
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:44 | 来源:语文通



《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇1不抱怨的世界读后感 篇2《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇3《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇4《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇5《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇6《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇7不抱怨的世界读后感 篇8不抱怨的世界读后感 篇9

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇1


"The World Not Complaining" is the first book recommended by the organization. When I know I want to read this book, I am complaining because I can't find its paper version, so I can only find electronics onlineVersion.


Before I was fully exposed to this book, I firmly believed that I was an optimistic and cheerful person, and would not complain, at least not often complained.However, when I slowly read this book, I realized that I was caught in the dilemma of complaining about the ambush.


How much I love to complain, so that I can't notice it when I become a habit.


I often complain about the elders of my family, complaining that my brother and sister's willfulness are ignorant, and even complain that the puppy adds chaos to the family; I also complain that everything in the school is not as good as my own wish.When I complained about this, I found that I was gradually irritable, pessimistic, and no vitality, and seemed to lose confidence in everything around me.


It is no exaggeration to say that this book woke me up like Hong Zhong in the temple!


It made me realize that my past myself, including myself, often complained and in a state of "unconsciousness and incompetence".


"If you don't like one thing, you will change that thing; if you can't change, you will change your attitude. Don't complain. —— Poet Ma Ya Anjie Luo"


"Our ideas create our lives, and our words show our thoughts."


These two sentences are my favorite and most revealing sentence.


From these two sentences, I found the reasons and methods of not complaining. I should follow the instructions of the prophets, change the inner world to accept the external world, and learn not to complain.I also follow the guidance of Rev. Wil Bown, start changing my views on the outside world, and try to achieve the effect of not complaining by accepting reality.In fact, this is indeed effective. Although it has not yet eradicated the inferiority I complained, I have to admit that I have begun to reduce complaints consciously.For example, I went to the bank to handle business on the weekend. In the past, I saw so many people waiting for so many people in this hall, and I would definitely feel irritable, but now, I will tell myself that I should sit quietly and do not complain. I can think about some problems.Essence


Wil.Rev. Bao Wen initiated the "Twenty -one Days Not Complaining" campaign to liberate many people from the complaint prison, and I was trying to climb out of the cage of complaints.


Life, as many philosophers say, like a train.


We started from this world created by God, and passed through the world, and drove to the grave towards heaven. This is a journey of life.On the way, we will meet people who give us blessings and love, and we will encounter indifferent and difficult people.Just for the former, we are grateful to them and bless them; for the latter, we must learn tolerance, learn not complaining, and try to give them blessings.The trough orgasm on the journey of life, adversity, flat and bumpy are just one after another, spurning us.So why should we complain?


Now, I am very grateful. The gratitude studio recommends this good book for me, so that I have the opportunity to watch my inner world, and I also grateful the studio to spur me to continue holding the book to study during the holidays.Lazy life.I am grateful, I use everything around you to complain about it all.


The moment I was before dawn, I hid in the dark corner and listened to the distant voice on the side. It was the voice from the mouth of God. He said, using kind love to welcome the arrival of dawn!

不抱怨的世界读后感 篇2


During the Golden Week holiday, the school asked us to read the book "The World Not Complaining". To be honest, I couldn't help complaining at the time: there were tasks during the holidays.But when I started to read this book, my soul was constantly shaking ...


Born, Wil Bown, who was born, was admitted to key universities in the United States with its usual perseverance.After graduating, he repeatedly couldn't find the dream of his dreams, and felt sad for this, and could not help complaining about fate.But with the inspiration of friends, he stood up and finally became one of the greatest spiritual mentors in the United States.He went to a successful podium and only said one sentence: "You all have endless potential, but only if you don't complain about everything, you can succeed!"


This sentence made me realize.Some people learn skateboarding, and they do n’t learn after a few wrestling. They say, "Blame this skateboarding is too difficult to learn, and the wheels are too small, which hurts me to death!" In this way, this student is foreverAny skill.Some people persistently, fell, got up, continued!With such a spirit, no matter how difficult it is, in his opinion, it is a piece of cake!Helen?Although Keller was disabled, she never complained about her fate to the unfairness of herself, but worked hard to make herself grow from a weak seedlings into a tall and tall tree.Whether it is ridiculous and difficult, she only takes as a exercise for herself.If you think about it, does all the people with achievements in ancient and modern China and foreign countries not rely on this kind of spirit that does not complain about everything, optimism, and perseverance?


Inspirational stories are scratched in my mind like meteors.The prestige is not bought by relationships and money.The real celebrities were born through the hard work and unremitting efforts. They did not grow from calm and free and free. Real successful people were trained from suffering.


There must be a tenacious perseverance, and more importantly, there must be a heart that does not complain. With all this, it will definitely succeed!To open your mind and cultivate a tolerance heart.Sometimes, we complain about a sentence and one thing inadvertently.And this kind of complaint is often a kind of venting.It is a corrosive agent for interpersonal relationships, which will cause couples to be displeased and friends. Especially at work, there will be a gap between colleagues.Learn tolerance, in a sense, to liberate yourself and improve yourself.As a job staff, tolerance is to be good at thinking, understand and tolerate others, and use Hainan's mind to bear grievances and setbacks.


We must face the challenge and raise a progressive heart.Maybe you will complain because the task delivered by the leadership is too heavy, or because the work is clueless and the progress is not complained ... It is really in the depths of our hearts, struggling, and evasion.EssenceAs Huawei's president Ren Zhengfei said, if the lion could catch up with an antelope, it would survive. If it could not run an antelope, he could only starve to death.If an antelope complains is unfair, who should the "breakfast" of the grass -antelope complain?Antelope can still run, and the grass has no chance to escape!Excessive complaints not only have no help to work, but also lose your valuable confidence and trust with you.As a staff member of the organs, what we should think of in normal work should be "how to do", not "no way to do"; in the face of difficulties and challenges, we must firmly believe that "methods are always more difficult than difficulties" and always strive for progress.Heart.

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇3


Calm down, we think about what we have complained, think about what we have lost, and think about whether we regret it because of this?"Complaining" is a kind of emotions that we are familiar with, and some people are complaining almost every day.So why do we complain?Can complaints solve the problem?Complaining can only make yourself wonder, sad, feel boring life, tired of your body and mind, and then gradually lose self -confidence.


Recently, I saw Douglas Lelton's masterpiece "The World Not Complaining" on the Internet. The title of this book has deeply attracted me and made me determined to read it. Judging from the focus of each chapter, Douglas Lelton is discussing such a truth from beginning to end, that is, as long as we actively think and act, strive to strive, we must deal with anything with a positive attitude. Instead of complaining, you can get a positive and ideal result. He has instill positive strength, positive ways, and positive attitudes to readers from various aspects such as thinking, psychology, confidence, and action. This book is listed in the case. He lists us many cases of successful people. Those successful people also have a lot of unsatisfactory at first, but more are to obtain the difficulties faced by actively taking action to obtain the difficulties facing the difficulties to obtain the difficulties to obtain the difficulties. success. Among them, there are some disabled people who have no inferiority, but they turn their unfavorable factors into positive motivation. They can do it, let alone us normal people. In many chapters, he will also give readers some tests, let us recognize what we are afraid of or negatively, and it will give us a guide to get rid of the negative attitude and let us move towards a positive life.


Complaints, cannot change another person to satisfy his expectations.If complaints become a habit, it is like moving a stone to smash your own feet. It is not beneficial to others, and it will become a cage.Conversely, it will be easily put into life and work.There will be unsatisfactory places at any time in our lives and work, and the voices of complaints can be heard everywhere.Complain at any time in life, always handling with negative mentality, so that our lives are meaningless, even more happy, and life will be more and more unsatisfactory; complaints at work will not only affect usThe efficiency of work will influence the emotions of colleagues and the harmony with colleagues.Therefore, in any matter, we do n’t want to know how to know that we ca n’t do it. We can only succeed if we seize the opportunity. If the chance of running a successful chance can only be zero.


By reading this book, it is not the most important thing to do one thing success or not. What is important is that we should break through the line of defense that we are afraid of, try to exercise our guts, and face work and face work and face work and face work.Things in life.In future work and life, we must stop complaining and actively strive for what we want.When we have no complaints, we will find that we are happy; when everyone abandons complaints, the entire society and even the entire world will definitely be more harmonious and more beautiful.Life is originally unequal. Only when we accept it can we be happy.Dear friends, let us start from ourselves, stop complaining, and work together to build a world that does not complain.

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇4


First of all, thank you for reading the theme of "Reading. Practice. Practice" organized by the Bureau of Statistics.I was fortunate to have chosen the most great and respectful of the most respected spiritual mentor Well Bowen's book "The World Not Complaining". By reading, I think the book is indeed worthy of careful learning and understanding. I believe everyone has read it.In the future, I will feel that this is indeed a good book, and I will experience a greater happiness in the future work and life!


1. Reception


When I first got this book, I didn't read it well, but when I read it seriously, I felt a lot of benefits. In particular, the author has made a deep interpretation of the reasons and behavior of people complaining, and the analysis is in place. The author Wil Bowei believes that the reason why we complain is just as we do anything: we notice that complaints will bring benefits. For example, people may complain about their health, but not because they really feel sick, but because the "patient's role" allows them to get the benefits of attached, such as the sympathy of others, or to avoid dislikes. Thinking carefully, I want to complain not only for people to give sympathy, care and positive cognition, but sometimes to vent. From the perspective of Will Bowen, we often complain about the environment and complaints others. Lack of security, self -worth uncertainty, in this psychological context, we need to complain about the environment to the outside world to transmit the information of the victim to the outside world. It is necessary And improvement for improvement. Therefore, people constantly tell others about their unwilling reasons, and constantly complain about the unfairness of the environment and the selfishness of others. However, the reality after complaining has not improved, or even worse. After reading this book, I realized that people complained that the main reason is that the main reason is that they are not confident and insecure. I need to keep complaining to cover up their inner anxiety to obtain the sympathy and recognition of others. The more lack of self -confidence, security, and self -worthy of self -worth.


2. Evaluation of this book


First of all, this is a good book, which is worth reading, because it helps me very much, especially in terms of emotional control and mentality adjustment. Very profound interpretation; as for the book, "you can change your life without complaining, you can make your career appear unprecedentedly bright outlook". I don't agree with this view. Because changing the behavior of love complaints can only play a role in controlling emotions and adjusting the mentality, it does not change the dilemma in real life, and may not have a good future. Of course, after changing the mentality, we can really feel a lot of positive positives. Things, such as "the situation in front of me is actually not so bad", "there are actually many opportunities to succeed", "In fact, we have got a lot", and so on. This change is just changing your mentality and your mood. Although his heart is comfortable, the environment has not changed at all. Therefore, on the basis of a good attitude, we also strive to change the environment and try all kinds of efforts. It will come unexpectedly. Furthermore, the author emphasizes that excellent people do not complain, and I can't agree with this view, because no matter how successful you are, there will always be some setbacks in real life. There will always be some complaints. Essence From a psychological perspective, complaints are very good for mental health, because it is a good way for people to vent their emotions and vent their pressure. Therefore, I think that complaints are not terrible. We can occasionally complain, but we cannot be accustomed to complaining. Once you encounter setbacks in your life, you must be able to face the established reality, clean up your mood, and try to make the bad side as low as possible, and work hard with a positive attitude to make life develop towards a good side. Get the feeling of self -existence in the process and enjoy the joy of life.

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇5


I read the book "The World of Not Complaining", not very detailed, but I also focused on the inspiration, inspiration, and touching views.Select 5 sentences to share with you:


1. The difference between statement and complaints


The statement is a fact, and the complaint is a statement of personal colors.For example, today is a hot day, and today is too hot.


2. There is nothing good or bad in the world, and the thoughts make it


You can imagine that in fact, how other people are, it is your wishful thinking.In most cases, a person is not good or bad, but our thoughts make them a good or bad person.


3. Your attitude towards others finally determines the attitude of others to you.


People like to stay with people who are similar to themselves.If our world is composed of those happy, harmonious and our supporters, then these people will really appear in our world.On the contrary, if our world is a dark and dangerous place, we will encounter some unbearable people, and their appearance will strengthen this reality.


People often act in a specific way, and they will form a specific quality ... often do justice, and the personality becomes justice; often moderate behavior and bravery often become brave and fearless.


4. Whenever and where, you are unique.


When comparison of others, you can easily take your personality as a disadvantage.Everything is two sides, and the advantage of a person often has corresponding defects.If you are outgoing and cheerful, you may sometimes be considered flying; if you are naturally conservative, maybe some people feel that you are not enthusiastic; if you are good at logical reasoning, you may find that abstract thinking is difficult; if you are born with a vision,You can see the potential or potential problems of human beings, or maybe you pay too much attention to the distant future, and the problems in daily life are frequent.However, talent is talent after all.Ask yourself if you are willing to give up your talent to reduce the negative role it causes?The answer must be NO.


Forgive the offenders of others, love their own world, but also respect the world and reality of others.


5. People should keep in mind why they live, grow and happiness.


If you are still green, it means that you are still growing; once you are mature, it is not far from rotten.Life is growth.You have to be responsible for your life.Do your best to do this moment, and it is easy to do the next moment.


Then let me talk about my growth and happiness.I think my growth can be divided into three stages, persistent -confusion -relief


The persistent period should belong to the first five years of work. At that time, he was very attached to anything. He rarely considered others and was full of energy.


The confusion period belongs to the second five years, and there is less smooth growth. On my own professional development path, I constantly run in my own job, but I don't think I get the recognition of my imagination. I started to doubt that I started to doubtAfter being frustrated, he began to be confused and confused.


Shi Ran period belongs to the third five years, and now I am, I re -examine myself.So I asked me 4 questions:


1. What do you want?My answer experiences the happiness of the career and the happiness of growth.


2. How do you know yourself?My answer, I have a distinctive personality, and the Dongzhi is not desirable, and the shortcomings are obvious, but I do not refuse to change and grow.


3. Plan for yourself?I hope that my positive energy will make the people around me comfortable, and I am eager to be with those who are positive, so that I have infinite motivation.Therefore, I abandoned the persistence of myself in the first five years. Without the confusion of blind self -denial of the second five years, I entered the third five years to grow up for happiness and grow up for growth.What is the last question, what supports you, keep insisting on all the way?My answer, experiment is my glory, happy for experimental work.I think this is also my deepest perception of 15 years, but it was actually the original persistence.General Secretary Xi Jinping called on teachers across the country to be four teachers: "There are ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolence." I don't have much ideals, and I don't have such lofty beliefs.I think "for experiments" is my ideals and beliefs, it is the determination to support me to continue to overcome negative emotions, actively improve myself, and strengthen growth.


Only teachers with ideals and faith can cultivate ideal and belief students.The current education of children's ideals and faith is actually lacking or even missing.They are too utilitarian. Many of them feel that they are dedicated to the motherland, for the sake of doctrine, and for the sake of ideals, they worship for faith.They are eager for comfort, material, and eager to enjoy. We also have to reflect on us. Whether we have this idea, we have forgotten the original ideals and beliefs, and lost the quiet soil of the original heart.So let's find it back, money and material do not make people feel really happy, ideals and beliefs are the source of happiness.


Helen, Keller had a saying: "When a person feels the impulse of Gao Fei, he will never be satisfied with climbing on the ground." The Wright brothers in the United States firmly believed that they could fly, and they really flew. The first Sun Monkey was a wild monkey. When he had ideals and beliefs, he became a fight against the Buddha. Maybe we just want to be ordinary people, so look at the belief of values. It turned out that Shandong Dulangkou Middle School was poor and two white. The teaching was completely out of control. Du Langkou's dignity. Become a model of education and teaching in the region, the province, and even the country. Take a look at the belief in life, the great painter Berman in "The Last Leaf" used his heart's brush to draw a "never withering" Ivy vine leaves, igniting Qiong Shan to life The belief made her alive. Look at the belief of friendship "Antarctica Adventure" is the friendship and trust between humans and animals support 8 sled dogs for 175 days independently under such harsh and natural conditions. They firmly believe that their owners will come back to pick them up. This is their belief. Finally, look at the beliefs of life. Because of the belief in catching sheep, the Gray Wolf has the dilemma of the face and how the pressure of life is. As long as he thinks of catching sheep, he is full of hope and joy, even if he has never caught it before Sheep, still happy and fulfilling.


When you stick to your ideals and beliefs, you can observe your life with a smile, forget the early white hair, and still be innocent and happy; it is like a alarm clock, crushing your golden dream, it is like soap, washing your selfish heart, it is like a torch, it looks like a torchBurning your potential.Don't blame your children's utilitarian, impetuousness, no sense of responsibility, and we don't know how to persist. Let us have the right ideal and beliefs first, and then help our children and students to establish this persistence, let them truly fly their dreams, and sail.

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇6


There is something that occurs when you bump into the journey through life. These setbacks and failures are part of our lives, and we cannot change.There is a saying that "how can there be a beautiful waves without rock blocking?".However, there will always be a complaining pressure in the ear, family pressure, promotion and salary increase, housing models ... There are many elements in life, happiness and pain, stress and easy.hapiness.However, some complaints also pointed out in the book, "We complained to get sympathy and attention, and avoid doing what we dare not do." In factOne point, but is unwilling to face and actively make changes.


At first, I always held in my own hands, reducing complaints, stopping complaints, finding problems from myself, maintaining a positive attitude, accepting myself, and determining self -worth.Just as the work is passive to active in work, treating work as a kind of interest, a kind of enjoyment, one person has the value of one person, and devoted to the work with a positive and optimistic attitude. Why complain?


We are doing different things every day, dealing with different people, the unsatisfactory and small and small in work and life, sometimes it is always habitual to be treated correctly, causing dissatisfaction, causing a lot of complaints and complaints.Not only does the resentment not only make things depressed, but may also bring negative emotions to friends and family around them.

人人都有执着好胜之时,但要懂得适时进退,同时学会去宽容、去容纳、去欣赏,去做一个心胸宽阔、乐观向上的人。就像歌德夫人曾说过的:“我之所以高兴,是因为我心中的明灯没有熄灭。道路虽然艰难,但我却不停地求索我生命中细小的快乐。如果门太矮,我会弯下腰;如果我可以挪开前行时路上的绊脚石,我就回去动手挪开;如果石头太重,我可以换一条路走。我在每天的生活中都可以找到高兴的事情”。 我们每个人都会面对人生的忡忡难题,但不要迷失自己,心态的真正决定权掌握在自己手中。做最好的自己真正勇敢的人则不去抱怨,相信紫手环传递的力量,且怀着积极的心态从容去面对人生中的一切。

Everyone is persistent, but we must know how to advance and retreat at the same time. At the same time, learn to tolerate, accommodate, appreciate it, and be a broad -minded and optimistic person.Just like Mrs. Goethe once said: "The reason why I am happy is because the lights in my heart have not extinguished. Although the road is difficult, I kept seeking a small happiness in my life. If the door is too short, I will bend on the door, I will bendingLower waist; if I can move the stumbling block on the road, I will go back and move away; if the stone is too heavy, I can change the road. I can find happiness in my daily life. "Each of us will face the problems of life, but don't lose ourselves, the true decision right of mentality is in our hands.Be the best and brave person who do not complain, believes that the power of the purple bracelet passes, and calmly face everything in life with a positive attitude.

《不抱怨的世界》读后感 篇7


Everyone is in life, and there is almost nothing that cannot be our complaint.We like to hide behind the chattering complaints, and always want to find a kind of comfort in complaints. We don't want to admit that we are passive and always escape.


Many times, each of us knows that we are complaining all the time, complaining that the living expenses of this month are not enough, complaining that the teacher has criticized ourselves, complaining that the classmates have deceived ourselves, and always live in complaints every day.


However, a wife in the book due to a car accident, after a major car accident, she has been suffering from hardships, constantly surgery and recovery, and suffering from physical and spiritual challenges. She is a very qualified "complained" person:Resentment, grievances, fate, blame her driver ... but she did not!On the contrary, she prayed every day to thank the doctor, nurse, and her husband who took care of her every day. She thanked her thanks to the gods and thanked her for being able to live in the fire.


Putting down complaints, this does not mean that inaction in the face of the predicament, or abandoning the right to say the unfairness of society.Complaints with negative emotions are precisely not constructive negative.The love, tolerance, and empathy of life from this life, and from this, can not be stolen in any name.


Of course, we also want to change. With the inertia of psychology, we don't know how to change.However, the current situation of unsatisfactory changes is also the nature of human beings. The negative role brought by complaints. After people realize that, there will still be a change of desire to change naturally.When the change of light is brought into life with emotional resistance, "conscious incompetence" step into "consciousness".


"The World Not Complaining" was very puzzled when I saw the title of the book. The world we survived was full of complaints, but we also hate complaints, what is "not complaining about the world" is always far away from us.


Complaints are the most inevitable moves.Sometimes our complaints show our dissatisfaction not only for people, but also different living conditions.And if we can't find someone to listen to our complaints, we will complain to ourselves in our minds.The magical "not complaining" movement proposed by the author of "Not Complaining" is exactly the time when it comes. It is the most needed by our modern people.After reading this book, I think there are only three things in the world: my business, his affairs, God's affairs.Those who complain about themselves should try to learn to accept themselves; those who complain about others should try to convert complaints into requests; complaints people, please try to ask for your wishes in a way of prayer.In this way, your life will have an unexpected change, and your life will be more beautiful and complete.

不抱怨的世界读后感 篇8


In this book, the author wrote the reasons for complaining and complaining, looking for complaints, changing the habit of changing complaints, establishing confidence in complaining, not complaining, not complaining about others, not complaining, and not complaining aboutDon't complain about your body, thank you.The reasons and consequences of complaints were written in detail, and how to be a person who did not complain, and the readers were more impressed and convincing with small stories.


While reading, I also continuously reflect on myself. The author wrote the six characteristics of people who love to complain: easy to abandon, complaining, constantly complaining, not knowing how to cherish, missed happiness, love self -complaining, and have poor adaptability.In fact, I have complained that I do n’t know how to cherish it. I always look forward to what I have, but after having it, I feel that I do n’t expect good. Instead, I look forward to new things.In fact, I lost a lot of things, including loved ones and friends.Being a person can know that you can always be happy, and people who complain will always follow sadness and pain.Therefore, in the future, we will rule out these six characteristics, be a person who does not complain, and enjoy the beauty of life.


Contrary to the complaints, people who do not complain have seven common performances: have a wide mind, optimistic of the sun, waiting for waiting, strong, easy to see, and treat the defects with a correct attitude. There is a grateful heartEssenceAmong them, treat the defects in a correct attitude into my heart.A philosopher once said that a defect, if it happened to a person who complained, he would use it as an excuse for failure, and tried to use it to lazy, forgiveness, and cowardice.On the contrary, people who do not complain will laugh at the defect. He will not only have various methods to overcome it, but the defects will not hinder him to achieve great career.

不抱怨的世界读后感 篇9


"The World of Not Complaining" is the deepest book after reading.We all like to complain, but we don't like to listen to others complaining. I think this is the commonality of people.


Well Bowei pointed mercilessly in the book "The World Not Complaining", "We complain that to get compassion and attention, and avoid doing what we dare not do." Many times, whenWe are not conscious, but we are unwilling to face and actively make changes. Sometimes, as psychological inertia, we do not know how to change.However, the current situation of unsatisfactory changes is also the nature of human beings. The negative role brought by complaints. After people realize that, there will still be a change of desire to change naturally.When changing emotional resistance is brought into life, it is "conscious and incompetent" into the "consciousness".


We began to pay attention to our words and words to replace complaints with silence.This is not a challenge that can be easily competent. Although complaining and judging pollution of your living environment like bad breath, habitual things always bring a sense of security, even alternative.We often struggle between not complaining and falling back to the status quo, changing our courage, unremitting self -awareness, and jointly creating a magical key -this key, let us have a long time of consciousness slowly open.Essence


Challenges to the old habit will inevitably bring some changes at the level of life. Bao Wen gently and firmly pointed out that in this internal change that guides life -oriented light and positive, if other things are indeed hindered, work, or work, orFriends should consider giving up.


"The World of Not Complaining" is not a work that interprets concepts or analyzes psychology, but a "not complaining movement" initiative, description, record, and calling.It is those cases that have changed millions of life around the world, showing the universality of complaints and similar transformation processes.


Putting down complaints, this does not mean that inaction in the face of the predicament, or abandoning the right to say the unfairness of society.Complaints with negative emotions are precisely not constructive negative.The love, tolerance, and empathy of life from this life, and it is not allowed to steal it in any institution in any name.


At most the description is only the road signs, the real beginning is always held in your own hands -if you practice, if you persist, it is enough to cause changes to open, penetrate our messy, full of problems and lack of review.


"The World Not Complaining" tells us that don't complain, not complaining is a key, a key to wake up the changes in our hearts, so that we can have a rare tranquility in busy life.