
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:28 | 来源:语文通



名著读后感作文 篇1名著读后感 篇2名著读后感作文 篇3

名著读后感作文 篇1


I read one of the four famous books "Journey to the West" this summer.Although I have watched the "Journey to the West" of the TV series, I was intoxicated by those beautiful words in the book.


What I admire most in the book is Sun Wukong.Sun Wukong dared to do what he dared to protect the Tang monk along the way and exposed the true face of the monster several times. Although he was rushed back to Huaguo Mountain by Tang Seng twice, he eventually protected everyone to go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures.In his fight with Bone Essence, Tang Seng made three mistakes that the white bone essence was believed to be the ordinary people, and Sun Wukong returned, causing himself to be caught in Jiao Dong with Zhu Wuneng and Sha Wujing.In the end, Sun Wukong rescued them.Sun Wukong was wise and clever, and he knew the monsters' conspiracy and tricks again and again; Sun Wukong was also very brave. In the battle with the monster and monsters, he never retreated, and he had to protect the master and his party to learn from the Scriptures.


Through reading this book, I have a deeper understanding of Tang Seng's perseverance, Zhu Wu Neng's thick and cute, and Sha Wujing's hard work.In the past, I retreated when I encountered difficulties in my studies. I did n’t insist on my goals. I often waste time.In the future, I will learn from them, study hard, and unite cooperate with my classmates, so that they can be perfect.

名著读后感 篇2


Recently, I read a fairy tale book that was full of interest, tortuous and touching.I recommend this book to everyone- "The belly in the moonlight".


'Poor and poor belly wolf.' This is the one it said the most in my life. It is a magical and ordinary beggar wolf. It has a secret that it can become a prince on the full moon night and sing out.The beautiful song, it is called the belly wolf.


The belly wolf has a good friend 'Mr. Yu ", Mr. Yu Cuba is a noble in the hamster. Because the family is declining, I want to make the belly wolf into a prince to make the family brilliant again.Various methods have accumulated black gems, filled with full, and paved, so that the transformation time is longer. Mr. Yu Cuba is a cunning hamster, and the belly wolf is a wolf that is not greedy for money.


The friendship between the belly wolf and the little red shoes is the most cherished thing in the belly wolf. In order to let the small red shoes of the composition cure the disease, the belly wolf does not hesitate to take out all the gems from the jade, and give the little red shoes to cure the disease.Another time, when the belly wolf encountered a cellar cover, the thief was stolen, it kept there to prevent people from falling, and then cooperated with the police to grab the thief.Instead, I asked a well -as well as a manhole cover as a commemorative.In our opinion, it should not be ironic that it is stupid, but should be moved by its kindness!


The belly wolf eventually cured the disease of the little red shoes with its singing. At the end of the story, an accident appeared -a full -eclipse, so the belly wolf failed to become a prince.But the belly wolf still cured all the sick people with moving singing, and its kindness won the respect of others!


From this story, I know: A person's identity and status are not important. As long as you have a kind heart, in the hearts of others, you are the prince!

名著读后感作文 篇3


My favorite novel is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". This historical novel tells the history of the Yellow Turium in the late Eastern Han Dynasty to about 110 years in 280 AD. It is one of the "four masterpieces" in ancient my country.The book not only tells Taoyuan's righteousness, cooks the heroes, and talks about the heroes, passing five levels and six generals, burning the Chibi, borrowing Dongfeng, Changban Bridge, and Losing Jingzhou, etc., and also created Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu and other distinct historical figures, some of them are resourceful, some are cunning and treacherous, some are suspicious, and some are loyal and brave.In order to pursue the truth of history, I even bought this vernacular "Three Kingdoms" as confirmation in order to explore more truths.


In the Three Kingdoms era, warfires were flying, and heroes came out. There were many characteristics of character, but I admired Cao Cao, who was most admired in the novel.It is better to praise the descendants of the Han Dynasty-Liu Bei, and the founder and the main founder of the famous military, politicians, and poets, and the founder of the Wei State of the Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu, Wu), said that Cao Cao said as the opposite role.However, I think Cao Cao's experience is the most abundant, and there are many allusions about him. If you want to quench thirst, cut the robe, say that Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives, the fire burns the ship, cut the first, and the emperor will make the princes.I bear the people of the world, and teach the people of the world to lose me.There are also a lot of allusions that he contributed, such as Wen Jiu cut Huaxiong, Zhou Yu hit yellow cover, passed five levels and six generals, grass boat borrowed arrows, etc.


In the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, if He Jin and Yuan Shao obeyed Cao Cao's persuasion, there would not be any later Dong Zhuo Zhizhi and the Three Kingdoms. I am afraid that there would be so many magnificent and fascinating historical stories.When the princes of all parties were afraid of greeting the Emperor Han, worried that their rights were limited. When they could not dominate the party, they decisively received the Emperor Han Xian, forming a powerful situation of the emperor to make the princes, which shows that Cao Cao had a sharp sense of political smell.When Liu Bei had not dominated one side, he knew the hero with his eyes and said, "Today, the hero is the hero, only the hero and the ears."The point of entering the wooden three -pointer.In the dispute with Yuan Shao's Guandu, he can win more with less victory and weakness.At the same time, his poems are also magnificent, and they are a talented figure.Perhaps Cao Cao couldn't be regarded as a true hero, but the extraordinary courage and the spirit of doing things made me admire.The concluding by Yizhongtian: "The power of the world, the heroes of the troubled times."


Thinking of the "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Yang Hongji's deep and majestic tone in the classical drama "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the ear "Rolling the water in the Yangtze River, the waves are all the heroes ...".It is really fascinating, fascinating, I ca n’t wait for people and thoughts to insert wings together through thousands of years, to trace the desirable history ...And all of this is from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms -the eternal classic "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the heart.


I like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.