
时间:2022-07-28 13:18:20 | 来源:语文通



It has been raining for several days.Today, as in the past, under the exposure of the sun, the speaker flowers hang down the brain without cracking. If there is no rain, the "speaker icon" needs to become "little dumb"!


The horn flower remembered, and returned to and go laboriously, and saw the fairy ball who was still raising his chest. He said in a bad spirit: "The calendar brother hasn't rained for a long time, what are you or so spiritual?The thirsty 'king's game will definitely win the championship! "


"Oh! Don't you know? My hometown is in the desert, where it is often long -term drought, so my leaves have declined into thorns, and the stems are hypertrophy.I think the "not afraid of thirst 'king's game, I have already entered the exam. I heard that tomorrow will gradually get the first!"


"That's not necessarily!" A slight noise said.


The horn flowers looked at this sound -it turned out to be worthless flowers.At this time, she was full, and she had small leaves that seemed to be pulled out.


I only listened to her again: "Every time I only need to meet a rainy day, I will drink it, and I will continue to store unnecessary water in the small leaves. Until the sun comes out, I also use it.This kind of moisture blooms under the sun, the bigger the sun, the more he drove it. Therefore, his name "Xiang Sunflower" was so obtained.Looking forward to the crown! "


The horn flower listened to someone beside someone talking, and felt even more thirsty.


Suddenly, the sky was dark, and there was a thunderous sound of "banging". When he wanted to say something, he was covered by Hu La's rain.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence



1、大王:大王读音为dài wáng,是指1.古代对君主或诸侯王的敬称。 2.指垄断某种事业的人。 3.指长于某种事情的人。 4.称晋书法家王羲之。 中国戏曲、旧小说中对大帮强盗首领的称呼山大王大王 dà wáng词语解释:1.古代对君主或诸侯王的敬称。 2.指垄断某种事业的人。 3.指长于某种事情的人。 4.称晋书法家王羲之。[monarch] 中国戏曲、旧小说中对大帮强盗首领的称呼山大王分词解释:事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。或诸:犹或者。表示选择或并列关系。法家:先秦时期的一个思想流派,以申不害、商鞅、韩非为代表,主张法治,反对礼治,代表了当时新兴地主阶级的利益。君主:古代国家的最高统治者;现代某些国家的元首。有的称国王,有的称皇帝。...大王怎么造句,用大王造句»

2、害怕:害怕读音为hài pà,是指遇到困难、危险等而心中不安或发慌:害怕走夜路丨洞里阴森森的,叫人害怕。害怕 hài pà词语解释:遇到困难、危险等而心中不安或发慌:害怕走夜路丨洞里阴森森的,叫人害怕。分词解释:不安:1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。危险:1.亦作“危崄”。艰危险恶,不安全。谓有可能导致灾难或失败。 2.指险恶﹑险要之地。发慌:因害怕、着急或虚弱而心神不定:沉住气,别发慌。心中:1.中心点。 2.心里。...害怕怎么造句,用害怕造句»