
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:22 | 来源:语文通



小学生六年级周记600字 篇1小学六年级周记 篇2六年级周记 篇3六年级的周记 篇4六年级的周记 篇5六年级周记 篇6

小学生六年级周记600字 篇1


"Didi, Didi ..." Listening, what is this sound?Oh.It turned out that the reversing radar of our car was rang.My mother and I just came back from the outside and prepared to stop. I chatted with my mother happily. I was stubborn, and my hands were restless.


"Well, why didn't the shift operating rod?" My mother asked me.The "last" smile on my mouth converged, staring at the shift operation rod.Mom tried to take down the key, but the key was stuck, and she couldn't move.I started to panic and finished. Is it because I broke the shift operation rod?What can I do?Tomorrow, my mother will send me to school. Isn't it troublesome without a car?Besides, this lock is locked, and it is definitely another two or three days to find someone to repair it.Oh my god, what should I do?My heart seemed like a little rabbit jumping, and the faster and faster, my head was sweaty.Alas, this belongs to the typical "joy and sadness".


I looked at my mother, and I thought she would be anxious. I didn't expect her to calm down, and there was no panic on her face.She calmly said: "It should be the lock of the shifting operating rod. Since you have a way to lock, I think we will have a way to solve it." After that, he put his eyes on a series of cars hanging under the steering wheel under the steering wheel.The key, "Your dad won't put so many keys on it at will. One of the keys can definitely unlock this lock and look at the lock type." I seemed to see the success of success, then I lowered my head and carefully studied it carefully.: "It is a large fork." The mother immediately took the big fork -type key out of the key ring. I slowly inserted the key into the lock and twisted to the right, huh, succeeded.The shift operation rod can be moved.The key can also be pulled.Great.


I really squeezed a cold sweat.Why do I have no mother's calmness and calmness?If both of us are panicked, it is estimated that it has not been repaired yet.

小学六年级周记 篇2


The rain kept on the ground this morning, when it was large and small, the sky became gray.The rain fluttered from the sky, just like countless thin and transparent long lines."Bow, rush," playing the beautiful music and fell to the ground.


The rainfall fell on the tree, and the leaves and branches were covered with countless crystal clear water droplets. They flashed and shiny, like diamonds.They flowed down slowly down the leaves, and some raindrops were hanging at the tip of the leaves and shaking, but they couldn't fall.I guess it must be afraid that it will fall down, so I dare not jump down.


The rainfall fell into the water pit on the ground, splashed a lot of water rings, from small to large, slowly spreading towards the surroundings, and finally merging into the puddle to disappear.Some form a transparent blisters, large and small, when the wind blows, and it is swimming back and forth on the surface.


The rain fell into the soil, and it was quickly absorbed by the soil, and it became loose and soft.I think that the soil must be thirsty, so it will drink the rain beautifully and enjoy the moisture brought by the rain.


In the afternoon, the rain stopped, because with the advent of rainwater, it immediately drove away the hot weather of many days, which made people feel the coolness of a burst. It was really a timely rain!

六年级周记 篇3


Last week, our volleyball team members participated in a market volleyball game on behalf of our school.


We arrived at the Sports School about 7:30. As soon as we entered the volleyball hall, we saw that many school students had started to practice, and we also took a ball to practice.At this time, our volleyball teacher, Mr. Chen, beckoned and motioned for us to sit down, but asked the boys to practice.I felt very puzzled. Later, I knew that our woman had to wait until 11 o'clock.


After watching three games, I gradually became a little tired. At this time, I was pulled up and was staggered to the chair.I opened my eyes. It turned out that Jiangbei Zhuangqiao Center and our Xingxian Experimental Primary School were played.


"Well, they were killed by them again." I said depressed.At this time, Mr. Chen suddenly changed me to the field.I was very nervous in my heart, for fear that I would not fight well.Fortunately, a ball was rescued by Hou Yue.It's my turn to serve. I sent it and scored again. However, there was an unexpected cloud.Although we tried to recover, we lost to the center of Jiangbei Village.


In the afternoon, we defeated Changjie Elementary School and achieved good results in the third place.


Although I only got the third place, I was still very happy because I got exercise.

六年级的周记 篇4


My hometown is a desolate and remote corner, but it is a place of living and inspiration.


Here, my beautiful childhood and adolescents spent in the happiness and warm arms of my hometown.


I belong to my hometown, the sound of the soft sand and sand of dense forests, and the silence of the field ...


My hometown also belongs to me, belongs to my free and comfortable life, belongs to my contemplative partner ...


In countless dreams, I wandered in the beautiful garden of my hometown, breathing a clean and cool atmosphere.


I love your hometown, love this stack of wheat straw pile with fragrance, and the clear river flows through the lush weeds.


The golden wheat fields, as well as the quiet thatched thatched thatched that is in the distance; the leisurely sheep chewed the tender green grass leaves quietly, the birds in the sky scratched the blue sky. I wonder which fields are mooring in?


In my hometown, there will be no glittering hustle and bustle, only the worship of the soul is naturally happy. In the arms of my hometown, no one wants to listen to the complaints of the obscure people, and no one wants to find the noble opportunity!


Look, what a wonderful life!Listen, how beautiful the bug's voice!Taste the sour wild fruit, smell fresh and fragrant air ...


I love you and my hometown, quiet and peaceful countryside.I love you my hometown, and the land that keeps breeding loyal workers!I love you and my hometown!

六年级的周记 篇5


This is what I happened at the age of nine, which made me unforgettable.


That afternoon, the weather was very clear, and my grandfather and I chess quietly.Suddenly a few loud birds and wings came from the balcony.I hurried to the balcony, and I saw a plump bird who broke into my balcony inadvertently. It flew around on my balcony. I quickly caught it.Stop struggling, the feathers were warm and smooth.I helped the bird find a wooden bird cage and let it live inside.


From the beginning of the little bird to look at it, looking west, it seemed to be looking for a way out. After a while, it felt that it was not expected, just like "mature grain ears -stinging your head '', tightening his body without any brilliantly, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in the body, staying in it There. I think: birds will become lively after adapting to the environment. In the evening, the birds are still the same. I brought some rice and a small bowl of water, but the bird is still indifferent. My bird will starve to death like this. What should I do? I asked the mother who came back from get off work: Why did the birds do this? Mom laughed and said, "Birds love nature, don't want to be closed in the cage, you put it."After listening, I caught the birds carefully. The bird was shaking a little in my hands. I silently said," Goodbye, the bird! ""I opened my hand, and the bird immediately" fluttered "and flew out of my palm.


This incident left a deep impression in my childhood memory.Later, every time I saw a bird, I remembered the bird I let go.

六年级周记 篇6


Today, my mother has a cold and has a fever. I want to go out and get some medicine. Unfortunately, my dad is on a business trip. I want to be a little chef and sister?It's my deputy.My mother soon came back. When I saw my mother uncomfortable, I didn't forget to buy us delicious. I quickly took the things in my mother's hands and poured a cup of hot tea for my mother.Next, I started preparing porridge, took half a bowl of rice first, and then started to buy rice. Tao rice was simple to make it difficult!


When controlling the water, the disobedient millet grains ran away from my fingers. Unfortunately, this was exchanged by the peasant uncle through hard work. Put the rice into the rice cooker, put four bowls of water into the pot, insert the power, start the porridge, and give the mission to the electric rice cooker to the sister, because the water is opened when the water is turned on Go up and wait a few minutes before hitting it. Start the vegetables while boiling the porridge. It should be stir -fry. First boil the pot, then pour the appropriate amount of oil. Today, the soybean sprouts are to stir -fry. When the oil is hot, the soybean sprouts are started. Then put the appropriate amount of salt and 13 incense With a little soy sauce, I fried and fried, and my arms were sour. As a result, the soybean sprouts were frying. The mother said that the stir -fry was not uniform, ha! Finally, a plate of fragrant soybean sprouts came on the table! Today I made such a "super simple" meal and tried to the chef's hard work. Thinking of my mother's original cooking, she didn't shout once, and I only made a meal now, and I was tired. I felt my mother's love. In the delicious meals, I would like to help my mother in the future.