
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:25 | 来源:语文通



小学教导处工作计划 篇1小学教导处工作计划 篇2小学教导处工作计划 篇3小学教导处工作计划 篇4小学教导处工作计划 篇5小学教导处工作计划 篇6

2 id="sg1">小学教导处工作计划 篇1



The one -semester is about to come to an end. Looking back at the educational and teaching work of the semester, it is quite touching: busy and orderly, mixed and not chaotic.In this semester, our school takes the basic skills training assessment of classroom teaching as the starting point, and further establishes the educational and teaching concept of "quality is the education line of education", and strives to improve the teaching level of teachers' classrooms and improve the quality of teaching.


The main work:


First, pay attention to theoretical learning, and strive to closely combine theory and practice.


1 Organize teachers to study, understand and master new curriculum standards and related theories, and actively explore


Implement new teaching methods and learning methods that are compatible with the new curriculum standards, develop ideas, improve teaching methods, and keep up with the pace of the times.(Mainly update the concept by reading education and teaching articles)




Strengthen the study of education and teaching theory.Use the time of teaching and research activities to study and discuss the loss and loss of classroom teaching, collectively prepare lessons, take advantage of the strengths, and accumulate successful experience.Organize the content of the classroom teaching of the learning area and guide education and teaching.(Mainly improve understanding through teaching and research activities)


2. Strengthen curriculum reform and strive to improve the level of education and teaching.





2. The quality of teaching is the life of the school. In order to form a good learning atmosphere and improve the grades of students, our school has organized the quality survey of early, mid -term, and at the end of the period.Insufficient, improving the consciousness of learning, and forming a virtuous circle.In the face of achievements, we conducted a qualitative and quantitative analysis, exchanged opinions with teachers in a timely manner, and put forward suggestions for reference. Some targeted and improved achievements.


3. Do a good job of passing, helping, and bringing activities.This semester, our school carried out the pairing activities of teachers and apprentices based on teachers and disciplines, so as to encourage teachers to learn from each other, discuss each other, promote each other, and improve together.


4. Pay attention to the development and practice of school -based courses.Comprehensive practice is a new course in the third grade. In order to take this course, our school has set up a comprehensive practice teaching and research group to conduct regular teaching and research activities: jointly explore the course implementation plan, exchanges how to prepare lessons, and how to combine information technology.In order to make the comprehensive practice courses normal and orderly, members of the teaching and research team explore themselves on the one hand, and actively go out to listen to the class to form the school characteristics.


5. In order to improve the business level of teachers, the school actively organized school -level thesis selection activities to make full preparations for the participating annual political ideological education annual meeting.Experience, successful experience.In the three articles selected, Guo Hong's "Wipe the Student's Soul with Love" won the third prize, and the school won the organizational award. This is an affirmation of our work and incentives to us.At present, the school has a municipal -level project. This semester, after the mid -term report, summarizes experience, conduct spoken communication in the entire school, so that each student can learn to communicate with each other and be good at communication.The members of the research team are implementing, exploring it in a solid manner, and actively carrying out the activities of the research group and teaching and research group.


6. At the beginning of this semester, in order to enable parents to understand the situation of the school, understand the relevant regulations of the school, help students develop good learning habits, and adapt to the study and life of elementary school as soon as possible.A freshman parent meeting was held on September 8.In order to cultivate students 'healthy psychology and promote the healthy growth of students, our school invited district psychological education experts to give a lecture on psychological education for parents. Parents' participation rates have a high rate and good results.


3. Standardize the process management of "six serious" teaching to improve the quality of teaching.


The "six seriousness" of teaching is the guarantee of the quality of teaching. This semester, our school will further standardize school teaching six serious management mechanisms and strengthen guidance and inspection work.Especially in classroom teaching, it will increase the intensity of listening and gradually improve the teaching level of teachers.


1. This semester, continue to implement regular, follow the class system.Use overnight notification methods, two lessons a week.Promote teachers to prepare each lesson carefully and take every lesson, stipulate that young teachers listen to less than 10 sections per semester, and no less than 5 other teachers.The school's administrative lesson has exceeded 30 sections. The teaching office has timely exchanges the lessons that have been heard in time. At the same time, it also gives them suggestions to give them suggestions, so that teachers have obtained in a lesson.Provide opportunities for lectures, provide a stage for self -display, encourage young teachers to learn the essence of others, and improve their own classroom teaching level.



2. This semester checked the language, counting the assignments twice, and check the lessons of each subject twice.Once the text, the headbook of the class teacher twice, and conducting the school quality survey three times.It should be said that each inspection is a promotion of teachers, and the problems found in time to meet the teacher in time. For teachers, it is also a self -improvement.





3. Effectively do a good job of studying and replenishment after class after studying, and strive to prevent a student from falling behind.Students who have the power to learn, try to improve them as much as possible, and strive to improve in the quality survey of the district.In terms of evaluation systems, various disciplines should work strictly in accordance with the standardized operation procedures, and strictly put good propositions, proceeds, scrolls, and analysis to ensure the objectivity, science and seriousness of teaching evaluation.



小学教导处工作计划 篇2


1. Guiding thought:


According to the overall planning of the school work, focusing on the implementation of quality education and curriculum implementation, with classroom teaching practice and school -based teaching and research as the starting point, further promote the improvement and implementation of school teaching and classroom teaching, strengthen the construction of the teaching and research group, and increase the training of teachers.Explore the laws of "effective teaching" and "effective teaching and research", improve the quality of school teaching, and promote the professional development of teachers.


2. Work focus:


1. Strengthen the management of the Teaching Office to do a good job of service for the front line of teaching.


2. Focusing on the implementation of the curriculum and standardize school behavior.


3. Strengthen teaching routine management and improve the teacher evaluation system.


4. Strengthen the school -based teaching and research, and promote the construction of development teachers.


5. Establish a scientific and reasonable teaching quality testing and evaluation system to continuously improve the quality of teaching.


6. Adhere to and advocate classroom teaching research and innovation activities based on effective teaching and research research, and try their best to improve their teaching effectiveness.


3. Specific measures:


(1) Grasp the routine management of teaching to ensure the implementation of quality education.


1. Educational and teaching work has always been the central work of the school. Teaching activities must reflect the requirements of quality education.


Teaching should fully reflect the new curriculum concept, and pay attention to cultivating students' ideological quality, moral quality, scientific and cultural quality, physical and mental quality, citizen consciousness and social responsibility.Teaching goals should reflect the three -dimensional goal of knowledge and skills, processes and methods, emotional attitudes and values. Teaching content must reflect the connection between theory and practice, internal and extra -curricular (content, activities), book knowledge and student life.The teaching process should be clear, the structure is reasonable, and the initiative of students' learning should be used.Teaching methods must be flexible and diverse, so as to organize learning methods with autonomy, cooperation, inquiry and other learning methods.Be able to make full use of the role of various media on teaching according to the actual situation of teaching.Students' innovative spirit, practical ability, and good learning habits must be cultivated and developed in teaching, establishes effective teaching, builds the concept of successful classrooms, strives to improve the level of classroom teaching, and shorten the invalidation time of mechanical training in classroom teaching.Increase effective thinking training time and improve teaching efficiency.


2. Strictly implement the curriculum plan.The curriculum plan is the regulations. No one has the right to change. Teachers must consciously take lessons in accordance with the course table. The Teaching Office will randomly investigate from time to time. It is strictly forbidden to transfer classes or squeeze other courses in private to ensure that students develop in an all -round way.


3. Carefully implement the "six serious" system of teaching ("preparation, class, homework, correction, counseling, assessment"), form a rigorous, serious and meticulous sense of teaching, and strengthen the awareness of serving students.


(1) Prepare lessons.Each teacher must formulate the teaching plan of this semester according to the requirements of the curriculum standard and the characteristics of the discipline.Accurately grasp the focus and difficulties of each teaching content, carefully prepare for each lesson, and have a three -day preparation amount in advance to eliminate the phenomenon of no lessons for lessons.result.Collective lessons should be institutionalized, standardized, and efficient. Teachers in the same group should listen to classes and discussions with each other. The principal, vice president, and teaching director should take the lead in listening to lessons to strengthen the preparation and class guidance of young teachers.


(2) Grasp the living class."Living" is not only in the variety of teaching methods, the active atmosphere of the classroom, but also the flexibility of the way of knowledge presentation, the pragmatic and efficient of teachers and students interaction, profound thinking, and extensive participation of students, so that each student has harvested.


(3) Catching counseling.For post -students, teachers must not discriminate against them. They must formulate a suitable counseling plan and timely counseling to ensure that students can complete their homework better, review preview homework, and solve their doubts in time.


(4) Grasping exercises.The amount of operations in each subject should be moderate, focusing on quality requirements, and emphasizing the standardization, targeted, and layered requirements of the topic.Regular the wrong questions, carefully organize each exam, grasp the proposition before the exam, grasp the test wind during the exam, and analyze after the exam.


(5) Grab a detailed analysis.Fine analysis of the teaching strategies and specific measures of each discipline; detailed analysis of the quality of the exam, analyzes each discipline, each student, each type of question type, each knowledge point, each exam, and the quality analysis meeting, conduct, conductThe horizontal, vertical, and comparison analysis focuses on revealing problems, finding subjective reasons, implementing improvement measures, and improving the quality of teaching.


4. Strengthen inspection and do well in teaching feedback.The Teaching Department continues to establish and improve the routine teaching and evaluation system, and establish a monthly inspection system and teaching conventional feedback system for "preparation, approval, and listening".At the same time, the teacher's class efficiency, teaching level, and teaching methods were evaluated by listening to the form of push class.


5. Strengthen the management of the teaching and research group and strengthen the construction of the curriculum preparation group.According to the characteristics of each discipline, each teaching and research group formulates specific teaching and research plans, effectively implement the curriculum concept, and truly solve the specific problems encountered in teaching practice.In the spirit of changing, the class preparation team collects collective lessons for the same textbook, discussed together, and strives to play the role of the preparation team, improve together, and improve together, so as to continuously improve the quality of teaching.


(2) Carefully do a good job of teaching inspection and evaluation.


While the Teaching Office will strictly follow the routine teaching inspections, strengthen the tracking and evaluation of teaching progress and quality of teaching in each grade, and will be notified in time for the results and evaluation conclusions of each teaching inspection.And the results of various inspections are the basis for the performance assessment of the teacher's semester.


(3) Based on our school, facing prestigious schools, strengthening cooperation and exchanges, and continuously improving the teacher's business level.


This semester, while grasping conventional teaching, we must continue to strengthen school -based teaching and research, and carry out teaching and research activities inside and outside the school. For example, teachers who organize comprehensive subjects, observe in -depth Chinese mathematics classrooms, promote each otherThe school participates in teaching observation activities.In exchanges and cooperation, a strong and high -level teaching team is constantly creating, thereby improving the quality of education and teaching in our school.


(4) Organize various competitions and activities.


In order to effectively promote teaching work and enrich the campus life of teachers and students, in addition to actively participating in various education and teaching activities deployed by superiors, we must also actively do a good job of planning, organization and evaluation of various competition activities in the school.Cup "Teachers and students recite competitions and other activities.


(5) Strengthen the construction of the teaching department and establish the idea of serving the front -line teaching.


The staff of the Teaching Office should establish all the ideas of teaching teaching, clarify division of labor, and solve the things that can be resolved immediately.Work quality and service level.


3. Specific work arrangement:




1. Formulate the work plan of the teaching department.


2. Carefully calculate the workload, reasonably divide the class according to the actual situation, distribute the curriculum, the schedule of schedule, and the calendar.


3. Do a good job of registering, registration, division, and reporting data of the first grade.


4. Issuing teaching books, preparations, etc.


5. Student registration.




1. Report the first grade of electronic students and transfer students.


2. Carry out the work inspections such as lessons such as notes, assignments and correction, and welcome the opening work inspection of the county education bureau.


3. Carry out the "Tenth Anniversary of Language Law Promotion" in combination with the Pi Pu Week.


4. Statistics the number of people in each class and report to the Education Bureau.


5. Combined with the basic skills competition of teachers, the "National Day Cup" teachers and students recite competitions.


6. Strengthen the routine inspection of teaching work.


7. Organize the seminar of the eighth elementary school Chinese reading teaching observation and the eighth elementary school mathematics quality class selection.




1. Organization personnel listen to young teachers and discuss teaching.


2. Check the operation settings and correction situation


3. Carry out high -grade composition competitions, and the second and third grades fast calculation competition.


4. Carry out routine teaching work.


5. Organize the selection of high -quality courses in the city's physical education and observe the third classroom teaching contest of the national primary school Chinese Soviet Education Edition.




1. Check the second inspection notes.


2. Inconducting the quality of teaching, the quality analysis is performed to explore the measures to increase the efficiency of the classroom.


3. Participate in the third classroom teaching and observation activities of the county level, and organize teachers to go out to study.


4. Adhere to the routine inspection of teaching work.




1. Each subject enters the general review, and prepares and summarizes the final examination.


2. Complete the summary of various disciplines and data archiving work.


3. Check the third inspection notes.


4. Complete the recycling of teachers' books and preparations.


5. Arrange the work of the winter vacation.


6. Do a good job of analysis and summary of the final detection.


7. Do a good job of summary of the final work.

小学教导处工作计划 篇3


1. Guidance


This semester, our school's academic work will focus on the school's work goals, based on actual teaching work, focus on daily management, focus on optimizing classroom teaching, and the goal of improving the quality of teaching.Through various forms, we actively explore new methods and models of teaching management and classroom teaching in the context of education modernization, and comprehensively create a new situation in our school's education and teaching work.


Second, work goals


1. Strengthen the daily management of the teaching department, make management on a standardized and scientific track, and strive to improve the level of education and teaching management.


2. Strictly implement the provincial "five strictness" regulations, strengthen classroom teaching management, and promote teachers to continuously improve the effectiveness, effectiveness and efficiency of classroom teaching.


3. Do a good job in the construction of the teacher's team, improve the awareness of quality, professionalism and teaching and research consciousness of all teachers, and become the leader of the development of high -quality education.


4. Strive to broaden the space for activities, arrange extra -curricular activities scientifically, enrich campus life, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of students.


three.Work measure


(1) Strictly implement the provisions of the provincial "five strictness" regulations, and strive to standardize and improve


The Teaching Department will strictly implement the provincial "five strictness" regulations, standardize teaching behaviors, strengthen refined management, and strive to improve the quality of teaching.


1. Strictly implement the curriculum plan and teach in accordance with the law.All courses are set up, strictly controlling private classes, random substitution, and skewers; in the teaching process, continuously enhance the standard awareness of teachers, enhance the teacher's class research atmosphere, and enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching.


2. Standardize students at school, strictly control students' time, and do not let students stay in the classroom after school.Reduce students' heavy academic burdens, strictly control the total number of homework, and set homework science, moderate, flexible, and practical to ensure that primary school students have 9 hours of sleep a day.


3. Strengthen the moral education of teachers, strive to improve the quality of teaching and education, accept social supervision, and prevent various violations such as paid tutor education.


(2) Strengthen the management of refined teaching and improve the quality of the process


Establish the first consciousness of quality and form a healthy view of education. This semester will increase supervision and achieve "five lectures": First, preparation of lessons, and then conduct a second preparation on the basis of collective lessons and personal styles (requiring young teachers to prepare detailed cases, teachers and teachers over 50 years old Teachers who have obtained the title of Municipal Teaching Expert can prepare lessons through the post page or electronic method); second, pay attention to class. Classroom teaching is the central link of teaching. Teachers should have a strong awareness, quality and benefit awareness in the classroom. They should continue to learn the classroom teaching language, skills and methods of famous teachers, guide students to develop intelligence, and attach importance to the guidance of learning methods. (Reminder: Pay attention to the preparation of teaching aids, learning tools, and modern teaching methods before class, listen to classes in advance) 3. Pay attention to homework, carefully arrange students' classroom homework, strengthen research and discussions before layout of homework, conscientiously and standardize all homework, eliminate all homework, eliminate it The backlog, strictly control the number of correction between students. The homework must adhere to the "four musts", that is, it must be received, corrected, corrected, and evaluated. (Attachment: at least 35 math classroom homework in the first and second grades, at least 25 math classroom homework in grades in the third, fourth, and fifth grades; the third and fourth grade composition, 7 large works, 6 small works; 7 famous works and 5 in the fifth grade Ministry of minor work; in this semester, students' writing and reading are still based on PR


Students show their self -special space, various ways and various forms to display evaluation students, strive to evaluate the comprehensiveness and diversity of evaluation, and stimulate students' interest in learning.(In order to further improve the quality of teaching and reflect the fairness of each test, we must strictly standardize the testing requirements of this semester, check the requirements, strictly monitor the examination, and carefully review the papers to ensure the objectivity and authenticity of the examination process.Discover as a teaching accident.)


(3) Laying a solidly colorful campus activity, strong quality in interest


1. Organize and carry out good reading activities


The "bilingual reading" activity should become a "conventional action" that the school students must conduct every day to form institutionalization.According to the requirements of the county reading book, the time of the county's reading book, make full use of the time of early reading, noon reading and reading lessons, and have a planned reading activity.Reading books in each grade will be included in the investigation and testing.At the same time, the school will hold a reading festival in November. Each class should attach great importance to it. According to arrangements, carefully organize and strive to achieve everyone's participation, so that school reading activities will improve a new level.


2. Organize and carry out campus cultural and sports activities


Continue to implement large -scale inter -class activities, conduct the exercise of radio gymnastics and beneficial and interesting inter -class game activities; the sunshine sports activity will specify the activity project according to the grade section to ensure that students master two sports skills, so that these skills will affect students' health and happiness for their lifetimeGrowing external motivation.


3. Organize the discipline competition activities


Carry out disciplines such as calligraphy, recitation, storytelling, speech, speaking, oral calculations, English sessions and other disciplines, and select the best single experts, such as "Little Calligraphers", "Oral King" and "Writing Little Expert".

小学教导处工作计划 篇4


1. Guiding thought:


Guided by the school work opinions of the municipal bureau school district, strive to promote projects such as "high -efficiency teaching promotion, education quality evaluation, and improvement of school cultural connotation", and strive to create a "light burden, high quality" __ mode ", and strive to improve the quality of teaching.Serve and lead the development of teachers, and strive to create a characteristic and powerful teacher -funded team to promote the comprehensive improvement of school taste.


Second, work ideas:


In the new semester, the teaching office work shall work in accordance with the requirements of the school's three -year development plan and school work ideas.This semester, the teaching department work is: around a center, strengthen two tasks, implement two reforms, and comprehensively create a new situation of education and teaching.


Around a center: centered on "reduction and quality".


Strengthen the two tasks: One strengthening the daily management of the Teaching Office, strive to do regular work such as lessons, classes, and monthly reviews, so that management is standardized and scientific, and strives to improve the school's teaching management level and further improve classroom efficiency.Second, strengthen the construction of the teaching and research group, so that the education and research activities of various science and research are enriched and effective.The reform of Sanluo's classroom model, actively carry out classroom teaching in the "learning guidance" model, and strive to improve the quality of teaching.Four actual teachers' training reform, focusing on training the "learning guidance" classroom model and practice, cultivating young teachers, and ensuring that the teachers have layers and stably improve their teaching level.


3. Main work measures:


(1), meticulous implementation of conventional management, and conscientiously improve the quality of teaching.


Actively and solidly carry out projects such as "high -efficiency teaching promotion, evaluation of education quality, and improvement of school cultural connotation".Continue to promote the "burden reduction and quality" reform experiment, establish a student's schoolwork burden monitoring, reporting, announcement, and accountability system, and focus on creating a "light burden, high quality" __ mode.


1. Strictly implement the curriculum plan, adhere to the class in accordance with the class, keep the quality and quantity of each lesson, and prevent the phenomenon of private transfer, absenteeism, late, early departure, departure from the middle of the class, taking mobile phones, corporal punishment students, etc.Strengthen the follow -up inspection.


2. Strengthen the regular inspection of teaching, strengthen the monitoring of the entire process of teaching, strengthen the usual daily period, and attach importance to the end of the period.Strengthen teachers' business learning, collective lessons, and exchange discussions, and effectively improve the quality of classroom teaching.It is required to be "collective for collective lessons, specificization of individual lessons, artistic art of classroom teaching, diversification of extra -curricular operations, standardization of unit testing, and institutionalized quality analysis."


(1) Strictly patrol system, urge teachers to strictly implement the curriculum plan, effectively every lesson, find problems, and timely point out.


(2) Strictly prepare lesson management.Vigorously promote the reform of the teaching model of learning and practice, the liberation teachers' copying and paste, the school preparation of the school's semester for reform: within 5 years of the teaching age (including 5 years), 1/2 of the total course time (academic guidance mode)The lesson plans of less than 6 years (including 15 years), 1/3 of the lesson (including 15 years), 1/3 of the total lessons (academic training mode), the teaching age is more than 15 years.The lesson plan, other electronic drafts, eliminate the lessons of the lesson (0 points in the January Month of Bai Class).Teachers submit a complete guidance of teaching training plans every week (including teaching content, teaching goals, difficulties in teaching, interpretation of teaching materials, learning information analysis, teaching process, practice design, and after -school reflection).Monthly review and irregular inspections, and actively linked to performance.


(3) Strict class management.Promote carefully studying textbooks and create a "high -efficiency classroom" with the characteristics of "learning and practice". From the perspective of student perspectives, efficient and autonomous learning activities are designed to ensure the pertinence and effectiveness of training training.To build high -efficiency classrooms, to ensure these four points: clarify the goals; improve efficiency; focus on methods; classroom effects.


(4) Strict operation management.For the design and correction of the operation, each teacher should take it seriously and strive to be scientific, objective, and effective. It is strictly forbidden to do homework to be a phase -specific punishment for students.Must be approved, criticized must be criticized, and wrong must be corrected. "(To be selected, first, correct, feedback)


3. Strengthen discipline teaching management and optimize classroom teaching.While strengthening the teaching of English disciplines, pay attention to the teaching management of some weak disciplines.In response to the problems existing in teaching in some disciplines, especially the textbooks of music, art, and physical education are focusing on hand -made, appreciating, and games. It is strictly forbiddenPhysical education classes, there is no venue, physical education teachers should carefully design to ensure that students are good for each physical education class).


4. Encourage teachers to produce and use modern teaching methods in teaching, and actively promote the application of multimedia information technology in classroom teaching and improve effects.


5. Continue to adhere to the system of listening (teachers must not be less than 15 sessions per semester, and school leaders and teaching and research teams must not be less than 20 sessions per semester). To strengthen the intensity of listening to the classroom, the leaders must go deep into the classroom;At the beginning of the classroom activities, we can understand the teaching dynamics of teachers and the normal state of learning, conduct effective guidance, improve the teaching efficiency of teachers' classrooms and student learning effects.


(2) To do a good job of teaching and research activities based on the school, and promote the improvement of teaching quality.


1. Continue to carry out school -based teaching and research activities, and give full play to the function of teaching and research groups.Take the teaching and research team as the unit, carefully formulate teaching and research activities, ensure that teaching and research activities are carried out once a week, and try to start at least one public course per person per semester to study and solve practical problems in teaching and scientific research.EssenceCarefully carry out a good classroom teaching and observation activities. Each public teaching activity must combine the actual teaching of the school, determine the research theme and research focus, do a good job of summarizing the activities and the finishing of materials.


2. Do a good job of collecting collective class preparation activities.The teaching and research team should conduct research themes based on the new curriculum arrangements and combined with the actual teaching of this group.Organize carefully during the activity, with process records, information accumulation, and activities summarized to achieve institutionalization and dailyization.


3. According to the three -year development plan of the school, implement the management of topic, and actively do a good job of project management (the subject of studying the classroom model, the professional development project of the teacher, and the project of school community construction).Do a good job of applying for new topics and strive to have a scientific research topic for each person.Continue to implement the award system for the establishment, research, associations, papers, and cases at the Ruian and Wenzhou levels above the Ruian and Wenzhou levels, and teachers with active attitudes of scientific research and significant scientific research results give priority to evaluating and evaluating first.


4. Actively organize teachers to participate in various papers and comparison activities at all levels to promote the professional growth of teachers.


5. Innovate the form of teaching and research activities of the school, give full play to the advantages of computer networks and distance education, and conscientiously organize teaching salons, high -quality teachers' boutique courses and other activities.


(3) Exploration mode, pursue effectiveness, and improve quality.


Actively explore the reform of the classroom model, and continue to seek the support and follow -up of the theoretical support and action of learning the classroom model, that is, the learning guidance adheres to a concept: rebuild classrooms, promote curriculum reform; implement the two major goals: ① Cultivate students' active spirit , ② Cultivate students' learning ability; follow three principles: ⑴ Strong learning weak education, ⑵ learn more less teaching, ⑶ learn first and then teach. Therefore, in classroom teaching, it is necessary to focus on the establishment of "learning and practice" effective teaching model, to build a classroom -based classroom, and to promote students' active learning. To build an efficient classroom, ensure that these four points are clearly clarified (what does this lesson allow the students to get and how much?); Improve efficiency (how long do you use to get it?); Pay attention to the method (how to get students? "Post -education" is to allow students to learn and cooperate with themselves. Students can solve themselves to solve themselves, so that students must learn themselves first, and teachers are not in a hurry to speak; those who do not cooperate in groups can be resolved; By the last step. Let the students say that it does n’t matter if the students answered wrong. Teachers can correct it, but they must give students the opportunity to learn and speak.) Classroom effects (Do each student reach teaching goals?).


2. Teaching quality


The quality of education and teaching is the lifeline of a school and the foundation of the school. The management of teaching quality must be first in any time.The Teaching Office of this semester will focus on the following tasks:


⑴ In order to implement the curriculum standards, open and go well, strengthen the standardized curriculum management, strengthen the classroom teaching work of various subjects, and use the classroom listening class (each teacher per semester with the class section 1) synchronized.Forms, combine courses and random inspections (preparation, homework, etc.), and include the assessment results into the quantitative results at the end of the semester.


⑵, continue to do a good job of quality research, do a good job of mid -term process testing work in all grades, and do a good job: ⑴, first, second grade focusing on the cultivation of habits; ⑵ grades 3 to fifth grade habits and quality synchronization;quality.Among them, grasping the sixth grade graduation class is the top priority. The Teaching Office will take practical measures to increase the management of teachers and students in the sixth grade, and do a good job in the final test of the sixth grade period.System), the Teaching Department discusses the problems in teaching and actively seek solutions.Strive to achieve good results in the sixth grade graduation test.


(3) In order to improve the school's quality schools decided to grasp various standards.Discipline of Chinese: Grades and Two Grades Grade Standard, Third and Fourth Grade Fragment Writing Standard, Fifth and 6th Grade Composition Writing Standard; Mathematics Discipline: Two Grades Grades Grade Calculation Standard, 3456 Grade Calculation and Application Questions; English Discipline:The readings and writing of words are up to the standard; science discipline: each unit knowledge meets the standards; in short, all disciplines have reached standards, and the scores of the standards are set by the school. The prize bonus may be 300-500 yuan.Promote the continuous deepening of quality education through various standards.


(4) Pay attention to the differences in students' learning and do a good job of counseling and transformation of students.Each class should establish archives and formulate transformation programs for students' trapped students in accordance with individual students who have appeared this semester.Teachers are required to pay attention to the trapped students, patient counseling and transformation of the students' trapped students, and improve the learning ability of students.Teachers of Chinese, mathematics, English and other disciplines must adhere to individual counseling, and adopt teaching methods that varies from person to person and teach according to their aptitude, so that each student can develop.Improve the quality evaluation mechanism of education, formulate quality monitoring evaluation standards for students 'comprehensive quality training and help students' transformation of students, and establish teaching quality awards.


3. Deepen various activities and let each student learn.


Continue to deepen the reform of the school's curriculum, solidly grasp the comprehensive activities, interest activities, class reading clubs, and student community activities, comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of students, focus on the second interesting activity class, and organize students to carry out various activities.Strengthen the management of the Han Chao Literature Society, Broadcasting Room, Art, Dance, track and Fields, basketball, table tennis, scientific practice survey and other activities.Cultivate our university's qualified GETEI students to lay a solid foundation; strive to create conditions, earnestly implement comprehensive practical activities courses, and create a comprehensive practical activity course that conforms to the development of our school;The book of the book, improve the inspection and evaluation system for reading.

(四)、 改革优化师资队伍途径,规划教师的自我发展,努力提高教师素质。

(4) Reform and optimize the channels for teachers, plan the self -development of teachers, and strive to improve the quality of teachers.


1. Actively carry out various activities to help teachers grow rapidly.


⑴ Dailyization of reading activities.Teachers in the first semester should actively read 2-3 books of educational theoretical books. Each theoretical book masterpiece requires a special post-reading feeling of more than 1,000 words and reading for reading above 20__ or more.After reading and reading, both are recorded in the "Teacher Self -Development Manual".And use your learning experience in the form of PPT to communicate in the teacher meeting.


⑵, continue to carry out the training of backbone teachers in depth, activities based on our school, extending the school.A This semester focuses on conducting public and classroom activities (each person starts) to show your best lesson this semester to everyone.At the same time, listening and evaluation activities are carried out. In addition, activities such as lectures and going out will be carried out.B participating in the school district teaching alliance has prompted our school teachers to develop faster and better.


2. Plan yourself and continue to improve.


According to the school's three -year development plan, teachers must formulate corresponding according to their actual situation.Three years of development planning, academic year development plan, semester development plan, and in the "eleven one", complete their own planning, and continuously improve themselves.(Ten one includes)


(1) Three basic merits of teachers (one in the early period, mid -term, and end of the period);


(2) Listen 15 sections per semester, and there are simple evaluations;


(3) Listening to the Lord of the Class 1 lesson every semester;


(4) Public lesson and one section of the class in each semester; (everyone must)


(5) Read 1 educational monograph every semester (read a book), complete 10,000 words of learning notes, write a quality reading experience, and communicate at the teacher meeting;


(6) Make 1 boutique courseware every semester;


(7) Writing 1 paper per semester (case or education narrative);


(8) Introduction to school -level experience once (9), submit 1 subject proposition per semester, and analyze;

(10)、每月写4-8篇博文; 申报一个课题,并扎实开展课题研究;(40岁以上教师要达到40分,40岁以下的要达到60分。)

(10) Write 4-8 blog posts per month; apply for a topic and carry out solid research on topic research; (teachers over 40 years of age must reach 40 points, 60 points under 40 years old.)


3. Strengthen the theoretical study of teachers, and insist on writing teaching reflection.In the reflection, there are experiences of successful teachers and lessons of failure.Reflection is a way to improve teachers' classroom teaching ability and level. We must practice in learning, reflect on practice, and grow in reflection.Each teacher is required to write teaching reflection or teaching postship or teaching (2 monthly chapters under 40 years old, 1 monthly one month in the age of 40, and post on a blog or reading) Teaching reflection must exceed 1 monthly evaluation./3.


4. Organize teachers to participate in various business training and learning, promote the continuous improvement of teachers' own education and teaching level, so as to continuously improve the quality of teaching.Create all conditions, adopt the method of "going out, please come in", and organize young teachers to go out to participate in various training and various observation activities, to enlighten all the strengths, broaden the teaching ideas.


In short, the teaching concept of running "students first, learning first; success first, growth first" is centered on __.

小学教导处工作计划 篇5


1. Guidance


Guided by the spirit of curriculum reform, adhere to the idea of "common development, share success and happiness." The school -running ideas are the core, promote the development of teachers and students, deepen curriculum reform, promote classroom teaching level, and improve the quality of teaching.


2. Specific work tasks and measures


(1) Improve the teacher team


1. Continue to build a learning organization this semester.Through reading, schools in schools, mutual learning, and inviting to go out to enhance teachers.In professional studies, further clarify the goals and tasks of curriculum reform; in teaching research, the new ideas, new perspectives, new methods, and new requirements of the new curriculum gradually internalize into the teaching values and behavior of teachers.In addition to teaching, teachers are encouraged to read a lot of good books, that is, to enrich their personal life, and can also cultivate their minds and minds in reading and improve their literacy.


2. Give full play to the role of the grade group and teaching and research group.With grade team leaders and teaching and research teams as the core, the school cohesion is enhanced, all the hearts are based, based on students, to achieve teachers, realize the scientific and steadily improvement of school education and teaching work, and to run the people's satisfactory education.


(2) The practical work of regular work, and the quality of teaching will be improved


1. Strengthen the routine management of teaching, require teachers to do five links in the teaching routine, attach importance to process management, summarize and exchanges, and adhere to the summary after -school summary.


2. Strictly implement the routine teaching system of the primary school, and continuously improved in the process of implementation, making it more humane and more in line with management reality.


3. Strengthen the education of students' extra -curricular reading and give full play to the function of the library.Starting from this semester, the class is based on the class and entered the library to borrow books.You can also establish a book corner in the class to ensure that children can find good books, read good books, enrich their extracurricular life, and learn happily.


4. Pay attention to the effectiveness of writing lessons.Chinese teachers must not only enter the writing classroom, but also provide appropriate guidance for students.Of course, only in these fifteen minutes, it is difficult for students to master the method of writing. Therefore, each teacher of the subject has the responsibility to strictly require students to write the words on the homework book.At the end of the semester, the school will check the effect of writing lessons with calligraphy competitions and homework exhibitions, comparison of old and new homework books.


5. Following the educational concept of "student -oriented", we must pay attention to every student.According to the actual situation of our school, each class has different degrees of advanced students. Our teachers must be good at grasping the characteristics of each post -to -student and encourage them to develop.The Academic Affairs Office will establish a focus card for the 1-2 of the class and care about their growth process.At the end of the period, we will invite teachers who have achieved obvious results in this regard to introduce advanced experience to share.


6. This semester is tight and the task is heavy. The teachers need to complete the various tasks in a solid and unscrupulous manner, especially the teaching tasks. We must focus on improving the quality of teaching and unswervingly improve the quality of our school.quality of education.In the teaching work of the graduation class, teachers should pay attention to the reasonable use of time, systematically review, and strive to achieve better results in the graduation exam.


(3) Leading scientific research, leading the trend for development


1. Implement the teaching and research organization, establish a sense of scientific research and school, and in addition to the subjects established by the school, encourage teachers to start from a young age to set up their own small topics. For topics that have practical research significance, they can also be raised to the height of the school.Declars to apply.


2. The topic of "_ English" has been studied in our school for several years, and her growth has made us proud.However, we must also realize that "there is no best, only better", so we have to seek new breakthroughs in this subject to strive to improve this topic.


3. "_ Engineering" is often unremitting.In the third -grade students, we will carry out self -creation and self -made famous words.Of course, it can also be comic or fairy tales.


4. In order to enrich students' extra -curricular life and learn healthy healthy development.This semester will also be held in the _ month to cultivate students with comprehensive development.

小学教导处工作计划 篇6


According to the work deployment of the District Education Bureau and the district, we will continue to focus on the school's work goals of "reducing burdens and efficiency, scientific research and promoting schools", combined with the actual situation of the school, to carry out the teaching work of this semester, and formulate this plan.

一、 继续做好减负及教学常规管理工作。

1. Continue to do a good job of burden reduction and teaching routine management.


1. Continue to be guided by the spirit of the Municipal Education Bureau 20__ Years No. 1, and in accordance with the burden reduction measures drafted by our school and various disciplines, we should implement it in education and teaching.Last semester, the overall volume and school time were basically based on requirements. This semester should continue to grasp and consolidate, especially on the basis of reducing burden to increase efficiency.This semester should work hard to achieve more effective classes and teaching and research activities, truly improve the efficiency of classrooms, and provide a strong guarantee for improving the burden and efficiency.The Teaching Department should still strengthen inspections and guidance, timely follow -up feedback, timely understand the situation, and discover problems in time.


2. In addition to continuing to strengthen the conscious habits of pre -class reading this semester, some improvements should be made in content to make the content of the recitation richer and promote the accumulation of students.Each class Chinese teachers should strengthen the guidance of emotional recitation.Students' conscious habits of lunch reading have basically developed, but they must increase their guidance in choosing good books and effective reading.The focus of the habit is: students' classroom routine (trying to make each student form a good study habit of listening, active participation, cooperation, confident and generous learning habits.) Teachers should pay special attention to learning through group cooperation in classroom teaching, etc.Methods to work hard to highlight the status of students 'learning subjects, truly change the phenomenon of too many teachers' activities, too many words, and dull atmosphere.


3. Organize the opening of the teaching of teaching this semester.The 6th week is tentative, and the object is mainly for the parents of some middle school students. The theme is "How to promote the children to go forward".Interactive exchanges with the teacher.At the same time, some activities are carried out during class.(Combined with the art festival, recitation festival)


4. Monthly regular inspection work arrangements (tentative): February (all teachers' teaching manual, teaching plan inspection; inspection of all students) in March (some teachers' lesson plans and listening courses inspection; subsequent students' homework inspection) in April (teaching and research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research,Inspection of the lesson preparation group) in May (completion of the growth record book) in June (listening to the course, review class)


2. Strengthen the formulation and trial implementation of the school quality testing plan.


This semester, Chinese, Mathematics, English, Music, Fine Arts, Science, Pinxin Society, and Comprehensive Practice shall be based on the actual situation of the school's inspection work on the basis of the school -based testing work.The school quality testing scheme is formulated, and the progressive modification and improvement of the progress of the trial implementation will be properly modified and improved, thereby promoting the comprehensive development and healthy growth of students.Music, science, and English groups that were well done in the last semester must also be studied and explored on the basis of last semester practice, and strive to make the detection plan more scientific.The teaching department should follow up and guide the work, and timely feedback and coordination.


Third, do a good job of follow -up and guidance of new teachers' assessment lessons.

高度重视本学期3位新教师(语文组:蔡蔷 体育组:沈志斌 综合实践:陈嘉琦)的考核课。期初敦促新教师所在的教研备课组及指导老师对新教师进行考核课课题确定的指导,先由新教师进行独立教材分析,独立备课,拟出初案,在指导老师、所在教研备课组的指导下进行集体备课、个人磨课,上好考核课。

Pay attention to the assessment courses of three new teachers (Chinese group: Cai Qiang Sports Group: Shen Zhibin Comprehensive Practice: Chen Jiaqi) this semester.At the beginning of the period, the teaching and research preparation team and the instructor of the new teachers were urged to conduct the guidance of the new teachers' assessment subjects. First, the new teachers conducted independent textbook analysis, independent preparation, and planned the initial case.Take a collective preparation, personal grinding lessons, and take good assessment courses.


The guidance of the new teachers should be strengthened from two aspects: one is the organization and driving of teaching in classroom teaching, and the other is the analysis of teaching materials and preparation design.New teachers are required to attach great importance to the assessment work. On the one hand, they must take the initiative to ask the master and the teacher of the same reserve team to ask for advice.At the same time, we must also seriously participate in various training activities organized by the district and city.


Fourth, strengthen the creation of districts and schools.


In the selection of the excellent teaching and research group in the first and second sessions, the school's Chinese, mathematics, and English groups won an award, but the third session missed the opportunity.In all groups, all groups must strive.Especially in recent years, the excellent skills discipline groups (sports, music, art, science, and information) in the excellent teaching and research and preparation groups of the school.

1、 继续巩固近两年来我们在教研、备课活动的及时性、有效性,及凸显主题性方面的成效,继续做好学期研讨课,切实落实跨学科听课,增强时间观念,按照学校工作安排(1、2周完成课题上报整合,开课前两天再次在q群通报开课时间、地点,最迟第3周开始开课,最迟15周结束开课)完成研讨课,不滞后。研讨课仍要与课题研讨紧密结合,主题鲜明,建议多采用同题循环或同题异构的形式,使研讨课真正地成为研究问题的有效渠道。

1. Continue to consolidate the timeliness and effectiveness of our teaching and research and lesson preparation activities in the past two years, and highlight the theme of the theme, continue to do a good job of semester discussions, effectively implement interdisciplinary listening lessons, enhance the concept of time, and follow the school work arrangements (1. Completion of the topic and integration of the topic, two days before the start of the class, reported the start time and place in the Q group again, starting the class at the last 3rd week, and the opening of the lesson at the latest 15 weeks) completed the seminar, which is not lagging.The seminar still needs to be closely integrated with the subject discussions. The theme is clear. It is recommended that the form of the same cycle or the same heterogeneous in the same question enables the seminar to truly become an effective channel for research issues.


Each group should carry out unique teaching and research activities: the study of the language group, the establishment of the literature society, the editor of the excellent Xi Journal of the school;The heterogeneity or the same subject cycle teaching activities to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and research.

2、 在平时的教研备课组活动过程中,时时以优秀教研、备课组的具体要求规范本组的各项工作,期初要组长要组织组员进行评选方案的学习,对要求做到心中有数,才能将做工作做好。同时上学期有接受区校本教研检查的组,要针对检查中存在的问题进行及时改进。

2. During the normal teaching and research group activities, the various tasks of this group should be regulated by the specific requirements of the excellent teaching and research and preparation group.Only to do a good job.At the same time, there were groups that received district school teaching and research inspection last semester, and timely improved the problems in the inspection.


Fifth, pay attention to the follow -up and guidance of teaching in one or six grades.


1. In addition to continuing to pay attention to the education seminars of students' good learning habits and behavior habits, the first grade enables the first grade to develop good learning habits such as listening, homework, writing, etc., and lay a good foundation for future learning;Pay attention to the training of students' learning skills, such as: Chinese writing, chanting, mathematical computing, spoken English, and skills disciplines.This semester plans to conduct skills testing for students.

2、 重视对毕业班的学生进行理想、责任教育,促使学生以更好的精神面貌面对最后一个学期的学习,在小学学习生涯的最后一个阶段得到更好地进步和提升,拟于开学第3周邀请高三(英中)已被保送的学哥学姐对同学们进行讲座与互动活动。组织毕业班的老师开展有效复习的研讨工作,加强集体备课,探讨高效扎实的复习方式,在不增加学生课业负担的基础上,引导学生对小学知识进行必要的整理和提升。 根据区教育局的要求,本学期毕业考将实行网上阅卷。为使学生适应新的答题形式,毕业班教师要根据区进修校编制的两份全面地了解总复习前和总复习后学生的学习情况,根据实际进行相应指导。加强学生的书写习惯指导,提高书写质量,以免影响阅卷的效果。

2. Pay attention to the ideal and responsibility education of the graduates, promote students to face the last semester study with a better mental appearance, and get better progress and improvement in the last stage of the primary school study career.In 3 weeks, the scholars and sisters who have been sent to the senior high school (English and China) have lectured and interactive activities to the students.Teachers who organize graduation classes to conduct effective review work, strengthen collective lessons, explore efficient and solid review methods, and guide students to organize and improve elementary school knowledge on the basis of not increasing students' schoolwork burden.According to the requirements of the District Education Bureau, this semester will implement online papers.In order to make students adapt to the new form of answering, the graduate teachers must comprehensively understand the learning situation of students before and after the general review of the general review of the school, and conduct corresponding guidance according to the actual situation.Strengthen students' writing habits guidance, improve writing quality, so as not to affect the effect of the scroll.


6. Strengthen the pairing of teachers and apprentices.


On the basis of the pairing of teachers and apprentices last semester, appropriate fine -tuning: Jiang Yamei -Xue Liping


Wang Chunlin -Teacher Qiu, Gao Weihua, Gan Yuhui, Guan Rui'e -Xue Liping, strengthened the work of listening to each other for two weeks, followed by the work of a class, and continued to carry out the apprenticeship.Teachers and apprentices showed that they were mainly discussions in the same subject.Masters should strengthen their apprentices' guidance in theoretical learning, teaching experience, and writing, and improve the convenient consciousness and ability of apprentices.

七、 继续做好与火炬学校结对互助工作。

7. Continue to do a good job with mutual assistance with the torch school.


At the beginning of the period, the teaching and research team leader should take the initiative to actively cooperate with the teaching and research, and preparation team leaders corresponding to the torch


Department, interoperability information, determine the theme of the discussion, the situation and time of the activity, learn more from the other party, and share good resources with teaching experience with the torch. At the same time, you must make timely recording and processing materials.

八、 学科实践活动。

8. Disciplinary practice activities.


1. Continue to pay attention to the development of discipline practice activities: requiring projects for discipline practice activities in each group


It is necessary to carefully plan, implement the process, and create a display platform to improve students' subject quality and ability.The Chinese group mainly highlights students' ability to write, read, read, and practice; mathematics group combines teaching materials from all grades; arts and physical disciplines combine art festivals to carry out activities;Cultivation.


2. The deployment of art festival and reading festivals, formulate a plan, combine the characteristics of the discipline,


Carry out unique activities.


Based on the concept of improving students 'ability and quality, setting up the stage of exercise and display for students, setting appropriate, students' favorite activities, guiding students to actively participate, participating in all members, improving art and literary cultivation, cultivating sunshine self -confidence, positive and promising upwardGood attitude.The art festival strives to have more stage for children to participate and show. It is recommended that there are more activities in the competition in the class to reflect the participation of all members, but do not formally and pass.The reading festival continues the reading activities of the last semester, leads the reading activities to deepen, truly stimulates the interest and enthusiasm of students' recitation, and improves the level of recitation of teachers and students.At the same time, the performance of textbook dramas and stage dramas is carried out, combined with extra -curricular reading activities to stimulate students' creativity.


Do a good job in the organization and guidance of the two district -level competitions: the 21st __ district young children on -site painting competition and the __ district 21 session of children's calligraphy scene competition; ______ primary and secondary school students campus football competition.Through the district competition, the excellent teams are selected to participate in various events in the __ city, and they will achieve great achievements.


3. The development of interest group activities still needs to improve its effectiveness. In terms of setting up practice and display platforms for students, students must be more brains, so that students' interest can be cultivated and capabilities.The addition of students with strong composition ability among the 4-6 students (4-6th grades, is responsible for He Qiuting and Teacher Zheng Yingying) and guessing lantern riddles (teachers in the fifth grade Chinese group).


9. Provincial demonstration library review work.


At the beginning of the period, the book administrator Lin Yuanqing conducted a self -examination based on the document, wrote a self -examination report, and improved timely improvement of existing problems.Continue to carry out good book recommendation activities (classes), carry out the writing and evaluation of reading experience, continue the selection of monthly outstanding readers and small book administrators, publish and compare the monthly reading volume rankings, and deepen reading activities.Actively build the e -reading room.


Attachment: monthly work arrangement


2nd and March:


1. Learn the burden reduction document and formulate a measure of burden reduction.

2、 完成课标学习、教材分析、教学计划及进度制定等教学常规工作。

2. Complete teaching routine work such as curriculum standard learning, teaching materials analysis, teaching plan and progress formulation.

3、 制定新学期工作计划。

3. Formulate a new semester work plan.

4、 召开教研、备课组长会议。(第2周周一教师例会后)

4. Hold a meeting of teaching and research and class preparation team leaders.(After the second week of the teacher)


5. Establish and carry out interest group activities.


6. At the beginning of the final teaching, routine drawing.(Curriculum standard learning, textbook analysis, lesson 1 week)

7、专家讲座: (施茂枝)

7. Expert lecture: (Shi Maozhi)


8. Planning of reading festivals, art festivals, and ball leagues.

9、 筹划教学开放周活动。

9. Planning teaching open week activities.

10、 召开六年级毕业生学习动员大会及家长会。

10. Hold a sixth grade graduate study mobilization meeting and parent meeting.


11. Participate in the District Education and Research Conference.


12. Preparation and lectures of new teachers' assessment lessons.

13、 图书馆工作自查、改进。

13. Self -inspection and improvement of library work.


14. Class library corner construction.


15. Self -inspection and improvement of school library review.Construction of electronic reading room.


16. Preparation of the Outstanding Xiwan Weekly.




1. Early preparation of campus reading festivals and art festivals.


2. Participate in the general review work seminar.


3. New teacher assessment class grinding.


4. Teaching routine inspection.


5. First -grade students' writing and reading levels (Chinese), computing (mathematics).


6. The seminar continues.


7, mid -term exam.


8. Carry out campus reading festivals.


9. Provincial demonstration library review work.


10. Preparation of the Outstanding Xiwan Weekly.




1. Carry out campus art festival activities.(Organize the participation of the "Qing Miao Award" literary and artistic reconstruction.)


2. Experience exchanges for guide and auxiliary differences.


3. Sixth grade teaching quality test.


4. Disciplinary operation display activities.


5. Organize the scene of the twenty -first children's painting in the __ district.

6、 毕业班总复习教学调研与指导及毕业考命题。

6. Graduation class review teaching research and guidance and graduation test proposition.

7、 考查学科区质量监控。

7. Examine the quality monitoring of the discipline area.

8、 __区20__中小学生校园足球比赛。

8. __ Area 20__ Elementary and Middle School Student Campus Football Competition.


9. The preparation of the excellent Xiwu Weekly.




1. Organize graduation exams.


2. Final review and examination.


3. Preparation of the excellent school selection and journal.


July, August


1. Summary of various work at the end of the semester.


2. Analysis of the quality of teaching in various schools.


3. Work and research team and class preparation group work.Selected the excellent teaching and research group and class preparation group.