
时间:2022-09-13 13:15:05 | 来源:语文通



学习雷锋做美德少年演讲稿 篇1学习雷锋做美德少年演讲稿 篇2

学习雷锋做美德少年演讲稿 篇1


Dear teacher, dear classmate:




I am the sixth grade ***, and the topic of my speech today is "Learning Lei Feng to Be a German boy".Spring is the season of Vientiane updates. Bathing in the spring breeze, we feel the freshness of the recovery of all things, and we can't help but have a love of sincerity in life.The school has done Lei Feng, competing for the propaganda mobilization of virtue teenagers, and issued an initiative to learn Lei Feng. Every classmate feels Lei Feng's service spirit in practical activities.And campus, truly learn the value of gratitude and experience life.Really be a virtue boy!


While we study Lei Feng's spirit, we also need to thank Lei Feng, thank him for bringing us self -self -self -self, and thank him for bringing the atmosphere of harmony and mutual assistance to the whole society. We want to be grateful for the parenting grace of our parents, the teacher's teachings, grateful to the help of friends, grateful to the grass, wood, table, chair, food, water and air, and grateful for our clothes. Thank you for all the universe that bred all this, and appreciate the workers who create all this! So, how should we repay our parents and gratitude? Some 'classmates said: "I want to buy a house in three bedrooms and two halls for my parents. I want to buy a car to take my parents to go up. If you want to get good results, find a good job in the future, and repay the parenting grace of parents. "Many students think that they have greeted their parents, helping parents pour a glass of water, cleaning hygiene, etc. It means that when you grow up, you must do big things to repay your parents' raising. In fact, our parents do not pray for us to give him these things. In fact, it is very simple: gratitude sometimes only needs a greeting, a kiss, a bouquet of flowers, a hug, or even a sentence, you can pass tenderness and express love. Thinking of a song named "Thanksgiving Heart": "Thanksgiving, thanks to you, accompany me for a lifetime, let me have the courage to be myself; gratitude heart, thank you for fate, flowers bloom, I will cherish it. "Give this song to everyone, let us all have a gratitude.


Dear classmates and teachers, let us have a grateful heart.Thanksgiving to the people who raise you, because they make you experience life and grow up healthy; gratitude to the people who educate you, because they make you get rid of ignorance and are full of wisdom; you are grateful to the people who care for you because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make them because they make them make people who care for youYou are no longer alone and enjoy happiness; you are grateful to the people who help you, because they let you pass the difficulties and cross the obstacles; you are grateful for people who accept your help, because they let you realize the meaning and value of life existence... As long as we are grateful, we will find that life is so harmonious and beautiful!


Learn the role model of Lei Feng, be a virtue, let us work with the season full of love, classmates, take action!

学习雷锋做美德少年演讲稿 篇2


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

今天我们演讲的题目是:《让雷锋精神开花,做新时代 .cn 美德少年》。

Today, the topic of our speech is: "Let Lei Feng bloom, be a new era .cn virtue boy".


March is a season full of spring; March is also a season full of youth; March is an unforgettable season, because it witnesses an ordinary but immortal name -Lei Feng!


Lei Feng, he has the hot sausage of the ancient road; Lei Feng, he has a sincere and hot heart.In life, serving the people is his purpose; in the army, hard -working skills are his slogan; he uses his powerful hands as a difficult person to support a piece of sky;EssenceHis story is as many as the stars: he helped his classmates change the wrong question, he carried his partner crossing the river, he sent money to his comrades' house, he bought a ticket for strange grandma, he took the rain to send the aunt and the child home, he went to the construction site to do itLive, he clean up the station to serve the passenger ...


Lei Feng said: "Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I want to invest a limited life into infinite service for the people." This is the interpretation of Lei Feng's life!This is the essence of Lei Feng's spirit!


He is as simple as the soil. Even if he passes by, he may not feel his existence; he is as ordinary as a grass. Even if he is full of spring, he may not see its color.However, he used his ordinary to pass the warmth and let countless heart throbbed for him; but with his ordinary, he conveyed love and dedication, which moved countless souls to him and could not forget.


So, as a successor of the new era, what should we do?


"Let Lei Feng bloom and be a virtue boy in the new era!"

"Let Lei Feng bloom and be a virtue boy in the new era!"


"Let Lei Feng bloom and be a virtue boy in the new era!"

"Let Lei Feng bloom and be a virtue boy in the new era!"


Let Lei Feng blossom, don't have to do anything shocking!Let Lei Feng blossom, just do the most ordinary little things around you: without hitting your parents, you can accept the teachings of the parents, you are the star of your parents; if you do not bully others, get along with your classmates, you are the star of unity and love; noBuy "three -none" food and cherish the labor results of parents and others, you are the star of diligence and thrift; completing the homework on time, politeness to the teacher, you are the star of respecting the teacher; seriously on the day, do what you can do, youIt is the star who loves labor; obeying discipline and does not harm the interests of classes and schools, you are the star of the collective care of the collective; adhere to the morning chanting, noon reading, and twilight province, you are the stars of reading; adhere to the "two exercises" and sunshine sports every day and sunshine sports.Activity, you are the star of exercise; every day insist on writing diaries, read famous words, and do good deeds, you are the stars of forgeness ...


As long as we always think of others, help others everywhere, start from now, start today, starting with every little thing around us, we are Lei Feng -style teenagers!We are the virtues of the new era!


Students, although Lei Feng has gone away from us, Lei Feng's spirit still exists!


Let's rush to be the "virtue boy" in the new era!Let Lei Feng's spirit bloom in our hearts, and let Lei Feng's spirit emit a brighter light!


This is the end of our speech, thank you!