20,000 miles under the sea, this book is one of the masterpieces of French novelist Reller Verne.So what knowledge do we gain from it? The following is the composition fan network editor carefully organized 500 words of reading experience of 20,000 miles for you, let's take a look.
During this spring vacation, I read a lot of books. Among them, the title of my favorite book is "20,000 Miles of the Underwater". This book is very interesting. I read this book in two days.It is said: Professor Ayunas and assistant Consee, the fish gunner Nide was placed under house arrest by the captain of the submarine parrot in order to catch the sea monster, and began a thrilling underwater journey ...
The author of this book, Rules, Verne is an outstanding science fiction novelist, and this book is also one of his masterpieces.When writing a book, not only did human beings not invented the submarine, but even the electric lamp has not been asked, but in the novel, he created a submarine-Nautilus, so that the characters in the book were put on an imagination.The nautilus nautilus sailed in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Red Sea, Mediterranean, Arctic Sea, etc. in less than ten months.I have witnessed countless wonders and discovered the treasures of the underwater coal mine and shipwreck.With the perseverance and the excessive wisdom, they finally overcome all difficulties.After experiencing the imagined underwater adventure.
Classmates! Let's take this wonderful submarine together to see the bottom forests, coral kingdoms, mysterious treasures and shipwrecks, and bravely fight against the big octopus, trying to escape from the Antarctic ice wall.There are many, many fresh and exciting encounters waiting for us to appreciate.Come on! Let's explore together!
Today, I recommend the book "20,000 Miles of the Sea".
I was deeply attracted by the heroes in the sea, and it made me have a strong interest in the magical ocean.
This book mainly talks about French biologist Arennas invited to the hunting "unicorn". Unfortunately, the water fell on the back of the "unicorn whale" and found that this was a submarine -the nautilus numberSo he took his servant Consee and Yu fork, Need Rand, as the Captain Nimo started nine months of underwater travel ... If you want to know other stories in this book, please come to see it yourselfThis book.
This book is very eye -catching, because the end of each chapter of this book will leave a suspense for people, making people look down more, and want to know what the story is like.Unconsciously, many knowledge in the book quietly enters your mind, because the knowledge of many marine animals is mentioned more than once.For example, in the article "A Million Pearl", how did the pearls form and classify ...
Its content is twists and turns, ups and downs, and it will give you tension at any time, making your brows sometimes locked and sometimes relaxed.
"20,000 miles under the sea" is a science fiction novel, but the knowledge in the book makes me think it is even more popular novels.I want to recommend it to people who have not had time to read it, because it is too worth reading, you will learn a lot of marine knowledge from the book.
Today, my father took me to the bookstore to buy a book. I chose a book "20,000 Miles of the Under the Sea" myself. I watched it when I got home.I was fascinated by the illustrations in the book. After reading the illustration, I looked at it.The story is so charming.
"20,000 miles under the sea" was written by French writer Verne. My mother told me that he had two works that were also very good -looking. One was "Captain Grant's Children" and the other was "Mysterious Island".I haven't seen these two.
"20,000 miles under the sea" talks about Pierre, a professor of natural science.Arolskos rides on the story of the sea underwater adventure on the nautilus submarine.They swam together with the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic and Antarctic and Arctic Ocean. They met many strange and strange underwater animals and plants, letting me know many scientific and cultural knowledge.
What impressed me most was encountering the big octopus. At the beginning they met many large octopus, they surfaced, and a large group of people chopped away with the feet and hands of the big octopus.The sailor threw it into the sea.The captain was about to cut it to it, and the big octopus suddenly sprayed a dark ink, and the captain almost could not see anything.The captain returned to the cockpit, tilted the boat a lot, and fell those big octopus to the sea.
After reading this book, I think Verne's imagination is too rich, and the story he tells is too amazing.It reminds me of a word: only unexpected, no one.Their spirit deserves me to learn! I understand, I have to work hard to the end!
1、海底两万里:海底两万里读音为hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ,是指长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。海底两万里 hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ分词解释:长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。分词解释:罕见:难得见到;很少见到:人迹罕见丨罕见的奇迹。珊瑚岛:海洋岛的一种,由珊瑚礁构成的岛屿,或在珊瑚礁上形成的沙岛。中国的西沙群岛、南沙群岛,太平洋中的波利尼西亚群岛等均属于珊瑚岛。建造:建筑;修建:建造房屋 ㄧ建造花园。到达:谓到了某一地点或某一阶段。历经:经历;多次经过:历经劫难ㄧ小庙历经百余年的风雨剥蚀,已残破不堪。...
2、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»
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