
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:16 | 来源:语文通



《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇1小猪唏哩呼噜读后感 篇2《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇3《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇4《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇5《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇6《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇7

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇1


After reading the book "Little Pig's Snoring", I learned a lot of people.Pig is a little pig who loves, polite, helpful, honest, courageous, and sometimes a little silly.The most interesting section of it is the pig to school. It was fell asleep when the pig was going to school.


However, the pig's snoring sound is getting more and more loud, and the teacher can't only cover the pig's face with a basin.Piggy likes to learn knowledge.


The piglet made me know that it was very important to have a moral person, and it started from childhood, starting from me, starting from what was around.In terms of ideology, you must learn not to learn badness, and actively pursue progress; hard work in learning and useful learning; diligent and thrifty in life, saving water (unmanned electric lights); help students who are at ease, unite and love;In terms of action, talk about civilization and abide by discipline (abide by social morality and school discipline regulations).Let us actively act, work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, and establish the correct concept.On the crowded bus, we made a seat; in front of the red light, we stopped; on both sides of the road, we bent over and picked up a piece of waste paper; at home, we share some troubles for our parents.


This is all morality. If each of us does, then we are the best people.

小猪唏哩呼噜读后感 篇2


Today, I read "Pig's Snoring" in Jinjin. As soon as everyone heard the name, the main character of this book was a big and fat pig.His name was snoring.


To tell the story of snoring, you have to tell his parents first.One day, the pig mother gave birth to a big nest to the pig's father. The father of the pig was very happy. He counted one, two, three, and four ... There were twelve children in total.The pig's father saw a boy, and the boy always called "snoring", so he was named Qili snoring.


On one occasion, the little pig was snoring and was taken away by the big gray wolf.But later, the piglets snoring ran away with wisdom with wisdom.This is the pig's snoring.


I read this story and knew that a person had to defeat the enemy with wisdom and courage at any time.

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇3


In the summer vacation, I watched "Little Pig's Snoring". I like him very much. Everyone calls him the pig. He is very brave, kind -hearted, and willing to help others, so he has a lot of good friends.


There is a small story, which is particularly impressed by me. It is the big wolf snoring away for his child, and he wants to give his children a beautiful meal.Just when life was dangerous, thanks to the smart Miss Eba rescued the piglets, and scared away the big wolf away with the piglets. The pig was going home and saw a cabin, but there was only the wooden house in the wooden house.The three hungry little wolfs who are hungry. The piglets see them so pitiful. If they can't eat anything, they will starve to death. The little pig thinks that the big wolf’s home is near this.The three children of the big wolf, the piglets used their noses, and the eight arch, found some earthworms for the little wolf, the little wolf was saved. Although the piglet was also hungry, I was very tired.The wolf will come back to eat him at any time, but when you see that the little wolves are not starved to death, they are still very happy.Because the piglet has a caring!


I like him very much, and I want to learn his courage and kindness.There is a heart of love.

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇4


Pig-born stupid, delicious and lazy.This is the "label" posted by humans to pigs such as pigs. No matter how valuable the pigs are or intimate for our humans, people always use it as a symbol of "stupid".Pig is comparable.However, Sun Youjun described a small pig with thoughts and quality, that is, a famous little pig in the history of Chinese children's literature-唏 但 但.


Because when it eats, it always does not lift his head "snoring and snoring", so he called this name.The snoring snoring is an extraordinary pig. Don't look at him. There are a lot of things you have experienced. I am afraid that some adults are not as good as him.


In the "Adventures of the Loise Swing", I saw a witty, brave and kind little pig.He was taken away by the big wolf, and was divided into pieces and put it into the belly of the little wolf. He was not afraid, but cleverly escaped the palm of the wolf, and defeated the crescent bears who wanted to eat the wolf., Successfully protecting the little wolves.


In a "piglet as a bodyguard", I saw a filial, clever and helpful little pig.For the honor of his mother, he was a bodyguard for Mrs. Duck, and he rushed to the city to send duck eggs in the city alone. He defeated the fear in his heart and made Mr. Zhu's family ate big bananas. It was really amazing.


In the chapter of "Pig's Birthday Gift", I saw the simplicity, honesty, and hard work of the piglets.He wanted to earn some money to buy a birthday gift for his mother, but the fox shopkeeper was not counting, making him suffer a lot.In order to become a good friend with the little snake, the piglet also spent the power of nine cattle and two tigers to let my mother agree with them as friends. From this incident, I saw the pig's desire and cherishment of friendship.


In the chapter of "Pig Selling Orange", I even saw a small pig with hard work, willingness to endure, thoughtful, thoughtful, and motivated.In order to pay back the money, I snoring to see Dr. Elephant as a nanny to see the child. Dr. like Dr. "chewing words".In consultation, I finally bought a very beautiful bicycle.


It is the most interesting book. The reason why he was so touched was that he was moved by the protagonist in the book-a thick, honest, and cute little pig.Not to mention a pig, saying that he is a little pig better.Although the images in the book are all small animals, they are all assigned by the author. The pig's snoring seems stupid, but everything he does is particularly pursuing perfection.Do you need such a person in our lives?

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇5


During the summer vacation, I read the book to snore this book.When I first saw the cover of the book, I thought it was a little pig who was stupid and lazy. When I read it, I felt that the piglets snoring was an extraordinary pig.There are a lot of things, I am afraid that even an adult is not as good as him.


The snoring snoring was taken away by the big wolf, and he was going to feed the little wolf, but he was not afraid, but cleverly escaped the palm of the big wolf. With the help of "Goodbye" in the Eight Brother, he defeated it.The crescent bears of the wolf successfully protected the little wolves.


He was a bodyguard for Mrs. Duck and rushed to the city to send duck eggs in the city;He dared to see the sagging and helped the sword, successfully defeated the big wolf and crescent bears, and cleverly scared away the big tiger and defeated the bad -hearted orangutan the second child. No wonder everyone called him "Pig hero".


It is really a straight, capable, brave and cute little pig — 唏 它 它


No one in life can only encounter good things, not bad things, and the little pig's snoring also encountered all kinds of trouble, but the natural optimistic and cheerful little pig snoring didn't care about it.It bravely defeated many difficulties and cleverly avoided all kinds of troubles.We must experience pain in our growth process, and I have to face it bravely like a little pig.

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇6


This book talks about a cute little pig named Qili snoring.The piglets have experienced many things, such as: being taken away by the big wolf, defeating crescent bears, helping Mrs. Duck to send duck eggs, ghosts to help the chicken ... but it can face everything wit and bravely, and finally achieved it.victory.


By reading this book, I think we have to be like a pig, no matter how difficult it is to face, no matter how powerful the opponent is, we must bravely find a way to solve it.The same is true for learning. Do not give up when you encounter problems.Believe that as long as you work hard, you will succeed, and you will gain a lot of hard work, because in this world, there are no mountains that cannot be turned over, there are no rivers, and there is no problem that we cannot solve.Wisdom, cleverly resolving the crisis.

《小猪唏哩呼噜》读后感 篇7


Today, I read a book called "Little Pig Niru", which is fun!The little pig's mother gave birth to twelve little pigs. The pig's father was named the child for a whole day. The pig's father watched the first eleven dolls, and they were all girls.When the pig's father counted the twelfth doll, the Pig Dad screamed happily, and his father said, "My good son, my good son."


One day, Matthew said from the pig's house and said, "Your family eats like a meeting, so noisy!" Mother Pig, Dad, and everyone stopped, and the piglets were more vigorous to eat.When Mrs. Ma left, the pig's father and pig mother said, "Mrs. Ma is really impolite." The story tells us not to be too noisy to eat.


On July 8th, the piglets tear up the calendar. The piglet said, "Today is the mother's birthday" Piggy wants to buy gifts for her mother, and the pig has no money. What should I do?The piglet went to the fox shopkeeper. The fox shopkeeper told him a cake, but the fox shopkeeper gave him an egg.The piglets went to the goat's uncle. Uncle goat asked the piglet to buy a beautiful radish in his heart. Two people bought 10 radishes. Uncle Goat gave him two largest radish. He went home to his own birthday.


From this book, I know a lot, and I have to be a brave, kind, and filial person like a little pig snoring!