
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:50 | 来源:语文通



I was like a clown duck, curled in a small corner of a green moss.What I can't forget from beginning to end is this little teacher who has worked hard and dedicated, bringing my inner warmth.


In the elementary school, the book was loud, as if he brought me to that classroom teaching -Teacher Xiaojun was reading poetry enthusiastically.After she finished reading, she exhaled, and then asked with a smile: "Who wants to read this poem aloud?"


I was happy to reach out for the first time.She listened to my reading aloud satisfactorily, and announced to everyone: "Back the poem today!"


But I was still immersed in the reading of the same level, and I didn't listen to the rules of the teacher.After class, I couldn't help recite the teacher's room.In front of the window, gray -black was soaked from the west, and I saw panic.The teacher seemed to see my thoughts and reminded me of my heart, but I haven't forgotten the meaning of the ancient poems and the concept of the writer.Her loud noise was surging, and she went into her heart.I finally cooked smoothly, she laughed and asked me to go home. At the same time, I did not forget to remind me "Be careful on the road."


I don't know how many times, I called Cheng to recite it in the teacher's room.Her white face and busy figure still appeared in her head.I seemed to smell the special fragrance in her room again.


I still remember that I had slept once, and when I woke up, I found missing the class time, and hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the college.When we ran out of the village, we were shocked: but saw Teacher Xiaojun looking at me.She didn't know where my family was, she came to me to talk about ...


"Go back to school!" She immediately realized me, blushing her face.I hurriedly ran, afraid of slowing down, and a while of guilty.Now when I think of it, I am full of movement.


Do you remember that time when climbing, the sun was spicy.I was so tired that I couldn't get angry, and I was difficult to travel in the narrow new road. Teacher Xiaojun didn't know when it happened behind me.


I saw the delicate sweat reflected on her forehead, but her small expression mainly showed a very relaxed look.I waved hands shyly.She smiled again and said, "Then you fight, I'm still behind you."


Many customers who have experienced experience in the processing factory must know that the guitar strings of the fibrous hands of the raw materials such as the slim hands are flattened. I can't forget it for a long time.For many years, isn't it that she has been paying attention to, giving silently behind me, and encouraging me to move forward?


Teacher Xiaojun, thank you for the love and deep movement of your childhood, this love will warm my life.



Come to the summer, a little flowers bloom.The road of life is hurriedly a few ten years, just like all year round, it will stop after all.


In the winter of another year, the temperature dropped sharply.The heart flew with the cold, and many of the past flashed, and it was so clear.


There are too many helplessness in my life. I think that parents are unable to leave their hometown and are full of helplessness.Forced by life, my parents delivered me to the elders entrusted.At that time, when I was young, I was about three or four years old. I often saw my parents leave and wept to scattered, but no matter how they cried and made trouble, they could not return to their parents.At that time, the cold and ruthlessness of my parents was dragging me tightly.


With the improvement of the age, I have a new understanding of everything, and I have gradually felt that I have no feelings about the departure of my parents. I never understand when I have indifferent to this level of true feelings.


But that person still lives in the past.Years of ruthlessness, I have been engraved with marks on her body long ago, and the figure is thin and unhappy. She saw the Wenwen weak, but one person took home, stayed up late in the morning, day after day, year after year, never willing to rest.One day, I just wanted to make more money, and I was afraid that I would have no chance to do it later.


Looking at the more and more humpful figure, thinking about "Don't be tired, rest for a while", after all, he failed to say the entrance.


Gradually, because of the schoolwork, the time with her encountered less and less, thinking about the questions in the house all day long, sometimes seeing that there are only words, but the smile on her face canAsk me to see a bouquet of light -a bouquet of stubborn light.


Her life was hard and bumpy, and she was also a few bone fractures for me. She had a long pain, but she never complained about it. She just assumed everything silently.First of all, I only went to her waist, and now she only goes to my shoulders. I am still growing, but she is shorter.


Nowadays, she has long hair, and sees her shivering two hands, and her heart is sore.


Along with the passage of years, the fear of her psychology spread in her heart. She was not like me. She had no very good years. She could wait for me to wait for me to be less than one day.


I don't know when she has been integrated into my life, and she has long had the blood relationship.My uncle, the person I hated before, now the person I love is the one who is difficult to give up in my life.



It is blurred and clear.Not only long and intimate contact.When I knew how to cherish, but found that she had avoided it.


——The composition title


I don't remember how long it has been, how long have you left.There is only a residual film in the memory, which is so unknown and so vague.As a result, your clear face was covered with a layer of fog. I tried to erase it, but found that the people had gone and the world had changed.


I still remember that it was the beginning of autumn.When I returned home with a high rush, when I wanted to enjoy a happy day, you were sent to the outpatient clinic of the hospital.In the quiet, I only felt the desolate rushing as like the world, so unintentionally, I kept my heart refrigerated.


Recall that in my mind, it is filled with silk ... Do you still remember that there is a "treasure cylinder" at home. Every time I visit you, you always look worthless from that mouth.Remove a lot of deliciously in front of my eyes in the "treasure cylinder", asking me to eat casually, still in my pants pocket, and it is filled with my hand.At that time, I was disobedient, I only knew about eating, so I ignored my mother's quotations.I just remember that the mother was angry, but you smiled.


At that time, the manual work of the "Shixing" anti -bag in the village, thinking about helping me save a sum of money to save college, and gradually started this handmade work.At that time, you were carrying me with a bag with your hands.I said to me: "I save money for you to study in college." You are very happy, a very dreamy look.Anti -bag is very cheap. There is only one penny. I saw your hands busy and busy ...Some bags are a bit hard. You are full of wrinkles, and the vicissitudes of hands are soaked, but you have no complaints. You are still unremitting regardless of your parents' resistance.


It was a rainy day, and the rain was endless, as if we were crying for your departure.My tears finally couldn't stop, and the embankment broke down.I don't know how long it has been, your pair of Cang Sang's hands have changed from warmth to cold, but your love is firmly posted with me, so intimate contact, so understand.


Listening to your mother, you have been repeating the backbag posture on the hospital bed, and you have been repeatedly ...


That's how is, you always leave me.The most important person in my life, maybe you did not give me professional knowledge, but you taught me to persevere. At the last moment of my life, you have to smile and face all the frustrations, even if life is so unbearable.



That person is a photo of love, watching the news, a little persistent but very cute old naughty boy.


That person, I call him Grandpa.


Photos, recording our bits and pieces of years, the time to disappear can not be caught like flowing water. As long as the photos are possessed, those memories can be kept in our hearts, soft and beautiful.


The "squeak-squeak" cicada screaming street, the hot sun jumps on the asphalt road with the leaf of the elm, and spreads into a flashing light and shadow.He walked slowly in the shade of the tree with a crutch, and came to a military and political university in Hengshan Road."Come here, take a picture of me at this door!" He smiled slightly, leaning against a big tree, watching the camera deeply and calmly."Click", the picture fixed at that moment.He hurriedly sat on the lounge chair under the other tree, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and said, "Take another one for me! Put your hands right, take me a little younger!"The white clouds reflected in the sky, such as diluted egg flower soup, usually spread out slowly.A cool gust of wind brushed his silver hair, and the sun left the light spots on his face, which was extremely dazzling.


"Oh, I said how many photos you want to take!" I complained impatiently.However, he blinked his eyes -like water -like eyes and begged: "Just take a few more as a memorial!" I had to return to the photographer to continue to take pictures and take pictures, and my hands were sour and numb, but looked at him at him, but looked at himThe bright smile no longer says anything.Summer fled like this.


He not only loves photos, but also a loyal news enthusiast!


In the evening, the dishes in the home were filled with aroma.I sat around the dining table with my family, but he was obsessed with the TV.When he was immersed in forgotten dinner, I turned off the TV in a hurry, saying in his ear, saying, "I have dinner!""What do you want to watch!" I had to bring him the rice and rice, and saw him watching the news intently, like a child.


After dinner, I walked to the window sill and looked up at the dark blue sky, showing his figure, and couldn't help laughing.It was that person who taught me how I love life and care about current politics; it was that person, which has influenced my longing for life; it is that person that makes me realize that life is actually beautiful.


Today, I have learned to cherish those memories, fall in love with taking pictures, and love to read news reports.I hope that person can accompany me, enjoy the happiness in life with me, and feel life!



"There is only a mother in the world, and the mother of a mother is like a treasure ... Whenever she thinks of this long praise, everyone naturally emerges in her heart, but she still stands still. Yeah, she is herThe person in our lives.


As Mr. Zhu Ziqing wrote, time was in a hurry.From a toddler, toothing, to a childhood of laughing and naughty, and studying hard, to youth rebellion, and looking forward to the future.Step by step, we paid hard sweat, but inadvertently ignored her.It was him who taught us patiently at an early age and pointed us in his childhood, and he was tireless in your youth.The same is true of the person in my life.


Since childhood, I have rarely held my mother's hand. In junior high school, I almost disappeared.One night, her mother finally had time, and she pulled me to walk, saying that it was a good air, and I had to agrees barely.When you came to the park where you were walking, there were many crowds, clusters of clusters, and there were many children who played their mother's hands.


My mother hugged my sister, and I walked ahead, as if she had a wall with them.The noise was gradually missing on the road, and we were going home.Along the way, I found a strange phenomenon. My sister's hand was always tightly held together with my mother's hand. It seemed that she couldn't separate anything. From the beginning to the present, it has always been.The sister's hand is so white and cute, like an angel's hand.However, my mother, her hands are "ommetrical", like persimmons who have lost water, and there is no fresh color.The hand was covered with light marks, and the thick calluses completely swallowed the vitality of the hand, and the nails were uneven.Under the light, it looks particularly prominent.With a breeze blowing, I rushed up without hesitation, grabbed my mother's hand gently, and held it tightly.Looking at my sister and mother's surprise, I was silent.As if everything was forgotten, there was only one thought in my heart: holding the mother's hand.



"There are only moms in the world, children with mothers like blocks ..." The same song, I heard a different connotation, all thanks to the person in my life -my mother.

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1、个人:个人读音为gè rén,是指①一个人(跟‘集体’相对):个人利益服从集体利益ㄧ集体领导同个人负责相结合。②自称,我(在正式场合发表意见时用):个人认为这个办法是非常合理的。个人 gè rén词语解释:①一个人(跟‘集体’相对):个人利益服从集体利益ㄧ集体领导同个人负责相结合。②自称,我(在正式场合发表意见时用):个人认为这个办法是非常合理的。分词解释:场合:特定的时间、地点、情况:在这场合,他很窘|这是个陌生的场合。自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。相对:①相比较而言:这间屋相对大些|相对落后。②互相对应、对比:这两个词意义相对|两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。③见“相对与绝对”。相结合:合成始终一致的整体。如:现代战争中人和机器的相结合。...个人怎么造句,用个人造句»

2、命中:命中读音为mìng zhōng,是指射中或投中预定的目标。命中 mìng zhōng词语解释:射中或投中预定的目标。(1) [hit]∶射中目标;击中(2) [score]∶成功的一击分词解释:预定:1.预先决定或制定。 2.犹预订。目标:1.射击﹑攻击或寻求的对象。 2.想要达到的境界或目的。● 中 zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ◎ 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当(dàng)中。中原。中华。◎ 在一定范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。◎ 性质或等级在两端之间的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。中流砥柱。◎ 表示动作正在进行:在研究中。◎ 特指“中国”:中式。中文。◎ 适于,合于:中看。● 中 zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ◎ 恰好合上:中选。中奖。中意(会意,满意)。◎ 受到,遭受:中毒。中计。◎ 科举考试被录取:中举。中状元。● 命 mìng ㄇㄧㄥˋ◎ 动植物的生活能力:生命。救命。逃命。拼命。命脉。性命。相依为命。◎ 迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天命。命相(xiàng )。命运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的命命”)。◎ 上级对下级的指示:奉命。遵命。命令。使命。◎ 给予(名称等):命名。命题。命意。◎ 指派,使用:命官。...命中怎么造句,用命中造句»

3、生命:生命读音为shēng mìng,是指由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。生命 shēng mìng词语解释:由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。(1) [life]∶生物体所具有的存在和活动的能力冒着生命危险(2) [vitality]∶指事物所具有的能够存在下去的性质一部有生命的文学作品(3) [condition]∶指参加某种活动的资格和能力政治生命分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。发育:生物体成熟之前,机能和构造发生变化,如植物开花结果,动物的性腺逐渐成熟。遗传:生命的重要特征。生物产生与自己相类似的后代的现象。在遗传学上,指遗传物质从上代传给后代的现象。...生命怎么造句,用生命造句»

4、那个:那个读音为nà ge,是指亦作“那箇”。1.那一个。2.那事物;那东西。3.口语。用在形容词、动词前,表夸张。4.口语里代替不便直说的内容(含有婉转或诙谐的意味)。 那一个,也指那种事物那个公园的花木很不错那个 nà gè词语解释:亦作“那箇”。1.那一个。2.那事物;那东西。3.口语。用在形容词、动词前,表夸张。4.口语里代替不便直说的内容(含有婉转或诙谐的意味)。[that] 那一个,也指那种事物那个公园的花木很不错分词解释:口语:①谈话时使用的语言(区别于‘书面语’)。②〈书〉毁谤的话。不便:1.不利。 2.不方便;不适宜。 3.不熟习。 4.不至于。 5.缺钱用。直说:照实说;坦白直率地说出来。...那个怎么造句,用那个造句»