
时间:2022-09-12 13:26:45 | 来源:语文通



央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇12022开学第一课观后感想 篇22022开学第一课观后感 篇3《开学第一课》观后感600字 篇4开学第一课优秀观后感 篇5开学第一课直播观后感 篇6开学第一课直播观后感 篇7《奋斗成就梦想》2022开学第一课观后感 篇8《开学第一课》观后感600字 篇92022《开学第一课》观后感 篇10

央视春季《开学第一课》观后感 篇1


Tonight, our school organized the "first lesson of school" together.This is also a brand program of CCTV, which is a good educational effect on students, parents, and teachers.


From celebrities to ordinary people, every family cannot be separated from the word "filial piety". In the process of getting along, "love" and "ritual".What can we learn from our family and parents?


Because of the limited time, we did not finish reading, but this year's theme really made me feel that the society's understanding of education is deep, and resonance with many teachers.That is, education is not just a matter of school, but also a family.I am not pushing off our responsibilities, but I can't ignore the influence of my family.Sometimes at work, we seem to be a student, but in fact, the entire family.For example, if the child takes a leave to go home, how should parents deal with the communication with the teacher?For example, when children are grievances at school, how should parents deal with communication with the school?Is it just like some parents, and come directly to the school and teacher?


Rebelling with our education, maybe we have many places to learn.For example, know more children and families.For example, carefully observe every student.For example, learn more patience and love.However, I believe that it is absolutely not enough to rely on my own power.Hope, work together for children.

2022开学第一课观后感想 篇2


Today is the day of the 2022 TV show "The First Lesson First Class". As in previous years, I still watched it on time.And this year's "First Class" brought me a deep feeling, this year's theme is "xxxx".And what I learned from the show is the word "hero".The "hero" I have learned from everyone's imagination is different.


The so -called "hero" should be a kind of spiritual field. This kind of thing can be love, friendship, or self -denial, and so on.


When the mother worked hard to raise the child, isn't she a hero?It is the mother's love driving a woman to take care of a new life. From the child to the preserved to the child to grow up, what will the mother worry about it?Therefore, her mother is a hero, and her love for her child is a "hero spirit".


The world has never been peaceful. The reason why we can not be invaded by the war is nothing more than someone weighed for us.For us, why not heroes?Their spirit is the spirit of heroes, which requires our learning.

在现实生活中,其实很多人都是英雄,我们也无时无刻的在学习着“英雄精神”。当你路见不平拔刀相助的时候,难道不是在学习先辈们抵制邪 恶的精神吗?当你有了孩子,并且悉心照顾的时候,难道不是在学习你父母交给你的精神吗?因此不管是在什么时候,英雄总是陪伴在我们的身边,我们也无时无刻贯穿着英雄精神。当你遭遇困难,但是折不挠的继续努力,最后获得成功的时候,你就是自己的英雄。

In real life, many people are heroes, and we are learning the "hero spirit" all the time.When you see the road to help, aren't you learning the spirit of preaching the evil?When you have a child and take care of it carefully, aren't you learning the spirit of your parents handed over to you?Therefore, no matter when, heroes always accompany us, and we always run through the hero of the hero.When you encounter difficulties, but you continue to work hard, and when you finally succeed, you are your own hero.

2022开学第一课观后感 篇3

期待已久的开学第一课终于来了,这可是我第一次跟爸爸一起看-作文迷§www..cn 开学第一课,所以别提心里到底有多高兴了。虽然每年的开学第一课都不一样,但是这次给我的收获有很大,第一个画面我最喜欢的主持人来主持开场白,随后向观众问好!

The long-awaited first lesson finally came, but this is the first time I read with my dad-composition fans §WWW..cn's first lesson, so don't mention how happy it is.Although the first lesson of school every year is different, this time I gave me a lot. The first picture of my favorite host came to host the opening remarks, and then asked the audience!


Later, a lot of touching pictures appeared. As the host explained step by step, my eyes were unknowingly flowing out of tears. Although the first lesson of each year will give me deep feelings and gains, but this time it feels stronger.I finally found the reason for myself to join the young pioneer team. Before I was encouraged by my classmates, I joined for the future of the motherland and for my dream.


In the future, my patriotism became more firm. I am a Chinese flower, and my body shoulders the responsibility of China's great rejuvenation.At the same time, in the establishment of the party, my heart is full of expectations for the motherland, and I will double the study of myself. In the end, I will make a force for the motherland one day!

《开学第一课》观后感600字 篇4


The first lesson of the start of school is a must -see program for elementary and middle school students every year. On the first day of the opening season in September, we will meet us on time.


2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is an important year for entering the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country and entering the second century -long goal.The theme of this year's "First Class" is "Struggle to achieve dreams."


I can't help asking myself, what is my dream?


Dream is the lighthouse of life navigation. Even if you walk on the dark road, as long as you can see the star lights, you will not feel dark, but will continue to move forward and finally reach the ideal side of the ideal.If a person has no dream, then life will lose his direction and confused.


Dreams are our longing for a better life and a mapping of our hearts.Some people dream of becoming a doctor and can save the wounds; some people dream of becoming a police officer and can punish the evil; some people dream to become athletes, and they can compete for the country ...


Of course, dreams are not imagination, not to have a daydream.How to achieve with dreams?


After reading the first lesson, I have the answer.I deeply realized that in the development of the motherland, there are so many deeds and spirit worthy of our learning.This also allows us primary and secondary school students to realize: what have we all done and what we have experienced for our good social life today; without them, there will be no us in this harmonious and beautiful life today.


In the show, whether it is the micro-world displayed by the macro lens, or the amazing J-15 model simulation, the 1: 1 restoration of the space experimental cabin, these once out of reach, through the unremitting efforts of the Chinese people, have changedBecome reality.It can be seen that only by relying on struggle, working hard, and working hard can we realize their dreams.


As a primary school student, I decided to start from myself, love learning, love the motherland, love the party, establish positive ideals and goals, and put into action, work hard, become useful to the society, show their own value, harvest the gains, harvestglorious future!

开学第一课优秀观后感 篇5


As the opening season comes, we will farewell to the happy summer vacation and return to the campus again.On the day of September 1, the large -scale public welfare program "The First Lesson First Class" will be broadcast at eight in the evening. As a high school student with excellent academic science, I will naturally prepare early and wait for the first school in 2022 to start the first school first.Class broadcast.


There is a very nice theme name this year's first lesson, that is: ___________.As the host announced the start of the first lesson of the start of the school with his pure Mandarin, the first lesson of the first lesson was officially launched.The first lesson of this year brought us a lot of surprises. Not only did the winners of the July 1 Medal sent us a post -school message, but also the advanced figures of the advanced figures on the front of the immigration to the front of our motherland.What's the story.


Times model Zhang Guimei, using her own actions to help more than 2,000 girls realize the university dream, it is even more admirable. Heroes of Heroes of Space, who are not afraid of life and death, and the tenure determination to be a country is the role model I want to learn.After the 00 Olympic athletes of the Olympic Games, the aftermath of the country __________ and other different characters appeared at the first lesson of the start of the first lesson, bringing us a huge surprise.


After reading the first lesson of the school tonight, I have gained a lot, and I have so many dreams, and continue to struggle for my own ideals. In the end, the guests who have achieved eye -catching results tell us their stories, which makes me feel quite impressive.The next study journey has established a firm determination to cheer for your ideals and fight for your future.


In 2022, the theme of "The First Class of School" is ___________. This theme is a very good blessing for our primary and secondary school students. As long as we are deeply ideal and continue to study, then you can naturally achieve our own efforts to realize ourselves.Ideal, make your future bright.

开学第一课直播观后感 篇6


Time hurriedly flowed, and in a blink of an eye to September.It was another year of school. On the first day of school, under the leadership of the teacher, we watched the first lesson of school. The theme of this year was -struggle to achieve dreams.


Gao Xiaosong once wrote: "Life is not only in front of me, but also poetry and far away."How many times, we are busy walking around in the dazzling world, and even forgetting to stop and listening to the most sincere voice in our hearts.


Most of the cities are similar buildings. Similar streets are flowing endlessly, and everyone seems to hurried to their destinations.When you stop a pedestrian and ask, "Do you remember your dreams?" Someone looked blank, and some people scratched his head. "Dream is just what you dream, but it is not really realized." The dream is forgotten in the corner of time, Just leave a faint trace.I have also had many dreams of Tianma, and I have read the story of successful dreams, but I am always doubtful that my dreams are often in the hands of others, and I can't catch it in my hands.


Dreams will not run away, and it is always ourselves that will always run away. The other side of the dream may not be far away, but we are always used to shrinking and defining ourselves as "the person who cannot persist to the last."In fact, human potential is unlimited.We always set up a lot of restrictions for ourselves. We feel that we do not have music cells and no paintings.Build a wall and another wall, besiege yourself. In fact, there is no wall in the world, but the wall of your thinking blocks the light of hope.If you wipe out your cognition of your solidification, your dream may be true.


If trying is the prerequisite for dreams, the struggle is an indispensable fuel on the road.Ma Yun founded Alibaba, Yu Hongmin established New Oriental, Ma Huateng's Tencent Group ... This huge success was not coming overnight.Most of them are ordinary people. Because of this, they have a stronger perseverance than the "rich second generation". The time and energy they invest in their dreams are universal. Of course, the more investment, the greater the return.It not only changed his destiny, but also affected millions of people and achieved brilliant achievements.I once saw a sentence: "You are getting mediocre, you are willing to be mediocre, and you will continue to be mediocre." Why don't you live a more colorful life? Some people quietly come to the world and leave quietly, and the meaning of life is not contributing to it?IntersectionAlthough the road of struggle is difficult, there is a gain in the end, which is also the best choice to realize dreams.

开学第一课直播观后感 篇7


Come to school on September 1st each year, and it also ushered in the annual "first lesson".


The theme of this year's "first lesson" is: struggle to achieve dreams.It is divided into three chapters of "struggle, continuing struggle, unity".The show invited the "Eighty -1 Medal" Oceanner, "era model", science and technology workers, Olympic athletes, volunteers, etc., which brought us an unforgettable lesson.


No struggle, no youth.The Olympic champion struggled from the Winter Olympics, and to 50 years of root in 50 years to cultivate golden seeds; from the three generations of afforestation people in the world's largest artificial forest farm on the wasteland, to the top of the world,Exploring the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau's geographical climate change team, from carrier -based aircraft pilots, to forgetting the mission.The chief designer of the Chinese manned aerospace engineering who took over from the older generation of heavenly people ... They used vividly to inspire the true meaning of our feelings.


Their stories are always inspired by us. Only by constantly struggling and double -hard work can we reach the other side of success.


As the saying goes: "How can you see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain." "Everyone must work hard.


The same is true in our lives, how can we taste happiness without experiencing struggle.In the face of difficulties, we can't shivering in the corner.Instead, you should stand up and pat the mud on his body to work hard.


People struggle because of their dreams, and people grow up due to struggle.As a student in the new era, we must not only read books, read deep, and read essence in daily life, but also to study better people in daily life. Remember that personal efforts are often with the development of the times.What is inseparable, born in the new era, has unprecedented good conditions. Facing unprecedented good opportunities, as students, we naturally have to take the wind and waves, pursue a better life, and for the new era for the new era.The development of the development.When the times need us, we will go!We are China, China is us, what we look like, and what will happen in China in the future.Only each of our students will take the entrustment in the first lesson of the school to the heart, and put a positive learning attitude into the learning life, and the future life and even the future China will become more and more beautiful.Student friends are eight and nine o'clock in the sun, which is a new future that symbolizes the vigorous and upward!

《奋斗成就梦想》2022开学第一课观后感 篇8


September 1st is the day when watching the first lesson of school. This year's program is also wonderful as usual: a unique studio, a trial -out trial -out trial -out trial -out three -person group ... I can't help but sighWith scientific and technological progress, the shocking experience.The guidance of people's rumors also inspired our teenagers deeply.

我印象最深的是“象爸爸”陈继铭,他是一名“护象人”, “象爸爸”们每天需要给大象喂食,洗澡,清理粪便,带领他们进行野化训练,工作十分辛苦。同时,在保护中心的大象大多不是健康的大象,它们大多受了一些伤,所以,很多大象会有一些心理创伤,这就需要“象爸爸”们更加耐心细致。陈继铭说作为“象爸爸”需要耐心细致,还得经常学习关于大象的知识。“象爸爸”们的工作日常让我深刻体会到了要想离自己的梦想更进一步,就必须要通过努力奋斗。

The deepest impression of "Xiang Dad" Chen Jiming, he is a "protector". "Xiang Dad" needs to feed elephants every day, take a bath, clean up feces, and lead them to wild training. The work is very hard.At the same time, most of the elephants in the protection center are not healthy elephants, and most of them have suffered some injuries. Therefore, many elephants will have some psychological trauma, which requires "Xiang Dad" to be more patient and meticulous.Chen Jiming said that as a "like father", he needs to be patient and meticulous, and he must often learn the knowledge about elephants.The work of the "Daddy" made me deeply realize that if you want to go further to your dreams, you must work hard.


Under the "double reduction", our spare time has increased a little bit. This is actually a good time for dreams. We can use the spare time, learn more useful knowledge, or do it in person.We can go further from our dreams.

《开学第一课》观后感600字 篇9


I watched the first lesson on time on time at 9 pm on September 1st. The theme of the first lesson of this school was _.The history of the Chinese nation has gained many profound culture in the history of 5,000 years. These unique cultures have once again allowed us to appreciate the style of the Chinese nation.


The first lesson is about Chinese characters in China. Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world. The culture of Chinese characters is also long.History of two words.The "stop" in "Zheng" stops when the foot is not left.Learn to write, but I don't know that the source of Chinese characters is so interesting.

接着是一位英国的汉字爱好者理查德 西尔斯给我们带来的演讲,当听他讲述自己的经历的时候,我情不自禁的掉下了眼泪,他为汉字而疯狂,他曾经制作了15000张卡片来记汉字,他花费了自己全部的积蓄来制作网站宣传汉字,虽然遇到了许多困难,但他从未放弃过。他说“中国是我的家乡,我不想离开中国”。一个外国人都可以对中国对汉字有这样深厚的感情,作为中国的我们是不是更应该热爱祖国热爱文化呢?

Then there was a speech brought to us by a British Chinese characters Richards. When he listened to him about his experience, I couldn't help crying.15,000 cards to remember Chinese characters. He spent all his savings to make websites to promote Chinese characters. Although he encountered many difficulties, he never gave up.He said, "China is my hometown, I don't want to leave China."A foreigner can have such deep feelings for Chinese characters. As China, should we love the motherland and culture?


"Qinqi, calligraphy and painting" is the traditional art of Chinese traditions from ancient times to the present. Among them, the "chess" is the most profound knowledge.808 changes.In this year's human -machine war, although Ke Jie lost to "Alpha Go", he did not lose to himself, because people have lively emotions and agile thoughts, even if "Alpha Go" has wonThere is no emotional change, but all this can tell us how fast artificial intelligence and technology development are, it is worthy of our expectations!


The first lesson of the start of the school, the lesson of China ’s broad spiritual culture.

2022《开学第一课》观后感 篇10


Liu Yurun


The pace of time is always silent, unknowingly, we came to Jinqiu September.At this time, we are about to usher in a new semester, and we have also ushered in the most popular "Lesson First Lesson".At this time, we always sit in front of the TV at home and enjoy the broadcast of "First Class".


Every year "Lesson First Class" has familiar music, familiar background, and familiar faces.However, every time these familiar things will bring us a different experience.Bring us knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks, expand our perspective, and move us again and again for the greatness of the motherland.And these are miracles created by countless ordinary figures.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the first lesson of school was broadcast on time.Every minute and one second is vivid, and heroes have created countless miracles; a patrol warrior who donated a body for the country to protect the land; a astronaut, exploring the vast space ... All of these ...What a shocking!


The ideal is fire, igniting the revolutionary blood.This year, we have ushered in the 100th anniversary of the establishment of a great Communist Party of China.Looking back at the century -old history, today's prosperity is indispensable for the dedication of a hero.Looking back at the glorious history of the party, the Communist Party of China has always led the Chinese people to create a miracle and completed the breakthroughs.The generation of Chinese Communists supported the hard national backbone for the Chinese children, worked hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and worked hard for China to become a world power.It is precisely because of the party's efforts that there is today's glory and achievements, so we say, "Without the Communist Party, there is no New China."


The ideal is light, illuminating the road of revival.100 years of storms, vicissitudes for 100 years, 100 years of hard work, 100 years of excellence.The world is constantly becoming new. Only by constantly struggling can we firmly stand on the world.In 100 years, the Communist Party of China has worked hard to achieve the prosperity of the nation and leading the Chinese people, which has changed its destiny at all.Look!The world's largest radio telescope -China Sky Eye Fast, human beings landed softly for the first time, Oriental Red One, Beidou Navigation, J -20 fighter, China's first aircraft carrier, Liaoning ... These achievements are inseparable from the party.Leading, fighting with Chinese people.Peng Shilu, Li Dazhao, Qian Xuesen ... A Chinese scientist grew up in a difficult environment, not seduced by fame and fortune, and resolutely returned to China to build a force for the motherland.


The ideal is stone, and the shop is struggling.Pan Jin said, "Only by letting life bloom, life is meaningful." In the current world, we cannot waste time, but must contribute to the motherland.Our elementary and middle school students should study hard and report to the motherland when they grow up.Only when we learn enough can we innovate knowledge, can contribute to the motherland, and let our lives flowering and fruitful, not inaction.Therefore, we must live in the moment and do everything well in order to really gain something.


The ideal is the road, starting a happy life.What is the goal of life?What is the meaning of life?And where should the direction of life be?These problems recalled in my mind over and over again.We must first determine a goal.The ideal is the goal of our lives.Only by having a good goal can we work hard according to the goal, let our lives bloom, and make ourselves not confused in the choice of life.Therefore, we should build a long -term ideal and work hard step by step.And we are learning now to lay a good foundation for the future to realize their ideals.


"The body is the capital of the revolution," Lu Buwei and Mao Zedong said.We must not forget exercise during the spare time.Only with a strong body can we concentrate on learning knowledge without being dragged down by the disease.Therefore, we must actively exercise and have enough exercise time every day to ensure good health.I believe that in the future, you will not miss many opportunities because of your physical reasons, causing one after another.


By watching this "First Lesson", let me understand that the good life is hard to come now. We must grasp the present, study hard, and go up every day.Lay a good foundation for the successor of the motherland in the future.Contribute to the construction and development of the motherland.I believe you will thank you in the future.