
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:19 | 来源:语文通


千与千寻电影观后感 篇1千与千寻观后感 篇2《千与千寻》观后感 篇3《千与千寻》观后感 篇4千与千寻观后感 篇5《千与千寻》观后感 篇6千与千寻观后感 篇7

千与千寻电影观后感 篇1


The car drove into the soil road, and the branches of the big tree were almost reaching to the roof.There is only a little light spots of the sun here. The roadside is a small stone house full of moss, which is a stone temple.From time to time, there are half -person weird stone statues standing under the shadow.


The inexplicable uneasiness is permeated, and I want to stay away from this mysterious area.


The film successfully created the atmosphere by the scenery, and also paved the way for the later plot.Chihiro does not want to stay here for a long time, but the bold dad wants to go across the dark door hole to take a look.


Like the source of peach blossoms, through the narrow black hole, it suddenly opened up.It turns out that this is the wreckage of theme amusement park, the relics developed crazy in the 1990s.


After crossing the narrow channel, the sun has also been hill. After the double displacement of time and space, it seems that the lock core "click", the gear rotates slowly, the shadow is twisted and elongated.The box is officially opened.


From the cement highway to the ramp, to the dark wooden soil road, and the narrow and dark door hole, the park wreckage on the grassland.Let's follow the film, step by step away from modern cities, and enter the author's imagination.At this point, we have believed that in such space and time, everything is possible.


In the new world, the first one to discover Chihiro is Bailong.Although Chihiro failed to escape successfully in the first time, under the encouragement of Bailong, she walked across the high stairs by the wall, bumped all the way, and found Grandpa in the boiler.


The picture of Chihiro opened the side door to be careful down the stairs is very interesting.


On the right side of the picture, behind Chihiro is the end of the bridge to go to the guest of Tang's mother -in -law bathing: warm yellow light, tall and thin monster wearing traditional costumes, lining up into the door, the picture is beautiful, mysterious and weird.


On the left side of the next picture, Chihiro is in front of the gray -purple shadow.The narrow and dark staircase was bottomless, and the bottom tram drove to the distance.


Behind is the colorful world of monster. In front of Chihiro is the real reality of Qihiro's darkness but reality.

千与千寻观后感 篇2


Today, my mother and I came to the cinema and watched a movie called "Qianhe Chihiro" together.


"Chiranghong" is a movie from Japan. The protagonist in it is a honest and lovely little girl. Her name is Chihiro.


I like this movie. This movie tells the story that happened in a magic world. Chihiro and her parents broke into this magic world because of an accident.Most of them are very greedy, just work for money, only money in their eyes, money is the most important thing in their eyes.Among them, only the grandfather of the boiler, mother -in -law, and an ordinary person living in that world saw the amber owner early.


The beginning of the movie impressed me, that is, Chihiro's parents were retributed because they indulged their desires and became pigs.Now this society is full of temptation to us. If we also eat and play if we want to eat, then we will also become "pigs" -Sun Pig!


While not indulge your desire at will, you must also learn to make yourself more brave and strong at critical moments.The Chihiro in the film became more brave because he saved his parents and Bailong, and although he was sometimes shivered by scared, he did not give up, worked hard to persist without shrinking, so she succeeded.


There is actually a reason for Chihiro's success, because she does not forget her nature, which is why Bailong does not let Chihiro forget his name. If Chihiro forgets his task and nature, it will be like there, it will be like there.The people are as greedy and extravagant, and they will not successfully rescue her parents.

《千与千寻》观后感 篇3


This summer, I watched a movie called "Chihe Chihiro".


At the beginning of the story, a girl named Chihiro moved to the suburbs with her parents. Because they found a close way to the new home, they went to this gloomy forest road.Walking, they saw a mysterious cave.Chihiro didn't dare to go, her parents asked her to stay here.Of course Chihiro was more afraid of here, so he followed his parents.


The beginning of Chihiro is very timid, but there will be a lot of changes.


Since Chihiro's parents have eaten monsters, the dinner has become a pig, and human girl Chihiro who entered the monster world has been helpless.Until she met Bai Long, Bai Long told her that people who did not work in the world were turned into animals by mother -in -law.So Chihiro must have a job.Bai Long asked Chihiro to find Grandpa boiler and ask him for a job.


But Grandpa Boiler is not short of helpers, Chihiro is sad.At this time, the girl who gave me the meal came, and Grandpa of the Boiler asked Xiaoling to take Chihiro to find Mother -in -law Tang for a job.


In Mother -in -law Tang, Chihiro performed bravely.Mother -in -law Tang resolutely did not give Chihiro, but Chihiro has always insisted.The mother -in -law of Chihiro had to give Chihiro a job, but she took Chihiro's name and forced her to rename Xiao Qian.


Xiao Qian works with Xiaoling.When cleaning, there was just a heavy rain outside. A strange monster stood outside and was shocked by the rain. Xiao Qian generously opened the door and opened him in, giving him a trace of warmth.He is the faceless man who likes Xiao Qian in the future and helps Xiao Qian everywhere.


After that, the faceless man was facing Xiao Qian everywhere.Others don't give gold, but only give Xiao Qianjin; others do not give Xiao Qian's things, and faceless men will help Xiao Qian, and they also get a lot of copies.


Bai Long told Xiao Qian that she was not Xiao Qian, a waiter of the monsters at all, but a human girl Chihiro.If you want to go home and leave this place, you must remember your own name. Do not forget.Mother -in -law Tang rely on the names of others to retain others.Seeing this, I think Bai Long is really kind, because Chihiro really forgot his name.


Later, Chihiro really had a chance to go home. As long as he could find his parents in a group of pigs, he could return to the human world.Chihiro and Mom and Dad have a sense of mind, knowing that there are no parents in this group of pigs.Guess, Mother Tang asked Bai Long to send Chihiro home.Originally the ordinary ending, there was a big surprise behind.


On the way home, Chihiro suddenly remembered something. It turned out that Bai Long saved Chihiro when Chihiro was a kid. This wonderful fate pulled the distance between the two people.The story is over.


After watching it, I think this movie is very inspirational.Because there are no bad people here.Chihiro's parents had dinner because they didn't know. Mother -in -law Tang had so many bad things because she performed the task. The original intention was not bad.So I like this movie very much.

《千与千寻》观后感 篇4


Today, my mother took me to watch the movie "Thousands and Chihiro".After reading it, I felt deeply.


This story is about a girl named Chihiro Kawashima. She constantly amend herself in adventure and keep her pure heart from being polluted.In this adventure, He Qian encountered many people and things, but she did not change her mind.In addition, in the movie, Chihiro Chihiro Kawashima never sought help from others.She can do what a boy can do.She is strong.This is the genius of the father of animation.He is not gentle, greasy, or pretentious for every girl.Because of this, his works are enduring.


In this work, there are many profound educational characters.For example, He Shen has a shot in the movie.He Qian helped the river god excrete a large amount of garbage discarded by humans, from a bicycle to a button.River God is the representative of environmental protection.Monsterless man is a lonely person in urban life.He pretended to be a person he wanted to approach, implying hypocrisy to cater to others.Due to the indulgence of Tang · Tang · Children became a "giant baby". They didn't care about the thoughts of others. They only knew how to protect their own interests and let themselves exercise.However, they were eventually influenced by He Qian."Tang · Yuyan" is a profound irony who is insatiable and only knows how to catch up.Of course, there are also kind people in the movie, such as Tang's twin sisters money, they are all kind and independent representatives.


In short, this film is very educational and worth watching.

千与千寻观后感 篇5


The animation world of Hayao Miyazaki has always been composed of one by one, but in these fantasy worlds, it contains profound realistic benefits.There are many excellent films such as Hayao Miyazaki's supervision. Among them, the most influence and countless awards. The widespread internationally recognized this "Thousands of Thousands of Thousands".


The story starts with a flat -looking ten -year -old girl named Chihiro. On the way with their parents from this city to another city, they mistakenly break through the place where the ghost god rests rests. After passing that mysterious tunnel,At this moment, there are few scenery in the real world at this moment: vast blue sky, lush grass and fresh and warm winds, but no one in the empty town are full of rich food.And eat it.Chihiro wandered alone in the town alone, and his heart was full of anxiety.At this time, a man who looked similar to Chihiro appeared. His name was Bai Long, and he scolded Chihiro to leave there quickly.The night fell, and a cup of light lit up. When Chihiro finally found his parents, he found that they had become pigs. In order to save their parents and return to the real world, Chihiro signed with the owner Tang's mother -in -law at the cost of the name.After the contract, she finally completed her wish under the help of Bai Long, and at the same time helped Bai Long to find her long -lost name.


Love is the theme and clues that run through the entire movie. When the monster who is eager to be friends is influenced by secular money in the bathhouse, when he starts to eat or even eat people, Xiao Qian saves the facelessless person with her love and kindness. In the following, the faceless person returned to the original appearance. When the stinky and rotten gods were exuding the smell of the light, others were afraid to avoid it, but Xiao Qian stood bravely, endured the turbid mud, and rinsed him with all his heart. River God, and got a precious river god ball. Chihiro's love of great love, love for parents, love for friends, care for strangers, and even the love of the gods who smell the sky, jumping in front of her eyes, clear and touching. The most moved me in the whole film is the pure feelings between Chihiro and Bailong. From the beginning, Xiaobai took care of this little girl who had eaten rice balls and shed tears helplessly. Once this name was taken away, she could not find the world of returning home. Remember Chihiro's name. And Chihiro also worked hard to save Xiaobai from his mother's hand. She left the bathhouse without hesitation, stepped on the train, and sought a way to save Bailong. In Mother -in -law Qian's house, she learned that what had happened could not forget what happened before, but she couldn't remember it. When Bai Long came to pick her back, Chihiro rides on the back of the dragon and flys together in the sky, the misty clouds pass by, the wind blows the skin gently, and the memory comes up like a flowing water. It felt like it was reproduced in the air. At that time, the white dragon I saw when I was about to lose consciousness was the white dragon, and Xiaobai saved the drowning himself. "The river named when I was a kid was amber." When the memory restarted, Chihiro said gently by Bailong ear. Suddenly, Xiaobai recovered the human figure, and the two of them pulled their hands, soaring in the dazzling sky of the blue sky, the hair floating with the wind, and the corner of the mouth was a smile that could not be hidden. At this moment, all tears, pain, and sweat were over. Only the two of them flew in the sky. They were simple and simple. When I saw it, I burst into tears. What a innocent relationship, it can make Xiaobai sacrifice herself, to rebel against the owner, and exchange for Xiao Qian's happiness. How pure feelings can make Xiao Qian regardless of everything, just to help Xiaobai find his name. Everything in the world disappears. What I see is the relationship between the two children beyond the identity, boundaries and life and death.


Great love is boundless, great love has no British."Chirai and Chihiro" conveyed to me such a subject. In such a movie full of imaginative but light and light, for the time being, the ugliness of the metaphorical society is not talked about.It is the feelings between Chihiro and Xiaobai.In the next ten years, or for the next ten years, they must meet again somewhere. I have always believed in it. This is enough.

《千与千寻》观后感 篇6


This movie is recommended by Yan, just like "Hal and his mobile castle" (not watched so far). I have opened it many times, and I cut it off without watching it for 1 minute.Looking at it, I feel quite deep. Until now, my heart still echoed a sweet joy ... how many days of depression dissipated after the movie was over.


The beginning of the story is very bland, but Chihiro moves to another city with his parents. Chihiro is still missing the past classmates ... This movie began to attract me to enter a forest from them, and found an ancient passage. When passing through the gloomy passage, the small timidity of Chihiro's heart reflected that the other side of the tunnel was a blue sky, lush grass and fresh wind, on a empty street , Chihiro's parents are seduced by delicious food, always eat and eat. Chihiro looked at her parents and was unable to stop, but made her very disturbing. Her anxiety was right. The town they came to is where the ghost came. There is a hot spring that can cure all diseases.这里聚集着成群的精灵,什么“蛤蟆仙人”啦,“人参大叔”啦……这里是不欢迎人类的,远离了人世间,在一个叫白龙的少年(钱婆婆亲口说白龙是小千With the help of her boyfriend), Chihiro could not work under Mother -in -law of Tang, signed a contract, and the name was taken away, leaving only a thousand, because if you do n’t work here, you will be turned into a coal ball or a pig (Chihiro Chihiro (Chihiro Chihiro (Chihiro Chihiro (Chihiro (Chihiro (Chihiro (Chihiro (Chihiro的父母就因为白吃白喝被变成了猪),这里每天都有奇怪的事情发生,千寻也结识了好多朋友,白龙,6只手的锅炉爷爷,搬运煤块的小煤球,小Sister Ling, and a monsterless man (I like him so much) ...


One of the highlights in the film is the appearance of stinky, green juice, and being mistaken for the emergence of rotten gods.With the help of Grandpa boiler, it took a lot of effort to wash the river god. The river god was grateful to Chihiro and gave her a magical pill. The last half of the pill saved the faceless man, half saved Bai BaiDragon ... The greedy person in a sharp contrast with Chihiro.


The most warm clip of me is Chihiro. Faceless men and little babies and little crows go to the house of Mother -in -law Qian. Mother -in -law Qian's house is very simple. She does not need magic.The magic has become a lot stronger ... "And all of this has formed a sharp contrast with Mother -in -law Tang!


Chihiro, before this fantasy experience, is the same as most of our children. It is lazy, timid, indifferent, but after that period and after that, she became more brave.The ladder was so fearful, and then she ran on the cracks in order to save the white dragon ... Although the ending made me a little regret, Chihiro could not be with Bai Long, but Hayao Miyazaki still gave usLeave the imagination space, especially Chihiro finally watched the mysterious hole and gradually disappeared into the field of vision ...


In fact, each of us has a pure land in the heart (the first time when reading Taohua Yuanji, the second feeling today ...), carrying too many imaginations, even though we are getting bigger and bigger (when we look at it, we will run.Two), more and more realistic, but that pure land is always in our hearts. When we take a little time in a busy learning life, return there, put aside worry ... After watching "Qianhe Chihiro", we seem to be as if ourselves.After walking a wonderful journey, sadness, excitement, fear, movement ...

千与千寻观后感 篇7


"June 1st" Children's Day, we watched "Thousands of Thousands of Thousands" in the classroom.When the protagonist Chihiro and her parents went to the new home, they came to the fantasy world, but because Chihiro's parents were too greedy, they finally became pigs.In order to save her parents, Chihiro encountered many things, and she also continued to change herself because of these things, constantly bravery, and continued to become strong. Eventually, she rescued her parents. When she saw a scene, my distress was painful.


Watching Chihiro paid a lot to save his parents.I couldn't help but think of my mother, and she also paid her sweat and youth for my healthy growth.Whenever I see her dark hair and white hair, my heart hurts, thinking of her good to me, and I often quarrel with her, how ashamed this!I couldn't help but lowered my head, and my ears remembered our quarrel last night. I really wanted to rush home immediately and tell my mother: "Mom, I'm sorry, I will never talk to you anymore. Mom, I love I loveyou."


I think: The film "Thousands and Chihiro" tells us that it is love!As long as we have respect for our parents, respect the teacher, treat our classmates well, our hearts are full of love and perseverance. No matter how difficult it is, we will succeed.