
时间:2022-06-21 13:50:29 | 来源:语文通



Fan Wen 1:

  鲁滨逊漂流记(英文原名:Robinson Crusoe,,直译作鲁宾逊·克鲁索)是一本由丹尼尔·笛福59岁时所着的第一部小说,首次出版于1720xx年4月25日。这本小说被认为是第一本用英文以日记形式写成的小说,享有英国第一部现实主义长篇小说的头衔。下面是一篇鲁滨逊漂流记读书笔记:

Robinson Drifting (original name: Robinson Crusoe, literally translated as Robinson Crusso) is a first novel by Daniel Difu at the age of 59. The first time was published on April 25, 1720xx, 1720xx.day.This novel is considered to be the first novel written in English in English and enjoys the title of the first realist novel in the UK.The following is a Reading Notes for Robinson Drifting:


When reading "Robinson Drifting", I saw the phrase "I would like to dedicate to my parents and the school when I rely on my parents and the school" on the title page. "Don't underestimate us! I want to see, why do you say that ... "But after I finished reading, I always thought about such a question: if I were Robinson ...


If I were Robinson, when the ship crashed in the storm, would I continue to sail like he did not bow down to fate? No, if I can choose, I will not accept the difficult and frustrated life because I can choose.I am not as strong as him.


If I were Robinson, when I was alone on the desert island, I should not be in the same day, and when I was not spiritually, I would not give up like him., Actively save myself, because I have no ability, I have no confidence.


If I were Robinson, when I saw the food people who had a banquet, I would stand up bravely like him, fighting with them with only one assistant? No, I would rather hide far away, I would rather hide far away, I would rather hide far away,Pray that they will never discover me because I don't have that kind of courage.


I have to admit that I am weak and incompetent compared to Robinson.From the fall to the back to the schoolbag, parents and schools laid the road of growth.I have a peace of mind on this flat avenue for year and after year. There are no setbacks, no storms, and I complain about this all day and complain about that.In fact, I have never tasted the bitterness in my life at all. I am happy.However, in happiness, I didn't realize that being able to eat and wear warmth, go to school bags to go to school, and accept the care of my family every day and the concern of society. It is a great happiness.


"A good book can save a person." Now I believe this sentence 200 %.This book shows me the spirit of Robinson's self -confidence, self -reliance, self -reliance, never satisfied, unwillingness, and courage to start a business; tell me that Robinson relies on his kindness, wisdom and perseverance to create and develop.I think I should take out all my energy to learn from him, not only for society, for my parents, but also for my own future.His dare to fight with a harsh environment, love life, and love life deeply.Compared with Robinson, how rich our living environment is now, so we should cherish our lives, advocate our lives, and draw a gorgeous stroke for our future!



Fan Wen 2:


The city's lights and neon flashes, in my opinion, are a symbol of prosperity and beauty, but after reading detoxifying publicity books- "The Redemption of Spirit and Meat", my view was brutally stifled.Those sins, dirty, painful, and tragedies kept whistling in the story, and wiped the stories one after another, bringing a impact on the soul again and again.Fortunately, the hundred -footed soul in the story did not annihilate the sea of poison, but was redeemed under the call of relatives and the care of society ...


"Redemption of Spirit and Meat" tells the true story of 100 successful detoxification, which is divided into poison, family, assistance, and emotional articles. When reading this book, my heart is undoubtedly heavy -Chen of Donghai Town, Lufeng City, but not cherished, and infected with drugs under the influence of gambling habits. Under the influence of the poisonous brother, it was caught in the white poisonous pond and could not extricate himself, and eventually broke his family; the teenager had no intention to learn, misunderstood friends, and he was a captive of drugs ... These bloody tragedies deeply stabbed my eyes. Among them, the story of Gan, a person in Xiangang Village, Laiping Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, made me burst into tears. Because the world was not deep, Xiaogan mistakenly went to the poisonous pond to go ahead and go farther. His father gave him a detoxification center in pain and never gave up him. He always encouraged him and supported him on the way to detoxification. Breaking away from the poisonous demon, his father finally closed his eyes with relief. He exhausted his life to save his son, and he suddenly died without enjoying the blessing. What a sad story!


Classmates, drugs cannot be touched! Drugs can cause human body function disorders, produce a painful abstinence reaction, lead to mental disorders and perverts, and will bring a heavy blow to families and society! There are many teenagers in the caseIt is because of the lack of understanding of drugs, coupled with inadvertent learning, often wandering outside, met many unsatisfied social youths, lost their feet into white mud, and stepping on a good youth time, which shows that today teenagers are lacking discipline and excessive discipline and excessiveness.It has become a sacrifice for poisonous devils and other bad habits such as doting and unintentional learning! We must always ring the alarm for ourselves: Drugs can't touch it!


In addition to the 100 souls of the rebirth of the fire, there are countless lives that have been swallowed severely. We should all be a anti -drug propaganda small guard and reject drugs to harm society again! Classmates, do n’t let life burial under the poppy flowers!



1、范文:范文读音为fàn wén,是指语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。范文 fàn wén词语解释:语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。分词解释:语文:语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。榜样:作为仿效的人或事例(多指好的):好榜样ㄧ你先带个头,做个榜样让大家看看。讲解:解释;解说:讲解员ㄧ他指着模型给大家讲解。...范文的近义词,范文的同义词是什么»

2、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»

3、读书笔记:读书笔记读音为dú shū bǐ jì,是指记述读书心得的笔记。读书笔记 dú shū bǐ jì词语解释:记述读书心得的笔记。分词解释:笔记:①用笔记录:老人口述,请人笔记下来,整理成文。②听课、听报告、读书时所做的记录:读书笔记|课堂笔记。③一种以随笔记录为主的著作体裁,多由分条的短篇汇集而成:笔记小说。心得:指工作或学习中的体验和领悟到的东西:凡人读书,各有心得|学习心得。读书:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。...读书笔记怎么造句,用读书笔记造句»