
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:48 | 来源:语文通



中学生励志演讲稿 篇1中学生励志演讲稿 篇2中学生励志演讲稿 篇3中学生励志演讲稿 篇4中学生励志演讲稿 篇5中学生励志演讲稿 篇6中学生励志演讲稿 篇7中学生励志演讲稿 篇8

中学生励志演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers, dear classmates:

何为理想? 理想是灯。点燃理想之灯,我们就有了前进的勇气。再大的风雨,我们都能迎难而进。在漫漫的人生的路途中,我们会丢失很多东西,但我们始终要把理想紧紧的抱在怀里,立在心中。当我们回首人生路上的酸甜苦辣时,也就没有遗憾。

What is ideal?The ideal is the lamp.We have the courage to move forward.No matter how big the wind and rain, we can all meet the difficulties.In the long way of life, we will lose a lot of things, but we must always hold our ideals tightly in our arms and stand in our hearts.When we look back on the bitterness and bitterness on the road of life, there is no regret.


Human beings have been many heroes since ancient times, and many people have struggled for their ideals.In his childhood, Premier Zhou established a great ambition of "reading for the rise of China".For this reason, he continued to work hard to study and study, and finally realized his great dream: the rise of China, standing in the east of the world.


The ancients "do not accumulate, there is no thousand miles; no small flow, there is no way to become the river." This is the truth. We must work hard and hardships every step further on the ideal road.


Now we have grown up, and our ideals are getting clearer and clear.Only when struggling, only if you fight, the ideal light will show gorgeous colors. Not only can it illuminate yourself, you can also warm others.We all know the story of the ugly duckling. How much persistence and effort did the ugly duckling become a white swan, and nothing can be obtained without any things!We will work hard to realize our ideals, and no matter how many twists and turns and pains, we cannot stop our progress.No one's life is smooth sailing. I believe our efforts will be exchanged for fate rewards.


Yang Liwei once said: "One person is unsuccessful, lies in his beliefs and spirit, and the dream of Feitian is Yang Liwei's belief. Under the encouragement of this belief, Yang Liwei realized his childhood dream and also realized the longing of the Chinese nation.And the brilliant life of Yang Liwei is his ideal and persistent spirit. This is exactly the quality we must have to realize our ideals.


Mencius said: "Heavenly Heaven is also in Sri Lankan, and he will suffer his mind, work hard, and lacks his body, and you can't." It is not possible to go smoothly on the road of pursuing ideals.Harmony, wearing thorns.But as long as there is a brave heart, then it will be able to support us to succeed!


Looking back at history, which successful person is not a firm conviction and a great ambition.Such as Che Yan's pockets and snow, Song Yan's modesty and easy learning.They were as peaceful at the beginning, but they paid a hundred and thousands of times more than ordinary people.In the end, the change of quantitative changes to the change of quality!


Young strong is strong, and the progress of juvenile progress is progressive.I also have an ideal, that is, from now on, I will work hard to read, and in the future, I will make it stronger to build the motherland.If every classmate can establish a great ideal and work hard for the ideals, why worry my nation is not prosperous and China is not interested!


The way to realize the ideal will not be smooth sailing, as it is sung in a song: "Do not experience the wind and rain, how can the wind and rainbow." The difficulties we encountered on the ideal road are like a stone that blocks everyone.Those who have the aspirations treat these stones as the cornerstone of the road, raised layers layer by layer, and have been laying to the peak of success; the weak people have been tripped by these stones, stunned, and even unable to climb.From this point of view, we all have to be the one who has a determination to work hard to achieve our ideals!


Let's let go of your ideal and light up life with your ideals!

我的演讲完毕。 谢谢大家!

My speech is over.thank you all!

中学生励志演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers, dear classmates:


good morning everyone!


I am the XX of Class 2 (14), and I am honored to be able to stand here.The title of China today is "Sail of Passion".


Tagore once said: "Passion, this is the wind of drumming. The wind sometimes blows off the sails; but without wind, the sailboat cannot be sailed." Passion refers to a strong explosive emotional state.Refers to the intense emotional externalization of people into a strong mental state, which is a strong desire for success, the foundation and motivation for success.


Our middle school students are in the years of passionate burning and youthful years.In our campus, the passion is the sound of the classmates's reading in the morning, the passion is the healthy figure on the sports field, and the passion is the powerful slogan and neat steps of the students when they run.Imagine that when the sky is slightly bright every morning, the passion arouses your desire to get up; when you feel sleepy at night, passion prompts you to rejuvenate; when you feel lost and want to give up, passion inspires you to be in trouble.Morality moves forward.


The great poet Ulman said: "I only leave wrinkles on your forehead every year, but if you lack passion in your life, your heart will be covered with wrinkles." YesLife will be lonely like a pool of dead water. Without passion, life will move forward like a walking dead, day after day, weekly, from beginning to end.


Passion comes from dreams, from the heart, is the goal we persistently pursue, and the source of all our actions.Nick Hu Zhe, a well -known inspirational speaker in Australia, has no limbs in nature. This rare phenomenon is medical named "seal limb", but it is incredible.He has two university degrees, a business director, and won the "Outstanding Australian Youth Award" in 20xx.Someone asked him what made him complete the task that was impossible, and he answered with a smile: "I have passion for life." It is passion to motivate Nick to drive to the other side of the victory, and why is it not our middle school students?What about this?


Middle school students need to be passionate.This requires us to form a positive and tense state, establish a spirit of self -inspiring, and achieve passion and efficient learning.For example, when the flag raised, I heard the sound of the whistle quickly assembled when running; quickly opened the book early, quickly stood well, and read it loudly; fully prepared before the class.In addition, I question the class of class; use the hands and brains in the classroom, draw a circle, listen to, speaking, reading, discussing and displaying, agile thinking, intense and efficient; fast self -study rhythm, static in the room, and seating.


When I do n’t treat it, I will be able to gain it; in a very limited time, realize my life's ambitions, and to study the goals, we must cherish every minute.Striving in seconds and extending effective learning time; whoever takes the initiative to win the success; who can win success; efficiency determines the effect, which classmate will have high scores.Passion is like fire, and heart is quiet.Work hard to make cherish time a habit, make competition against time a action, and make time efficiency a wisdom.


We are young and we are youthful; we yearn for "the sea is leapd in fish, and the sky is the bird flying".Passion, it wanders around the moment, flowing in the pulse in the bottom of the heart. When people have hope, dreams, goals, and motivation, it will beat dancing steps to create a miracle in life with these rhythms.


Let us correct our attitude, find out our motivation, release our passion, and raise the sail of passion.

中学生励志演讲稿 篇3


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


Classmates, do you remember the scene of the first schoolbag and walk into the school?But remember to open the first textbook and learn the joy and novelty of writing the first word?The small step in the school gate is a big step in life.The exploration journey of life is set sail. We use wisdom as sails, diligently make slurry, and start driving to the extremely vast ocean of knowledge!Our school is the treasure trove of knowledge, the corridor of culture, the music house of teachers and students, and the cradle of talents.Classmates, in this treasure house, on the corridor, and in Le Fu, do you think of the morning light, have you ever thought about what should you do today?With the sunset, have you asked, how much gain today?


Dickens said, "What I have gained was planted by me." Everyone had the opportunity to become talented people, depending on whether you go to fight for this opportunity.The most commonly used keys can come from diligent learning. Isn't there countless people in history that proves this sentence with their own actions?In order to urge himself to study the story of "head suspended beams and cone stakes", Su Qin left the reputation of eternal learning.In order to learn, Kuang Heng "cut the wall to steal the light"; in order to learn, "Bao Funshu Yingxue"; Yang Shi for learning, "Chengmen Lixue" and so on.None of them were successful by diligence and wisdom beyond themselves.Knowledge changes destiny, and true knowledge affects life.Do you also want to obtain knowledge, improve your talents, and change your life with diligence like them?


As Mr. Guo Moruo said: "Diligence and wisdom are the key to opening the door to success."Today, we should keep in mind his words, let go of our youth, and use hard -working sweat to shop in the future.Maybe we have lost on the starting line, but we must never let ourselves lose at the end.The hard work of the day after tomorrow can make up for the innate shortcomings, cherish every moment of the present, and strive to gain knowledge.For the ninth -grade brother and sisters, the China Recruitment Examination is not far away. Faced with the first choice of life, you should double hard and study hard to make enough preparations for the Zhongzhao Examination; for our eighth gradeFor students, the eighth grade is a turning point in junior high school learning. We should take good care of, study hard, and continuously improve ourselves.Only when the foundation is fastened can the house be built higher.


Classmates, no matter which stage of study we are, we should work hard to seize this passing time, grasp it, and hold the glitter of knowledge tightly in our hands.Each success must pay hardships and efforts, and you must pay the price if you want to succeed.As Bing Xin said: "The flowers of success, people only envy its current brightness, but I don't know that its buds once soaked in the tears of the battle and sprinkled the blood of sacrifice."


Indeed, how can I get the plum blossoms without any cold and bone?In the golden age we are studying, how can we make time be unreasonable?How many hardships can you work in life?How many flowers can there be in life?In the past, it was impossible to change. The so -called black hair did not know that he was diligent early.Only when we are diligent and hard work, we can play the strongest voice of the song of youth!


Classmates, as long as we set up a great ideal, study hard and study hard, and explain unremitting exploration, we must be able to cast a beautiful life with hard work and sweat!Let's study hard, starting from me, starting today, letting the diligent sweat open the flower of knowledge!Let the light of wisdom light up our heart field!We write a youth without regrets with hard work!

中学生励志演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers, dear classmates:


You grow up day by day, but your parents become older every day.Have you ever seen them?Have you looked at them carefully?To what extent is their appearance?Do you know not?They may have become very old. Because of metabolism, people will always grow old, but if they are too fast, they will be too early.Over the years, they have been to life, to work hard for work, and worry about their children.You may also talk to them and quarrel with them, causing them to be angry and sad, and your learning is not ideal. Your behavior always makes them very uneasy. They often worry about your future future and way out.Where to go?Moreover, there may be a lot of pain on them, and they are reluctant to go to the hospital to see a doctor. They are afraid that examinations are afraid of hospitalization. They are so hard that their lives are dangerous?How long can they live?In any case, you have to take some time and give yourself a chance to see your parents!it's time!


What if you do n’t have your mother and mother, what will happen to your study and life?In what way does mom and dad make money for you to read?Are they doing well?Is it good to you?Do you often remember them?Do you often greet them?Do you often talk to them and laugh?Do you often hold their hands on the street?Are you happy to let them come to school to see you?Can you introduce them proudly in front of your classmates?Do you know their birthday?Do you remember their birthday?


You are still a student, a minor, a consumer, and you don't need to take the responsibility for your parents. If your parents are sick and hospitalized, you will be happy to see them.Is a very sensible child.However, when you grow up and become a family, you have your own children, your parents are sick and hospitalized, just do you just take a look?If you need to operate, it takes hundreds of thousands to cure their illness, and even to ensure their lives, what will you do?How much can you get it?Are you willing to borrow others?For their health and life, can you go all out?Just like they were to you?In case of one day, your parents suddenly let go of you, you cry, a few drops of tears, others may also praise you as a filial child.However, in the future, you think about it, recalling the love of parents and dad's love of parents and dads. Is it enough for you to cry?

中学生励志演讲稿 篇5


Love teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


Good evening everyone. As we all know, with the development of the Internet, the explosion of knowledge, the rapid progress of science and technology, academic speculative disputes, the trend of economicization has swept the world, and the global security situation is tense.Humans have once again standing at the turning point of history.


Our young people are also looking at the world confused. There are no goals, no direction, no future. But we still have things that should not be and never let go, that is, the "responsibility" of the country, the "honor" of the nation, and always hope for "life"! Responsibility, honor, life! The frequency of these three vocabulary is not worth mentioning today. Perhaps it is no longer paying attention to people like the old fossils hanging in the window full of dust. Especially the post -80s and even more than 90s of the focus of the problem of the issue of the problem today! However, the quantity cannot represent everything. The big waves are scattered. Perhaps in the eyes of linguists, the language and vocabulary are equal, and even many of the three poor innocent vocabulary of these three poor vocabulary are strongly insulted! But for our young people, especially the responsibility of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For young people, these three vocabulary represents a noble and heavy! Responsibility, honor, life! When you lose your direction in the dark, only he will tell you who you are, who you should be, and who you must be! Because he is the vane, he is the lighthouse, he is the highest moral standards and behavioral norms of our nation, our country, and even all human beings! Responsibility, honor, life! In 1919, in the face of the unfair Versailles Treaty, the Chinese raised their resistance, and the flags of May 4th spread throughout every hot land in China. They fulfilled their responsibilities to the country and recognized them in history. In 1937, the Lugou Bridge incident broke out. North China In the crisis, the Chinese crisis, the Chinese people even built a fleshy body with flesh and blood, and the Great Wall of Iron and Steel could not be affected, and gave the invaders a headache. They fulfilled their responsibilities to the country and recognized them in history. The Chinese nation stood up in the pain, because his children were the backbone of his iron, that is, a monument to stand proudly in the forest of the human world! we are


Young people, young people have the best time in life. We use him to complete a solid foundation for his sublimation and laid a solid foundation for his future life;Taking complaints continuously; are we full of hope for life and keep in mind our responsibilities and honors, or use him to linger, to the so -called injustice, sorrow, melancholy, sorrow and anxiety?But anyway, please believe and keep in mind and keep in mind "responsibility, honor, life" will always be your answer!I am a sophomore student. I am boring and tasteless. I often walk away under the pressure of studying, but I know that this is my life and I am glad to accept it all, regardless of whether the next morning the next morning is sunny.still!Because this comes from my understanding of history, history has told me the answer!That is the "responsibility" of the country, the "honor" of the nation, and the "life" that is always full of hope!

中学生励志演讲稿 篇6


Dear teacher, dear classmate:


good afternoon everyone:


Mr. Smers once said: If life is just a clear sky without rainfall, there is only happiness without sorrow, only joy and no pain, then this kind of life is not life at all -at least not human lifeEssence


Settlement will inevitably encounter in life.It is a humble small sand on the magnificent blueprint of life. When encountering it, it bravely removes it; it is a sewage, which will flow into the sea of life at any time;The ship is lost; it is a stumbling block on the road of life, making people stumbling on the road of life!


Settlement is shocking, cowardly, and overwhelmed.On the ground of the dawn of victory, encountering setbacks, once the discouraged success will not belong to you, only perseverance, courageous, and cope with the frustration with an optimistic attitude.Victory is a raising hand.


Settlement, it made me grow.Mao Yisheng once said: Difficulties can only scare the cowardly lazy man, and victory will always belong to those who dare to climb the peak of science.On the way to grow up, you are facing it with a good attitude. Your experience value is blossoming -high.If you bravely pull the clouds, you can see the light again; the sea is clear and clear; the sea is clear; kicking the stumbling block, the road of life is still infinite.Settlement accompanied me to grow up and let me grow up in experience.


If the exam is defeated, I will carefully analyze the cause of the wrong cause, keep in mind the correct answer. The next exam, I will be the little bamboo shoots in the wind and rain.At that time, I will keep my lessons in mind, and I will not say something wrong next time.When you argue with your parents, your parents will tell me the quality of things. If you have experience, you will not be a traitor to buy things.


As Edison said: failure is what I need, it is as valued as success as success.Only after I understand everything that is not good, I understand what a good job is.Settlement is a kind of bitter and conscience. "Sickness" is beneficial and harmless to taking medicine.Settlement is Dali's three tea: head bitterness, two sweetness, three times.It allows you to make a lesson, keep in mind the suffering, and will not make the same mistake again with experience.

中学生励志演讲稿 篇7


Classmates, hello you!


Youth was originally beautiful, but you don't take care of it for a long time, and the red flowers will become pale.


The fountain looks passionate. In fact, the internal energy is constantly steadily, and the highest ideal of the highest ideals is rushing. Your passion is slightly relaxed. Your dream has shrunk slightly. The youthful fountain will not be bold enough.The stream may be the result of all height and passion.


Don't say that youth is the sun that does not fall, that is, the wind and rain are good, that is, the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe. It is because the dream of youth is the most round and largest, and it requires more positive energy support.The weather in the wind is far from enough. The endlessness of the inner minerals and the endless living water is the righteousness. You are proud and more proud than you, let alone those who are ready to laugh to the end and are silently accumulating the energy.By grasping yourself, you must grasp the whole spring. When Qiankun reverses, you know that proud is just a manifestation of people. Horses with no eyes with eyes are most likely to be tripped by Fangcao flowers.


Flowers need to shine on the sun, and youth also needs to be continuously replenished with positive energy.


Flowers only need to avoid the sun, and youth first needs a pair of eyes that discover positive energy.


This kind of discovery should start with yourself, ask how high the ideal is, how strong the passion is, is you just a request or a dedication to create?How can a person who is blind to himself finds that the outside world is colorful and peak?


Most of inferiority and arrogance are destructive, but if they understand and treat correctly, they will also become positive energy. When you step on inferiority at your feet, it will become a higher level. When you are from the arroganceIf you come out in the mirror, you will have a more sober, deeper, and more complete understanding of truth and beauty. You will no longer be split. You grow into a humble and powerful struggler and dedication.


There are many youth idols who have doubted himself, such as Li Yuchun. During the first time when he entered the university, because the talent was not the highest in the class, the gap between the professional courses and the classmates was widening.Negative, negative to obsession online games.In order to retrieve confidence and grasp the correct grasp of herself, she took the help and care of the teacher for more than a year to inject the strongest and sustainable positive energy into her youth.When a person is self -doubting, it is the beginning of thinking. As long as you are in the right direction, you will be brave in the darkness to find the light that recognizes himself, youthful positive energy will awaken, the outbreak of eruption, you will take you to take youEnter the right track and become a unique star.


A disabled young man who had been inferior to self -abandonment recalled the past after success. In this way, "I can let myself look at the world carefully and have the right values." He believes that this is his positive energy, and Li Yuchun's positive energyIt is "music is not work, that is my belief."So the best and most difficult positive energy always starts from itself, and is always closely related to "this world" and "my belief". A person who does not have "correct values" and the ideal of faith.The "positive energy" accepted needs to be doubtful. Only those with ideals and ideals can allow the strongest youthful vitality to continuously gather on the arena in their lives. Only such talents can lead more people to run together and truly become communication.Leader of positive energy.


A teacher believes that young people should cultivate eight quality, one of which is "you should cultivate a wide field of vision."This vision is naturally related to knowing yourself, and then you can see enough things and good things, and gradually learn to interpret and deal with various complex issues.After seeing enough things and good things, you will understand that it is not just the champion and the gold medal to have positive energy. Positive energy is more reflected in the entire process of faith and ideals.As long as you insist on playing with a calm and elegant heart and go all out, you will continue to rise, end your own peak, and have no regrets and strong strokes for your youth painting.


Li Yuchun sang in the new song: "Gambling this one, don't be afraid, the noise of others. If you don't crazy youth, you will forget it.... "How can the youth of" crazy "have no positive energy?Let's find and accept positive energy, so that our youth is "crazy" to bloom, "crazy" to burning, "crazy" to become an old legend.

中学生励志演讲稿 篇8


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


good morning everyone!The topic of my speech today is "Following Traffic Safety and Cherish Life".


In recent years, the people of the world have suffered the pain caused by disasters.Those heartbroken crying all witnessed a fact -how happy it is!In the face of these sudden disasters, people began to examine the meaning and value of life again.Ping An is not only happiness, but also responsibility.Responsibility for your own life is to be responsible for your family, to be responsible for those who love themselves and care about themselves.When a high traffic accident is a big killer of life, I want to say here: cherish life and pay attention to traffic safety.


People say that traffic accidents are fierce than tiger.But the tiger can only eat one person in one bite, and the traffic accident will devour the lives of several or even dozens of people.According to media statistics, the number of Chinese cars accounted for 1.9%of the world's, but car traffic deaths accounted for 15%of the world. There were as many as 100,000 people who died in traffic accidents in one year!


As middle school students, we often appear on the road with the role of pedestrians, so we must understand the traffic rules that pedestrians should follow."The red light stops, the green light is moving, the yellow light is stopped", "if you cross the road to walk through the crossway", "Don't cross the road at will", etc. These presumably everyone has heard it countless times, but they can be strictly observed, and again, and againHow many people?It is these lucky or negligent psychology that have disappeared under the wheels.If you lack your deserved vigilance, if you ignore the minimum security common sense, then once the danger comes, you will regret it.The doom that could be escaped always had unexpected and objective, and the regrets afterwards could not be sober.


Classmates, each of us must sow the seeds of peace in their hearts. When it sprouts, flowers, and grows into a towering tree, we will harvest the fruit of peace, happiness, and peace.


My speech is over, thank you all!