
时间:2022-09-17 13:21:30 | 来源:语文通





It'sa tradition for Chinese to have the family reunion mealon the Spring Festival Eve, which is not only the mostimportant dinner in a year but also the best opportunityfor family reunion ,esp. for those families whose membersLive in different places . The family reunion dinner consistsof a great variety of dishes , some of which carry specialmeanings .Forexample,fishis indispensable as“fish”soundslike“surplus”or“abundant”in Chinese .In manyareas of China , dumpling is also an important dish for itsymbolizes wealth and fortune .



Fish is an indispensable dish for the Spring Festival Evedinner because“fish”soundslike“surplus”or“abundant”in Chinese .Itis for this reason that fish is give nasa giftto friends and relatives during the Spring Festival period .It is said that this symbolic meaning originated fromtraditional Chinese culture . The Chinese people have thetradition of thrift . They believe that the more the ysave,the safer the yfeel.Today, although people becomericher , they still regard thrift as a praiseworthy virtue .


生活在中国不同地区的人们饮食多种多样。北方人主要吃面食,南方人大多吃米饭。在沿海地区,海鲜和淡水水产品在人们饮食中占有相当大的比例,而在其他地区人们的饮食中,肉类和奶制品更为常见。四川、湖南等省份的居民普遍爱吃辛辣 食物,而江苏和浙江人更喜欢甜食。然而,因为烹饪方式各异,同类食物的味道可能会有所不同。

People who live in different areas of China have different kinds of food. Those in the north mainly prefer food made of flour while those in the south mostly eat rice. Along the coastal areas, sea food and fresh water products make up a considerable proportion of people’ s diet whereas in other places, meat and diary products are more common. The residents in Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces favour spicy food, but the citizens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are fond of sweet food. However, owing to various cooking methods, the same food might taste different.







在汉译英时,有时可能某个中文名称无法找到相对应的英文词汇,这时就可以使用意译法进行翻译,比如:功夫用英语表达为kung fu,乒乓球用英语表达为ping pang等。而音译法是按照英语的读音进行翻译,像是坦克的英语为tank,巧克力的英语为chocolate等,在面对英语文章中一些无法共通的词语时,可以使用音译法或是意译法进行翻译,像是中国的地名大多也是使用音译法进行翻译,像是上海的英语为Shanghai.


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