
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:20 | 来源:语文通



《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇1《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇2《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇3《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇4《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇5《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇6《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇7

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇1


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


The motherland is great. I live in the warm arms of the motherland, and I always feel happiness and happiness.Whenever I push away the door of memory and think of that long time, my heart will have a warm feeling, and the pride of being a Chinese is born.


I remember that in the spring of the year, the grass was green, and the flowers were fighting among the flowers, and the willow trees also extracted new branches. It's a vibrant spring. However, in such a wonderful day, a bad news came to us: Uncle had a very serious kidney disease and needed to be treated immediately, but the medical expenses needed hundreds of thousands of yuan, which is a astronomical figure for our family. Moreover, although Uncle is not young, he has not yet become a family, and lives with his grandparents, and grandparents are farmers facing the back of the loess. Sick? Although Mom and Dad took out all the savings at home, compared to that astronomical figure, our money is really minimal. As a result, my parents began to borrow money everywhere. Whenever I came home from school, I always saw that my parents kept calling the phone. I locked myself in the hut, lying on the window sill, the scenery of spring is so beautiful! The birds sang the song cheerfully on the tree, and the small flowers and grass swayed with the wind, like a beautiful picture of beautiful pictures, but I couldn't feel a trace of joy in my heart. Whenever I see Grandpa smoke one after another, my heart is very sad, but I am powerless.


Finally one day, the good news came!The university who just went to college told us that the country gave certain subsidies to difficult families like Grandpa's house.Hearing this news, joy jumped on everyone's face.As a result, I wrote an application to the relevant government departments.After approval, Uncle received a subsidy of 9,000 yuan, and the family was not happy.I also remembered that my grandmother clenched my hand and said in a trembling voice: "Children, the country's policy is good! You have to learn knowledge and contribute to the motherland in the future."


Whenever I think of this, I always say to myself: "Living in the arms of the motherland is really happy. I must study hard, work hard, and grow up as the pillars of the motherland!"


thank you all!

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇2


Bless you, happy China!


In the east of the world, there is a civilized country, she is beautiful and broad; in the east of the world, there is a great nation, she is hardworking and strong.She is my cute motherland -China!I live in the arms of the motherland, I am happy, I am happy!I love my motherland!This is the deep feeling of reading "Building Happy China".


Speaking of the book "Building Happy China", it really makes me love.The small stories in the book, a piece of true feelings, warming me, moving me, inspiring me.


From the reading, I learned that the founding of New China, reform and opening up, and scientific development. Our country has gone through the unusual journey from "standing up" and "getting up" to "happiness".Now, new national policies are continuously reforming, and people's living standards are constantly improving. China is writing a historical answer that pays attention to people's livelihood and warm people's hearts.


I love the spring of Vientiane of the motherland.Smoke smoke, small village, the road is the same, that is the highway of the villages and villages; the angels of white in white are convenient for the people to seek medical treatment, which is the establishment of the medical insurance system;In terms of learning; farmers have been exempted from agricultural taxes, and the century -long tax should be removed; China enters the WTO, "walking in" and "leading out" two -wheeled rolling; government portal website is established, and the sunlight policy is full of wind ... Shenzhou is full of happiness, harmony, harmony,Essence


Look at the happy life in this dynasty, look back at the history of history.How many times, I was surging in my chest; how many times, I was in my heart, how many times, tears blurred my eyes ...


Bless you, happy China!

Gently closed the book, walked slowly to the window, looking at the distance, I seemed to see a dragon flying, split waves and waves, and moved forward!The thousands of words in my chest, thousands of words, can't help but make a declaration of love at this moment: I love you, my motherland!Bless you, happy China!

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇3


What is happiness?


Many years ago, a little boy would say: Happiness is to play games with his friends forever; a peasant union said: Happiness is to earn more money to feed his family;There is a house that is paused ... what about now?A 5 -year -old child will already play games all night; migrant workers no longer just pursue money, people no longer want to have a place of peace, but turn their eyes to villas and famous cars.This is not just a bad thing in a sense, which can also reflect the development and progress of society.I only know what is happiness, what is happiness, what is happiness.


Presumably, everyone knows Yuan Longping, the father of the famous hybrid rice!He has made positive contributions to our rice industry. This is not only the development achievements of our China, but also the world.How about his old man now?


Yuan Longping was pulled out of the water again. This time, it was not because of any scientific achievements, but because he was revealed by people to watch the auto show with his wife.How can it be attracted by the auto show?This may also show that people's living standards are steadily improved, and it also reflects the opening and more modernization of society.What about his current life?After reading this article, I can have a word to describe: simple.


What can you see from simplicity?The post -80s post -80s post -90s attach importance to fashion and modernity, and blindly pursue happiness.But never pay attention to simplicity. They will say this: Now is the peaceful age, so what is saving?They are old people, they can stand, eat less, and use less!In fact, happiness is not just not praised and praised by others, but more psychological feelings. Isn't it happy to eat a meal at home with your parents?Every little bit of around is happiness. We must learn to cherish and cherish, but also for our motherland.


Da Vinci has such a famous saying: one day of hard work, but sleeping overnight; hard -working life, you can get happiness and sleep.Maybe, only thousands of farmers know the deepest!People often say that farmers have no quality, but they have known that we must be planted by them every day!Have we knew that their sweat was soaked in clothes, but what was just a small stack of remuneration?Despite this, they are still very happy because they contribute to the people.


In fact, happiness is very simple. You don't need to give a lot of numbers to explain. You only need to do what you should do and live up to what you do. Then, you are happy. Only if you are happy, the country can be happy.Only a small piece of land, one by one, can be remitted into a country.


Happiness requires everyone to build. How should we build a happy China in the 21st century hope?First of all, we must study hard. Only by gaining knowledge from the teacher can we have substantial power. Second, we must start from now, protect the environment, love flowers and trees, and develop habits to cultivate our spiritual sentiments.In life, we must not only have a simple, hard -working, and meticulous, but also to be serious about the two examples above. We must be serious about doing things. We must be a four -good boy and closer to our own strength to build a happy China!


Happiness is actually very simple.

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇4


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Good afternoon!I am Wu Hao in the first grade. The topic of my speech is "Building Happy China".


The so -called happiness is that the family lives easily every day. Building a happy China is to build a harmonious and happy China. Let's compare what China's development is in different times.Whether there is happiness to the people.


I go to ask my mother, compares what is the difference between two years.Mom said, "At that time, we were much better, and basically I could go to school, but the family was not wealthy. In addition to going to school, we had to go out to pick up the grass. Half of the grain cultivation was given to the village. The whole family was basically basicallyI did n’t go down after eating. At that time, I did n’t have any lights, and I could only watch writing homework under the candle. That ’s the happiest thing was to buy TV in the village. After eating at night, let us go in and watchAt that time, the movies and televisions were all black and white. See now that you do n’t have to give food to the country, nor do you need to watch a small black and white TV together with a village. "


yes!Think about us now. Compared with them before, we are more happy. We can not only watch TV, but also learn online, but also TV computers are both colorful. Can we be unhappy!


In the past, parents rode a bicycle to get off work, and now they ride motorcycles?6? 1 Electric vehicle, the speed is much faster than before, and the more reached, that is, the car, not only the car is fast, but also not afraid of the wind and rain.


Building a happy China is to build a happy home, that is, to build our own happy home, because China is our great home. Only by building our motherland can we have the energy and have the ability to build our own happy home!"My speech was over, thank you!

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇5


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


good afternoon everyone!


"The distant Oriental, there is a dragon, its name is China; the distant Oriental, there are a group of people, they are all the heirs of the dragon ..." Today I will bring you the most sincere speech "Happy China".


What is happiness?Different lives have different feelings.Bird said that happiness is a blue sky; bees said that happiness is a blooming flower; the old man said that happiness is a childhood memory; children say that happiness is playing happily; warriors say that happiness is gloriously triumphant;Looking home.


Speaking of happiness, I can't help but remind me of my motherland.Here, there are many moving legends. Fifty -six peoples do not distinguish between you and me, and the 1.3 billion people have been in each other. They have suffered from the vicissitudes of thousands of years, but they have been calm.Because of our great motherland, we are happy; because of our strong motherland, we are proud; because we take off the motherland, we are more proud!


When we are happy, we embrace the lovely motherland, and the pulse of five thousand years of pulse is beating in our heart; the surging blood is running around the waves of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River;


When we are happy, we embrace the lovely motherland, you are like a rooster that sings high, awakening the silence of dawn; you are like a dragon that is flying in the sky, the storm of the times;Honald ...


The motherland, you nurtured many excellent Chinese children with a kind mother -like mind, and then the spacecraft successfully entered the sky, and there were spectacular people in Tiananmen Square.The Wisdom Expo is perfectly presented in Shanghai!


Motherland!The motherland, you have a sacred name, that is China, that is China!We will not live up to your trust, study hard, and work hard, because we all have a common wish -happiness is full of China!

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇6


Pick up a pair of soil, I said, this is my rich motherland; picked up a wave of waves, I said, this is my beautiful motherland; play a melodious "alpine and flowing water", I said, this is my elegant motherland.Intersection


Ah, my dear motherland!I am above the Great Wall, I met your majesty and your towering; I am on the shore of the Yellow River, and I know your broad and vast.The magic; now, in the bright classroom, I realize the happiness you bring to us.


The child loves his mother because his mother gave him great motherly love; we love the family because the family gave us the tranquility after the storm.We love the motherland because the motherland has given us everything she can give!—— Without the motherland, there is no place for our peace; without the motherland, there is no dignity of our human being; without the motherland, there is no happiness of our family!


Because the motherland is so closely related to the individual, Su Wu can bear the burden of humiliation and the shepherds; Huo Qubing can be reported to the country, and there is no return; Tan Yitong can leave the liver and boldness and laugh.... Following the source of history, it is not difficult to find that a Chinese history is actually a patriotic history and a history of struggle to build the motherland!


Today, the party leaders we have departed from hunger and poverty, solved food and clothing, reached a well -off, and strode towards modernization.The people's life is happy and healthy, and they eat well instead of eating. The Xiaoyang Tower replaces the thatched shed. The muddy sheep intestine path has now become a wide asphalt avenue.The cars are unobstructed.


Yeah, due to the strong, brave, hard work, and accumulation of the ancestors, we live happily in the post -90s after the 90s!However, friends, have you ever thought about how to love the motherland and build the motherland?Faced with the world of peace and development, our actions of reporting to the country are no longer throwing their heads and sprinkling blood, but learning knowledge and building their hometown.As a young student in the new era, we must worry about the world, dare to be the first, worry about the world's worries, and the joy of the world.


"Tianxing key, gentleman keeps self -improved!" Today, the students are the pillars of the country tomorrow.History gives us a major and sacred mission, let us use the wisdom of youth and the full blood of the fullness to create a happier and better life!Let us have a great mind, dare to work hard, and work hard to achieve a better future; let us strengthen our beliefs, persistent pursuit, and study hard for revitalizing China and building a happy China!That's the end of my speech, thank you!

《建设幸福中国》演讲稿 篇7


Dear teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!I am Guo Kechu in the third grade and second class.


Today, the topic of my speech is "I am happy to say".


As a elementary school student, my sky is only bright blue, chewing bubble sugar in my mouth, and watching cartoons freely.When you encounter something unhappy, you will also play with the temper of the little princess.No wonder my mother sometimes criticizes me: Exercise you to this era in the last century, otherwise you will not experience what happiness is!


What is happiness?


Happiness is like the aroma in the spring garden.


When I was young, happiness was like sugar with colorful paper.Grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunt love me very much.At that time, there were too many happy things, and even dreams were sweet.


Growing up, happiness is the time spent with parents.After dinner, it is happiness to take my dad's hand; in the warm quilt, under the soft light, listening to my mother telling stories is happiness.


On the campus, the sound of reading, cheerfulness, the love of the teacher, the mutual assistance of the classmates, and the happiness of happiness are like the daily sunset, and grow up with me happily.


In the winter vacation, I read a book called "Building Happy China".I finally understand the meaning of happiness."Do not spend money, there is learning." It brings the happiness of education to poor children; medical security brings healthy happiness to the people in the pain; spacious and bright buildings bring warm happiness to low -income families.All of the above are the happiness around us, the happiness of the people, the happiness of the country, and the happiness we should sing.


(Singing) "Happy China is happy and peaceful/every smile is engraved with the sun and rain dew moisturizing/happiness China and Mei Tongge/people's rich country.


While enjoying these happiness, we should understand that happiness is created and struggling, and everyone is responsible for building happiness.As a young pioneer, we should establish a great ideal, study scientific and cultural knowledge, develop the comprehensive development of morality and body, and work hard to build a "happiness China" and make happiness open like flowers throughout China!


That's the end of my speech, thank you!