
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:12 | 来源:语文通



非主流伤感空间日志 篇1非主流空间日志大全 篇2非主流空间日志大全 篇3非主流空间日志大全 篇4

非主流伤感空间日志 篇1


I picked up the memories again and rippled on the glass window.


The fragments of memory have been looking for, afraid that time is too long, everything can not come back.


Watching time slipping away day by day, your indifference expression makes me feel so difficult to breathe.


I remember saying that I would go to the end.


Falling leaves can't find memories, afraid that time will pass too long, and the thoughts have long been dispersed.


Looking at your innocent smile, the familiar scene is just virtual.


I remember I used to see the sea and walked across the street.


Time is the sin given by life, and you and I gradually learn to be indifferent.


The heart is hot, but it can't be given too much. Who is it?


I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.


The tenderness that belongs to you is the dedication that no one can take away.

The tenderness that belongs to you is the dedication that no one can take away.


I just want you to accompany me, by your side, sing gently,


My happiness is brilliant only by your side.


The thoughts that can't be taken away can only wander around you.

The thoughts that can't be taken away can only wander around you.


Remember the past again, how familiar with it.


Those who are remained are not forgotten, it's your tenderness too hard.Let me learn to pretend.


That line tightened every day, and your smile never appeared in my life.


Love and learn to be silent, can't escape the sadness of indifference.


I couldn't get happiness one day, and my heart was slowly stacked with sand.


The tears of memories are beautiful, and I can no longer control the shackles of feelings.


Memories returned to the past, I loved so much.


Missing is the sin given by life, so that you and I will slowly learn to fade.


My heart is too hot, I want you too much, until the end, I found that love was faint.


I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.


The tenderness that belongs to you is the dedication that no one can take away.

The tenderness that belongs to you is the dedication that no one can take away.


Love, as long as this life, hold hands with you and wait for the flowers.


Accompanying each other is the happiness I want most.


The thoughts that can't be taken away can only wander around you.

The thoughts that can't be taken away can only wander around you.


Love has long been turned into smoke and was blown into the distance.


Our distance is getting farther and farther in time scouring,


You can't guess your heart.


Just blame yourself without your love.


Si Yi, just blame yourself, so I have to smile bitterly,


Read you, my heart is still hot, fantasizing that you can come back.


I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.

I, as long as you accompany me, walk through the street to see the sea.


The tenderness belonging to you is my most beautiful nostalgia.


I just want you to accompany me, hold hands together, and watch the flowers bloom.


Accompany each other and wait until the sea is rotten.


The thought that can't take away is the only you who miss it,


Si Yi, love has gone,


I, with memories, hovering, waiting for you.....Then, then, then

非主流空间日志大全 篇2


I have always loved literature, I know.


There is the sea that accommodates tears; there is an exile of my grassland. I really want to soar in the blue sky there, and I am confidently waving a strong wing, but now I look like an injured eagle, I am angry, and I am stunned.I want to return to the sky alone.


I know that people always have a loss of depression, and I can even make the most beautiful verses, but I still want to come out, come out of the dense clouds, come out of the grass that is densely splitted, and put my injured wings.Healing, repairing my broken heart, letting me take off again with the most chic and handsome posture, and once again with the eagle's cool and heroic posture, and wings to the blue sky.


I thought it was me who wrote an article to talk about myself, but the text reversed to encourage me to lick my injury for me, so no matter how many times I talked, I can always stand up again. That is my stubbornness.I, because there is a strong force behind me, encouraging, helping at any time!I want to go forward, I am fearless to walk forward.

非主流空间日志大全 篇3


Sea water washed the rocks by the sea again and again, polishing the memories, and we inevitably 'became the person in the story.


In the memory, at the end of October and early November, the cities in the north began to cool down. The female classmates around them could deliberately borrow clothes from the boys without wearing a jacket. There are always a few girls wrapped in boys.The classroom is playing, as if wearing a boy's clothes in work is particularly face. When you hear people around, you will not feel embarrassed, but you will feel that it is a kind of jealousy.


At that time, I went to self -study every night and said a few words to my parents when I got home. When they slept, they secretly turned on the computer. In fact, I don’t know what to do on the computer.Non -mainstream sentences, sometimes copied them. The next morning, go to school, good students are silently doing various physical questions mathematical questions. I like to secretly share some sentences I saw last night with the table.What.


The boy next to him was still asleep. It is estimated that it was early in the morning in the dormitory in the dormitory. In the morning, if the class teacher had not come to the classroom early to check the people, it is estimated that the group of boys could sleep in the dormitory to wake up naturally.The boy who was reading was lively and talked about playing the game last night and encountered a cheating teammate. I secretly picked up a note and wrote it on it. Did the paper finish?


At that time, the most annoying thing was to take so many physics courses every day. Every day when I saw a physics teacher holding a bunch of papers into the classroom, I felt that the bleak life was about to start again.The analysis of strength and energy is usually two lessons in a row together. After class, seeing him passing by next door, he can't help but raise his head a few times. Maybe when he happened to happen, he was inLook at me, I am watching him too.


I liked the weekend at that time. Although I still have to wear school uniforms, I will ponder for a long time when I go home on Friday night. What kind of clothes should I wear tomorrow? Wear jeans or that skirt.You can also wear school uniforms. You always look forward to cooling down and snowing, and you can wear your own clothes. At that time, he did n’t know who you wore to see it. He just wanted to get rid of the school uniform quickly.


At that time, every time he saw him sweating and returned.They will pretend to be disgusted but naturally put water and paper towels on the table. In fact, those small movements are all deliberately. Knowing that he will find water to drink after coming back after playing the ball, he deliberately goes to the store to buy paper towels and water during the class.He will secretly run to the supermarket on the weekend, carefully choose something he likes to eat, and then take him to the school at the school carelessly, and then look at him with a smile. At that time, he looked so cute, like a child.Never is a careful person, but you can prepare everything for him every time. In fact, it is just because he likes him in his heart.


At that time, we seemed to be stubborn, and I was very sad, but I just told my friends that I was okay. I hid in the dormitory at night and cried with girlfriends. Because of the first time I experienced the separation of feelings, all grievances were uncomfortable.It really made people feel distressed. During the class, I always missed why I was separated from the boy I like. I was sad. When I saw the test papers just sent, the bright score also poked the tears at once.Then, the teacher was called, and I didn't know what the teacher's problem was. I couldn't help but sobbing the teacher and said angrily what was the use of crying. Can crying solve the problem?At that time, I was more aggrieved.


At that time, I always liked to press a Yilin or reader under the mathematical papers or physical papers. When the teacher didn't pay attention, he secretly took it out and scanned it.The playful talked about it, until he was caught by the class teacher, and then dared to dare.


Xueba in the front row always quickly brush the questions. The edges of the rear row play their mobile phones while noise, and glance at the window from time to time to see if there are leaders to patrol.I wrote a few reviews after training, and then played myself without repentance.


Every time when the flag -raising on Monday, the teaching director always said a few words, saying that the day before yesterday, he caught a pair of classmates in love and said how to punish them.Later, I told parents or expels their studies, but I still talked about the so -called love. At that time, it seemed that he was not afraid of it. It seemed that we would not be separated anyway, as if that person was the one who would eventually be with us that person.Essence

后来我们也知道了要高考,于是开始攒足了劲去准备高考,后来也不知为高考留了多少眼泪和汗水,后来我 www.1mi.net 们因为高考暗暗的把心里那个喜欢了很久的人搁下,后来我们因为高考和爸妈发了无数次脾气吵了很多架,后来我们因为高考放弃了很多东西很多爱好,后来我们上课传过来的小纸条不再是我喜欢你,也不再是隔壁班的那个男生长得好帅,而是变成了数学练习册上47页那道几何题怎么做呀,这个英文句子有没有语法问题啊,你看曾经任性爱玩的我们也能伪装成学霸,因为我们都知道,人生可能就只有这么一次高考,错过了就真的错过了。

Later, we also knew the college entrance examination, so I started to prepare for the college entrance examination. Later, I did not know how much tears and sweats I left for the college entrance examination. Later, I www.1mi.net secretly put the person who liked the long time in my heart because of the college entrance examination secretly in the college entrance examination.After putting it down, we quarreled many times because of the college entrance examination and our parents countless times. Later, we gave up a lot of things and many hobbies because of the college entrance examination.The boy in the class next door is so handsome, but how to do the geometry of 47 pages on the mathematical practice book. Is there a grammar problem in this English sentence?Cheng Xueba, because we all know that there may be such a college entrance examination in life, and I really miss it when I miss it.


Although I felt that the class teacher and the teacher said those words were deceiving, but I always believed that "the college entrance examination is the first opportunity to change your life trajectory."It seems that there will be no mistakes in this sentence so far. After all, the results of the college entrance examination in China are really important. The university that you usually have to go to the end of the day is that the reality is so cruel.And acceptance.


Those ridiculous youth, those educational systems that are scolded by day and night, and those handwriting that are gradually blurred on the blackboards, those who accompany you from beginning to end, those boys and girls who have liked in youth will change over time over time over time over time over time over time.In memory, and I think this memory should be the most beautiful memory in this life.


I want to go back to the classrooms in the first few rows, listen to the training of the head teacher and the teaching director, and want to run with my friends again. I want to make an appointment with my girlfriend to go to the snack street in front of the school entrance to eat a meal.I like to like someone, I want to hug you again and say a word, I miss you.

非主流空间日志大全 篇4

很久没有再写过文字 三年的时间足够完全改变一个人

I have n’t written a person for a long time for a long time to completely change a person


From a very non -mainstream person in their mouth to a shadow of nowadays

我也有重新翻开自己曾经写过的那些东西 说实话我每次看都会忍不住笑出来

I also have the things I have written again. To be honest, I can't help laughing every time I see it

当然 不是因为文章幽默 是在嘲笑当年的自己 幼稚无知

Of course not because the article is humor to laugh at the naive and ignorant of the year

大概每个人都是这样吧 至少我是 可能在初中会想自己小学那么无知 到了高中又会觉得初中幼稚 再到大学就觉得高中自己的观点都好愚蠢 好像没有哪一个阶段会觉得上个阶段的自己是好的 总是要忍不住吐槽 哪怕是自己

Probably everyone is like this, at least I might be as ignorant in junior high school that I would be so ignorant in high school and I would feel that junior high school naive to go to college and feel that my own views are so stupid. It seems that there is no stage.It's good, I can't help but spit it up. Even myself

这是你因为你在改变阿 你在长大在变得完美啊 是不是觉得小学别人喊自己的绰号满教室追着他来打现在想来也并不是那么生气反而还有点怀念天天被人喊绰号的时光 初中玩游戏被无脑同学乱按键盘害你输掉了重要的排位赛当时怒到想拿键盘砸死他现在回想起来反倒觉得很好笑 不会再对一点小事斤斤计较 能把别人对你的调戏当作一种玩笑 然后放开地一起大笑 这就是你开始成长变得成熟的标志阿

This is because you are changing, you are growing up perfectly, do you think that elementary school others call your nickname full of classrooms chasing him and chasing him now. Now you are not so angry.Time junior high school played games by brainless classmates to press the key to harm you to lose your important qualifications. At that time, he was angry and wanted to kill the keyboard.Moing as a joke and let go of laughing together. This is the sign that you start to grow and become mature.

再后来啊 你经过小时候时常站在外边的橱窗 你最喜欢的变形金刚依然站在玻璃柜里 你摸着自己口袋里足够的钱 走进店里买下了它 回到家果然没有逃过母亲的一番唠叨内容总不过为乱花钱买一些稀奇古怪不切实际的东西那么大了总是跟个孩子一样 你默不作声走进自己的房间罕见地没有和母亲一番争吵 你听着一句句的唠叨没有以往的厌恶烦闷反而心生出高兴梦想成真的喜悦 因为你比谁都清楚他不只是玩具不只是一个稀奇古怪的机器人 它是你童年的梦想少年的信仰 今天 你终于圆梦了

Later, after you were a kid, you often standing outside the window. Your favorite Transformers are still standing in the glass cabinet. You touch your pocket enough money to walk into the store and buy it back home.The content of Fan Yan is always just buying some strange and unrealistic things for random money. It is always like a child. You walked into your room and did not quarrel with your mother. You listen to a sentence.I have no past disgust and boredom, but my heart is happy, because you are more happy because you are better than anyone else, he is not just that toys are not just a weird robot. It is your childhood dream boy.

说到底阿 你好像变了 又好像没变 你变得比从前成熟 却也一直执着于当年的追求 越来越喜欢现在的生活 为了明天努力奋斗 明白自己想要什么 在追求未来的道路越走越远 但偶尔会回头 看见自己的初心 然后微笑。

In the final analysis, you seem to have changed and it seems that you have not changed. You have become more mature but have always attached to the pursuit of the year. The pursuit of that year is increasingly liked to work hard to understand what you want in the future.But occasionally I saw my original intention and smiled.