep peacefully, and the dim lights also dragged heavy eyelids to work, and finally went out.


In a blink of an eye, the dark clouds next to the moon are lit. No, he is not dark clouds now, it is a colorful cloud!


It is a silk ribbon released by the moon!But just for a moment, as soon as I turned around, I disappeared.The moon is still the moon, hanging quietly there, Wuyun is still Wuyun, and it floats there slowly.


Suddenly a few stars flashed, "Huh? Why did there be a few stars?" I thought, "Oh, not suddenly appearing, it should be that I didn't find it."I continue to think of.These stars are dotted with the moon, just like the gold and silver jewelry of the moon, making it look more beautiful. Unfortunately, their light is too small. It is not worth mentioning for the dark sky.There will be a few tenacious little stars in the occupied sky to continue to embellish the beauty of the moon.


The banquet of the moon was over, and her tired body gradually became asleep, and I couldn't open my eyes with a lack of eyes, lay onto the bed, and said goodbye to the Mid -Autumn Festival in the dream.

中秋节日记 篇2


The autumn is high and refreshing, and the air is cool and autumn. We have ushered in the annual August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival. Our family likes the Mid -Autumn Festival. My dad, my mother, my sister, my brother, and my sister also likes the Mid -Autumn Festival.Because on the Mid -Autumn Festival, our whole family can eat moon cakes together.This year, the Mid -Autumn Festival coincides with the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. In the evening in dusk, the jade rabbit is rising, and the bright moon is shining with a round moon. There are several white clouds in the sky floating in the middle of the clouds, the breeze is breeze, and it blows slowly.Xiaofeng is so emotional, and this mood is so charming.


There is sadness and joy in the moon, and people are full of yin and clear. At this moment, it is the good day of the people of all ethnic groups across the country in all parts of the country.Moon cake!The night is already very deep, and the late night is gradually thicker. The moon is empty and reflects the bright moon. The whole family of our family linger, with a very happy mood, still watching the bright moon in the yard with great interest in the yard.EssenceThis year's Mid -Autumn Festival is really unforgettable. I hope that the 15th August 15th next year can catch up with the Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节日记 篇3


Speaking of eating, the Chinese are most particular about it.Rice cakes, moon cakes, bird's nest, dumplings, dumplings are all we love to eat!Among them, my favorite is moon cakes.


Moon cakes are sweet, some are sweet, some are salty, and there is an egg yolk inside, which is delicious!Sweet outside, and also delicious Mid -Autumn Festival composition (3 articles) composition.Moon cakes are delicious, but they can be complicated!First of all, jewelry is good ingredients, including peanut oil, syrup, sugar, salt, soda, flour, caramel, water, bean paste, eggs


The step is to put water, salt, sugar, soda, and stir evenly.Then add the syrup and peanut oil, stir with an eggbeater, and add an appropriate amount of caramel.Finally, it becomes sticky.Then, pour the flour with a mesh sieve, wrap the bean paste into the noodle skin, sprinkle the moon cake film into a thin layer of flour, and knock on the left and right to hit the line of moon cakes. Finally, take out the egg yolk alone, beat the egg yolk alone, hit the egg yolk alone, hit the egg yolk, hit the egg yolk alone, hit the egg yolk, beat the egg yolk alone, hit the egg yolk, beat the egg yolk, beat the egg yolk alone, beat the egg yolk alone, hit the egg yolk, beat the egg yolk alone, beat the egg yolk alone, beat the egg yolk, beat the egg yolk alone, beat the egg yolk, and beat the egg yolk alone, and beat the egg yolk alone.San, use a brush to brush a layer of egg yolk juice, then put it in the oven, bake it at 375 degrees for 20 minutes!Twenty minutes later, a golden moon cake was shown in front of us.


Did you learn?We can make a moon cake according to the introduction above. I believe that the moon cakes they make must be particularly sweet.

中秋节日记 篇4


This morning, happy Mid -Autumn Festival.I wrote two oral calculation cards and cleaned up with my dad.Holding a brush and dirty place; holding the vacuum cleaner in the vacuum cleaner, it took a while to suck. I poured them into the trash can and felt very fulfilling.Wipe the tables, beds, and bedside tables with wiping cloth, and these furniture lit up after a while.When I worked, I remembered that my teacher was very hard to give us class. I picked up my mobile phone and sent a text message for the teacher to wish the teacher a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.I am also very happy.The aunt saw that the ground I was cleaned was clean, and I could really work.My heart is beautiful.In the afternoon, my dad and I went to play table tennis.After dinner, everyone went out for a walk.The moon tonight is particularly large, round, and bright. Walking in this bright moonlight, who can not say happiness?what!What a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节日记 篇5


On this day, like usual, I hummed Xiaoqu to go home ...


When I got home, I found that my mother was cutting moon cakes, and I drooled. I took one of them, but my mother stopped me and asked me what festival was this day. At that time, I did n’t care.Mom said this day is the Mid -Autumn Festival!In the evening, I can sit on the balcony warmly to enjoy the moon and eat cakes. I feel happy ...


In the evening, grandparents came to gather together. We all sat on the balcony to enjoy the moon and eat cakes. I looked at the round moon ... I ate the moon cake and thought I had eaten the moon. Everyone said that I was stupid.cute……


Grandpa and grandma also told me the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival, tell me a lot of stories, and why the Mid -Autumn Festival eats moon cakes, I can hear it ...


Ah, the round moon cake made me have an endless aftertaste, and the round moon was rippling in my heart ... From then on, every Mid -Autumn Festival, our family gathered warmly together to eat moon cakes!


I like this endless Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节日记 篇6


This "Eleventh" holiday, I know many knowledge about the Mid -Autumn Festival."One year's moonlight is the lowest, when the thousands of people are rewarded together", "The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world at this time" ...Whenever the Mid -Autumn Festival comes, I will think of this poem.In the sky and the moon, the feelings of the world, my mother told me that the special natural phenomenon of the Mid -Autumn Festival became a unique moon and reunion festivals.


As we all know, the Spring Festival, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival are the four traditional festivals of China, but do you know?Among these four traditional festivals, the latest festivals formed in the Mid -Autumn Festival.During the Tang and Song dynasties, the Mid -Autumn Festival, which was centered on the moonlight, began to appear. In the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, the Mid -Autumn Festival rose into a folk Festival. The Mid -Autumn Festival concentrated reflected the Chinese worship of the moon.Every Mid -Autumn Festival, people bathe in the same moonlight, lively shared moon cakes that symbolize reunion, and taste melon fruit.Since ancient times, Chinese people have particularly pursued the realm of people. Therefore, in ancient China, the ancients also referred to the Mid -Autumn Festival as the "Reunion Festival" and promoted the reunion of personnel with the full moon in the sky.The poem "I hope people last long, thousands of miles together", are still the most cited wishes in the Mid -Autumn Festival ...


Classmates, after listening to my introduction, do you know something about the Mid -Autumn Festival?Do you feel a lot of knowledge in the Mid -Autumn Festival?Intersection


In the end, I wish my classmates' lives and study every day like Mid -Autumn Festival.