
时间:2022-09-14 13:33:47 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的周记 篇1中秋节的周记 篇2中秋节的周记 篇3中秋节周记 篇4中秋的周记 篇5中秋节周记 篇6

中秋节的周记 篇1


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is finally coming.Early in the morning, parents went to the streets to buy food.I cut the word "Hi" at home, posted it on the wall, adding joy to the home.


In the afternoon, Mom and Dad were busy killing chickens and cutting vegetables in the kitchen.I was in the bedroom, the origami crane, every 11 skewers, which means that the Mid -Autumn Festival is welcome.In the evening, the face was filled with laughter when the parents and aunts were cooking, and the movements were more than before.Grandpa and grandma looked at the rich dinner, looked in the eyes, sweet in his heart.We had dinner early, prepared, and waited for the appearance of the moon.


The moon appeared vaguely.We washed our hands and holding a plastic fork in our hands. I couldn't wait. I couldn't worry. I took a bite of the moon cake. Grandpa saw it, scraped me nose, and said, "Little cat." I was shy.The moon is slowly, more and more round, brighter and brighter, and the bright moonlight is emitted, and it is spilled on us, as if wearing a silver dress, beautiful.I pointed at the moon and said, "Look! Hurry up! The moon is so beautiful!" Grandpa and grandma looked at the moon and said, "The moon is so beautiful, let us taste the moon cake together!Cake. Mom and Dad took a cup of old brews, and both walked to the grandparents and grandma. They said in unison: "I wish my grandparents and mother blessing like Donghai, Shoubi Nanshan, and never old."Grandpa and grandma listened, and couldn't laugh.


In the middle of the night, I had a dream and dreamed that Uncle Wu took me to the Moon Palace.


I look forward to the day when the dream is true.

中秋节的周记 篇2


Today, August 15th of the lunar calendar, Mid -Autumn Festival.At 8 o'clock in the evening, I asked my parents to take me to watch the moon cake.


Go to the sea of view, wow!People on the streets are crowded, and all kinds of lighting make me dazzling.The cars on the road are lined up with one dragon, and it is very difficult to move one step.We found a relatively empty grass, sat down, and ate moon cake while appreciating the moon.There are many people sitting on the grass, three or five in groups, full of laughter.I looked at the sky, and the sky was covered with golden lights. My father told me that it was Kong Ming lantern. It was invented by Mr. Wolong during the ancient Three Kingdoms period.Now there are people that the higher the Kong Ming lanterns that they put, the more they can realize their good wishes in their hearts.


At 10 o'clock, I lay quietly on the grass and looked up at the sky again. There were no stars on the dark blue sky, but the Kong Ming lanterns that were released with hope were enough to replace the stars.They are bright and dazzling, freely shuttle in the sky, because they are the light of hope.Under the sky, the bright moonlight sprinkled all over the earth, adding color to the happy people of us.Looking at the moon, I remembered the mythology in the book -cowherd and weaver, maybe that is not a myth.


I'm going back, I looked at this happy lawn, and reluctantly returned home with my parents.

中秋节的周记 篇3


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional folk festival of the Han and ethnic minorities.As early as the three generations, my country had the custom of "autumn and twilight,".Xi Yue, worship the moon god.In the Zhou Dynasty, every Mid -Autumn Festival night was held to welcome the cold and sacrifice moon.In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid -Autumn Festival appreciated the moon, and the moon was quite popular.In the Southern Song Dynasty, the folk was given by moon cakes and took the righteousness of reunion. At night, there were activities such as the moon appreciation and lake.Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival have become more popular, and many places have formed fragrance, tree Mid -Autumn Festival, tower lights, sky lanterns, and moon.Special customs such as Dance Dragon.Today, there are very few customs played downstream.However, the moon watching the moon is still very popular. People ask the wine to ask the moon, celebrate a better life, or wish the relatives of the far away from the family's healthy and happy, and "the thousand miles together" with the family.


In ancient times, there were moon sacrifice and worship of the moon. There are Da Xiang cases and sacrifices such as moon cakes, watermelons, apples, pears, grapes, etc. Moon cakes and watermelons are absolutely indispensable. Watermelon is also cut into lotus shape. In the moon, the moon statue is placed in the moon. The red candle is highly burning. How many people in the total, cannot be cut or less. The connection between the moon cake and the Mid -Autumn Festival was in the Ming Dynasty. Related information, at the time, a moon cake with fruit appeared in Beijing, and people made moon cakes themselves on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival to express their reunion and congratulations. At that time, the size and shape of the moon cake were very irregular, the difference was very large, and its name was quite special. For example, on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the local people of Junxian, Shanxi Province, have a lot of moon cakes made by the customs of the reunion moon cakes. The gourd moon cakes, as well as "Sun Wukong", moon cakes such as "Sun Wukong", "Rabbit", etc. There are many names, different.


The customs of the Mid -Autumn Festival are many, and the forms are different, but they all pin their love for life and the longing for a better life.The Mid -Autumn Festival is a festival with the most humane and most poetic and poetic.Some people say that every time you think about it, the Mid -Autumn Festival's thoughts will certainly deepen, especially the moment when the moon is high.

中秋节周记 篇4


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. Listening to my dad said that it originated in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, it was centered on the moon appreciation.When the Mid -Autumn Festival is "Flowers Good Moon".In ancient times, it was called the "Reunion Festival". People yearn for the reunion. I like the Mid -Autumn Festival very much.Whenever we reach the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family will reunite to enjoy the moon together, eat moon cakes and watch the Mid -Autumn Festival.This year's Mid -Autumn Festival, our family is reunited together. Everyone talks and laughs, but happy and happy.

中秋的周记 篇5


The moon is getting round, the Mid -Autumn Festival is getting closer, everyone is cheering, and soon they can reunite with their families!


On the occasion of the Mid -Autumn Festival, we were awakened by the festive festivals early. We planned to go to my grandmother's house to live. Although we were busy, our faces were full of festive smiles, and we could see the kind of affectionate grandparents and grandma immediately.Intersection"" As the ringtone sounded, my mother looked down, and my tutoring class sent a message: "We do not take a fake in the Mid -Autumn Festival, continue to class." The mother looked at her face, and the smile on her face gradually solidified.It ’s going to go, and my grandmother’ s house has to go. Otherwise, you stay in class, let ’s go to my grandmother's house?” I looked at the information and said silently, but my heart seemed to overturn Wuwei bottle.In the fifth grade in the last year of elementary school, we must be prepared to be promoted into junior high school, and my grandmother's family can't go next time I can go again. Learning will always take the first place. Besides, the homework has not been done yet!I default to my mother's decision plan.In the morning, I stood at the door silently and sent my parents to gradually leave my vision.


Looking at the bright moon outside the window, it is like a mirror, which seems to be clear from the inside.Seeing Wu Gang still cut the osmanthus tree tirelessly.In the glory of the Yuanyue, the surrounding Wuyun did not dare to gather, and had to let the bright and bright round moon illuminated all things in the world.On a calm night, in the calm eyes, I only wanted to chant gently: Mid -Autumn Festival, full moon night.In the blank life left by myself, apply colorful colors.


In the building, the lights on the ceiling still flashed soft light, looking at the bright moon outside the window, so round, like a silver plate, symbolizing the joy of family.But who can see that under the full moon, there is a lonely child who quietly reviews his homework.

中秋节周记 篇6


Today is August 15th of the lunar calendar, the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.The Mid -Autumn Festival is also known as reunion festival.It is a traditional festival in my country.


This morning, Grandma called me and said, "I bought a lot of rich dishes, and we spent a reunion festival together in the evening." In the evening, my dad came to the grandma's house with moon cakes and fruits.EssenceWe originally wanted to enjoy the moon while eating reunion meals, but today Tiangong is not beautiful, and it is drizzle in the sky. I guess I can't see the bright moon today.If the weather is clear today, the Mingyue must be particularly round that day, which is particularly bright. The bright moon is as pure and beautiful as white jade, and the night is like daylight. It must be a very beautiful night.


Due to various reasons, they could not return to their loved ones due to various reasons. On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, they entrusted themselves to their hometown and loved ones.This reminds me of the poet Wang Wei's poem of the Tang Dynasty: "I am alone in a foreign country, and I think about it every festival."


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival. On this day, people have entrusted infinite love for people's lives and longing for a better life in various forms.