
时间:2022-09-12 13:26:39 | 来源:语文通



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关于鸦片战争的观后感作文800字 篇1


From Xie Jin's movie "Opium War", we can see several basic contradictions in the history of foreign relations.Although the movie is not a complete and loyal reflection of history, its logic is very clear and the plot is complete and smooth, which is enough to let us understand these basic contradictions.


Contradiction 1: struggle and compromise


Since the Ming Dynasty, the Chinese have formed a "political correctness" that insists on uncompromising in foreign relations.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming government faced the invasion of Manchuria and resolutely refused to cut the ground. As a result, the dynasty quickly perished.In the Opium War, on the one hand, it was the military struggle line that Lin Zexu and others insisted on, and on the other hand, Qi Shan's compromise and surrender route.Our history books always praise Lin Zexu and criticize Qi Shan, and scold Qi Shan into a traitor.But on the one hand, what benefits did the Qing court get the war with Britain twice?If after the first war, according to Qi Shan's meaning to end the war with the British, the compensation will be 6 million, not 21 million stipulated in the Nanjing treaty later.Is it wrong to compromise?Those who advocate compromise must be the "surrender" and "traitor" (not to mention that Qi Shan is not a Han)?This is thoughtful.


The film shaped Qi Shan into a loyal and mindful person (but I didn't know much about the situation of foreign countries), and at the end, through his confession, saying "stinking ten thousand years", reflecting the common views of all those who hold such opinions.Essence


Contradiction 2: Righteousness and Profit


Opium is a banned by the British country. The British know that opium drugs are known to the world.Of course, this is untenable; most of the criminal acts in the world are not government behaviors. Could the government care about it?The government originally existed for banning crimes and maintaining social order.


However, the British government was in the early days of the opium traffickers and launched the war of aggression, completely violated human morality, but received huge benefits for Britain and supported the United Kingdom to continue becoming the world hegemon.For nearly a century since then, Britain has become the country that has the most benefit in China, and the British have won profits.It can be seen that the heavy righteous diplomacy based on "universal value", "morality", and "ideology", and the diplomatic policy that pays attention to profit, people do not always act at the perspective of Meng Yasheng.


Contradiction 3: Foreign Foreign and Anni


Faced with foreign enemies, the Qing government did not dare to vigorously mobilize the people and armed groups to resist; Lin Zexu faced the corrupt officials and did not blindly remove it according to the evidence.The previous fact tells us that Anni may not be able to live outside, but the latter fact tells us that Ann is a prerequisite for foreign outside.It can be seen that there is a very complicated relationship between the outer and AND, which cannot be generalized.


"Opium War" did not fall into the traditional historical view, that is, blindly emphasizing struggle, emphasizing morality, and "mobilizing the masses", but to show these contradictions more objectively and completely, so they can become an excellent movie.Essence

关于鸦片战争的观后感作文700字 篇2


"Opium", commonly known as "big smoke", is a drug that is easily addictive.Since the late 18th century, the United Kingdom has shipped a large number of opium to Chinese trafficking, which has damaged the health of the Chinese people and plundered a large amount of wealth of the Chinese people.The input of opium has brought heavy disasters to the Chinese people and aroused strong resistance of the Chinese people.


Opium input a large amount of input is seriously harm.By 1835, there were more than 2 million people in my country to take opium.Because opium is expensive and easy to absorb, it makes thousands of Chinese people lose their homes.


In order to make his dominance more stable, the Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty had been strongly requested by Lin Zexu, who had been strongly requested to smoke forbidden.After Lin Zexu arrived in Guangzhou, he led the army to surround the British business station and forced British businessmen to hand over more than 20,000 boxes of opium.Since June 1839, Lin Zexu and Guangzhou military and civilians have used more than 20 days to destroy the seized opium on the Humen Beach.


However, this move angered the British. They excused China to destroy the interests of Opium and infringing the interests of British businessmen and launched the Opium War on China.


The military and civilians facing the advanced and aggressive enemies of our country were not afraid of the heroic resistance and made heroic resistance.However, the decaying and incompetent Qing government could not see the power of the people, and she surrendered her knees.


In August 1842, the British army forced the Qing government to sign the first unequal treaty "Nanjing Treaty" in modern Chinese history.The main contents are: Cut Hong Kong Island to Britain; Compensation of 21 million dollars; allowing Britain to do business in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen, Fuzhou, and Ningbo.


I am very angry when I read it here: the decay and incompetence of the Qing government not only poisoned the people of our country, but also caused the sacred territory of our country to be violated.There is a saying good: "The ancestral territory should be guarded, and the size cannot be used." But how did the Qing government die?Are they dead?Seeing that the people had consciously joined the struggle against the invading army, they raised the white flag there.Baiqi is surrender. Do they think surrender is glorious?This makes me incredible.Although the British weapon is strong, who can predict that we can lose without fighting?As the saying goes: Those who are brave on the narrow road win.But they didn't even dare to compare, and they didn't have the courage to fight. Is this what "the monarch of one country" should do?For the interests of the people and for the interests of the country, they should come forward, save the country and save the people, rather than "dead nations.

关于鸦片战争的观后感作文800字 篇3


The Opium War caused China to lose its independent position and step by step into a semi -colonial and semi -feudal society, but it was also the beginning of modern Chinese history. He ended a decaying feudal society and built a socialist society for a group of bloody youths in China.Foreilica.


The Opium War should not happen. At the beginning, heroes who have experienced the glorious revolution have conducted overseas trade on the basis of strong strength and continuously expand their strength.Naturally, they also noticed the large population of China. After all, China once had one -third of the world's population.When I first arrived, it was selling some industrial products, but at that time, the population exploded, and every family was facing the attack of hunger. Whenever I had money, I would spend it on the blade. How can I have a spare money to buy these novels that are not very useful.Not only can't sell it, the British can't help buying tea, porcelain and other things, and the Qing Dynasty closed -locked country, to pay heavy taxes, so that Britain not only can not make money in China, but also pays some. This makes Britain Britain.Very annoying.


Later, in order to reverse the trade deficit, Britain thought of a method -opium.Now we all know that opium is a drug, which will make people have a strong dependence, and Britain is fancy.At the beginning, they took opium for the ignorant Chinese civilians. Alas, as soon as they were sucking, they were rumored and brought opium into China.As soon as the British saw that the effect had achieved the effect, they started to ask for money.The Chinese people have been sucking for so long, and it is impossible to say that it is impossible to suck at once. They can only pay the money obediently and beg for opium.


At first glance of the Qing government, I was unhappy. Britain smuggled opium. They could not receive taxes; they also watched the Qing Dynasty treasury decrease and decreased. In addition, the quality of national quality became low.EssenceThat's right, Lin Zexu, who knows the women and children, sold smoke. This paragraph is not detailed. In short, it is a good heart.


But the British side was furious, and China even stopped him, and they did not hesitate to send troops to China.Although Lin Zexu and Deng Yanzheng vowed to resist, but helpless China was influenced by opium and weak constitution. In addition to the advanced firearm in the UK, China also won a lot of luck with the weather, and the others were defeated across the line.Britain was killed along the coast, and it was hit near Nanjing.At first glance, the Qing government couldn't fight, and they all hit the door of the house. They could only be forced to sum up and signed the first unequal treaty- "Nanjing Treaty".To cut land and compensation, of course, the loss is not particularly much. Unlike the "Tianjin Treaty" and "Beijing Treaty" later, it is hundreds of millions.


At this point, the Qing Dynasty became a feudal dynasty that was famous for its death. Naturally, this was also caused by its corruption. Later, the Eight -Power Allied Forces invaded China further explained this.


And we should remember this shame, keep our mission, do not forget the original intention, and build a better China.

《鸦片战争》观后感800字:序幕 篇4

稍微懂一点中国历史的人都知道,鸦片战争使中国社会发生了深刻的变化,将中国闭关锁国的大门打开,也开始了中国近代史进程。中国开始由封建君主制逐渐沦为半封建半殖民地社会。19世纪中期,工业资本主义迅速发展,它需要越来越多的原料产地和商品市场,同时也具有了征服世界各地的经济和军事力量。在当时,资本主义是先进的生产力。资本主义的发展已成为世界历史发展的主流,而它本身具有扩张的本性,它需要足够大的活动空间,注定要征服世界落后地区。英国率先完成工业革命,是当时最发达的资本主义国家,经济军事实力强大,对外扩张愿望强烈,又有印度作为在亚洲扩张的基地,从而英国成为了侵略中国的急先锋,其根本目的是想要打开中国的经济以及原料市场,对中国掠夺廉价原料,并且对中国倾销商品。因为在此之前,中国的对外贸易一直处于优势地位。英国为扭转对华贸易误差,就开始对华走私鸦片。鸦片战争前,自给自足的自然经济在中国占主导地位。鸦片战争后,随着列强向中国倾销产品和对中国丝、茶等农副产品的收购,逐渐把中国卷入世界市场。中国自然经济逐渐解体,开始进入半封建社会。这在客观上促进了中国商品经济的发展,有利于中国民族资本主义的兴起。 鸦片战争的失败把中国推向了半殖民地、半封建社会,救亡开始成为时代主题, 先进人士开始抛弃陈腐观念,注目世界,探求新知,寻求强国御侮之道,围绕着向西方学习展开了广泛而深入的探讨,萌发了一股向西方学习的新思潮,形成一次次思想解放的潮流和运动,对封建思想起到了一定的冲击作用,推动了社会的进步和发展。 鸦片战争期间,面对西方列强先进的武器装备,清政府中的一些先进人士逐渐认识到中国社会各个方面的落后。林则徐、魏源等人提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想,揭开了向西方学习、寻求救亡图存道路的序幕;洋务运动期间,洋务派提出“中学为体、西学为用”的思想,“师夷长技以自强”的主张,迈出中国近代化的第一步,也成为鸦片战争后中国社会变化的主流。

Anyone who understands a little bit of Chinese history knows that the Opium War has undergone profound changes in Chinese society, opened the door of China's retreat to lock the country, and also started the process of modern Chinese history. China has gradually become a semi -feudal semi -colonial society from the feudal monarch system. In the middle of the 19th century, industrial capitalism developed rapidly. It needed more and more raw material production and commodity markets, and also had economic and military forces from all over the world. At that time, capitalism was advanced productivity. The development of capitalism has become the mainstream of the world's historical development, and it has the nature of expansion. It requires sufficient space for activity, destined to conquer the world's backward areas. Britain was the first to complete the industrial revolution. It was the most developed capitalist country at that time. It was strong in economic and military strength, strong desire to expand external expansion, and India as a base for expansion in Asia. To open China's economy and raw material market, plunder low -cost raw materials for China, and dump products for China. Because before that, China's foreign trade has been in an advantageous position. In order to reverse trade errors in China, Britain began to smuggle opium to China. Before the Opium War, the self -sufficient natural economy dominated in China. After the Opium War, as the powers dumped in China and the acquisition of agricultural and sideline products such as China and tea, China gradually involved China into the world market. China's natural economy gradually disintegrated and began to enter the semi -feudal society. This objectively promotes the development of China's commodity economy and is conducive to the rise of Chinese national capitalism. The failure of the Opium War pushed China to a semi -colonial and semi -feudal society. Salvation began to become the theme of the times. Advanced people began to abandon the concept of Chen Rotten, pay attention to the world, seek new knowledge, seek the way of insults in the country, and conduct extensive and in -depth learning around learning to the West. The discussion, germinating a new trend of learning from the West, forming the trend and movement of liberation of thoughts and liberation, which has a certain impact on feudal ideas and promoted society's progress and development. During the Opium War, in the face of advanced weapons and equipment of Western powers, some advanced people in the Qing government gradually realized the backwardness of all aspects of Chinese society. Lin Zexu, Wei Yuan and others put forward the idea of ​​"mastering the skills of the teacher", and revealed the prelude to studying and seeking the road to the West and seeking to save the road. During the Westernization Movement, the Westernization School proposed the idea of ​​"middle schools and western studies for use". The first step in the modernization of "Shi Yi's long skills" has also become the mainstream of Chinese society after the Opium War.

最新历史电影《鸦片战争》观后感 篇5


After watching the movie "Opium War", my heart was surging, yes!One hundred and fifty years ago, what made the splendid culture created by a great nation collapsed in a vast poisonous mist?What makes a long -established cultural history of the ancient nation adding a chapter of humiliation?It was the vicious flower that exudes white horror that seven -foot men in the Chinese Chinese became thinner in East Asian sick husbands.


Since 1840, the British Geely took the greedy desire, carrying the entrance of Opium to knock on the gate of China, the proliferation of opium, the outbreak of the war, and completely washing China's dignity in history.


But now, the once -destroyed drugs have come back again. In the face of thousands of times of profit, more and more of the killing drugs that have been murdered into China.


Former one millionaires became dull because of taking drugs. The former happy and happy families were fragmented due to the change of drugs.We are very terrible to take drugs. The trap of drugs is like a quagmire. Do n’t want to get up when it falls. All the struggles are futile.Some people take drugs to embark on a pathless path under the ignition of drug dealers, and hate them all over the ages!From then on, he has gone further and further with his own body and mind.The soul was eroded by the demon and the will be destroyed by the night spirit. A big living person became a puppet like a walking dead. What a sadness!This is because of the existence of a drug with a red veil.


Drugs brought to the world for destruction. Investigation and statistics that 100,000 people died of drug use every year, and 10 million were lost due to drug use.The annual drug transaction amount reaches 800 billion US dollars, and these amazing numbers are shocking.


I call on my classmates: Every teenager must learn to cherish life, stay away from drugs, stay away from unhealthy pursuits, and do not fall into the trap of drugs because of the curiosity.Only when a nation really stands up can she face up and reflect on her humiliation history.


For the tomorrow of the motherland, for the hope of the nation, and to radiate gorgeous glory for precious life, let us work together to fight with drugs, build a harmonious society, and create a better tomorrow!

关于鸦片战争的观后感作文700字 篇6


I have never forgotten that group of shots: before the war, Guan Tianpei, the guard of the Humen Fort, pulled out his teeth before the war, let the people bring back the ancestral grave, and then scattered all the family property to encourage the soldiers to fight.Helpless Yelang's arrogant and corrupted Daqing dynasty was too backward, and the cannon could not sink the enemy at all.The soldiers insisted on five hours, and the turret fell.The soldiers were fighting the battlefield.Guan Tianpei, who was full of blood, faced the enemy, smiled slightly, and resolutely ignited the explosives, and bravely righteous.


Friends, how do you feel in the face of this situation?Is it infected by Guan Tianpei's patriotic spirit?Will there be the words such as "forgetting to die, referring to the country" in your mind?But in addition, do you also feel the helplessness and sorrow of Guan Tianpei's facing the enemy ’s strength?Do you know "beating behind"?


Yes, if you are backward, you will be beaten. In the face of the rampant British warships, although the Chinese soldiers who hold the big sword and spear, although they are extremely brave, they still cannot change the situation of passive beating. According to historical records, in the Opium War more than 160 years ago,Guan Tianpei, Ge Yunfei, Chen Huacheng and other patriotic soldiers bravely resisted the enemy and died of the country.4,000 guards in Dinghai are scarce in troops in the city. When the soldiers only have rare rations (about 200 grams) a day, they still fight for five days and nights to kill the enemy.Behind.


However, it is more terrible than material backwardness.

当时清朝那此熟读经书、善作八股的官僚十大夫们的御敌之策让人看了都不禁喷饭,他们认为洋人的腿直不能打弯,纷纷提出用木棍 “扫堂腿”就能让英军倒地不起。多数人还主张“火攻”,援引的依据竟是周瑜、诸葛亮火烧赤壁。这些荒诞落伍而不堪一试的奇谈,只能说明他们的军事思想与社会制度样停留在古代。在广州指挥防御的湖南提督杨芳,见英舰炮火猛烈准确就认为是妖术,便照民间污秽物可以避邪的传说,在全城收集猪羊血、妇人便桶摆在城墙上。惨败之后,昏聩的统治者则走向另一个极端,畏敌如虎,视其长技如神物。这种洋奴思想,一直延续到现代。

At that time, the tenth of the bureaucrats who read the scriptures and made eight shares of the Qing Dynasty could not help but spray meals. They thought that foreigners could not bend.Let the British army fall to the ground.Most people also advocated "fire attacks", and the basis for quoting Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang burned Chibi.These absurd and outdated and unbearable talks can only show that their military thoughts and social systems stay in ancient times.Yang Fang, the Governor of Hunan, who commanded the defense in Guangzhou, saw that the British ship was fierce and accurate, and it was considered a demon. The legend of the folk filth can avoid evil. In the city, we collected pigs and sheep blood, and women were placed on the city wall.After the defeat, the faint rulers moved towards another extreme, fearing the enemy like a tiger, and seeing their strengths like a god.Such slave thoughts have continued until modern.

中冈近代的历史充满了耻辱,鸦片战争是中国人民心中永远的痛,它不但记在历史中,更应永远铭记在每一个炎黄子孙的心中---- “落后就要挨打”!

The history of Zhonggang's modern times is full of shame. The Opium War is an eternal pain in the hearts of the Chinese people. It not only remembers it in history, but also should always be remembered in the hearts of every descendant of Yanhuang-"beating behind"!