
时间:2022-06-09 13:41:28 | 来源:语文通


I worked hard to read the book before the exam, and I was afraid that the exam was not good.Mom said, you have to take more than ninety or more, otherwise I will invite you to eat "bamboo shoots fried shredded pork", and then you cannot play your computer.well!I will die without a computer.


I do n’t want to listen to the class and do n’t want to go to school, and I am very loud at school.I just want to play.Tomorrow is about to take the exam. I had to give me a lot of consequences in the classroom. When I thought of tomorrow's exam, I was afraid of shaking my feet and scaring me.When I did n’t go to the end of the class, I have been reading and ending in the classroom, as if I have to take the college entrance examination.


When I returned home, I went to read a book immediately, but helpless the construction was noisy in construction, so I went to the library to read a book.I returned home at 7 o'clock in the evening, and the noise stopped. I went upstairs to read a book until 12 o'clock I went to take a bath and sleep.When I was sleeping that night, I kept making a dream.

  隔天一到学校,看到大家在看书,我也跟着看。考卷发下来时,我的手抖得很厉害,当下课钟声一响,我便将考卷交出去。隔天当老师宣布成绩时,我居然考了一百 分,我高兴极了,我便告诉我自己说,从此以后要好好的努力用功念书,保持这样的好成绩。不要临时抱佛脚,不要反被佛踢一脚。

When I arrived at the school the next day, I saw everyone reading, and I also read it.When the test scrolls came down, my hand shook very well. When the bell rang at the moment, I handed the test papers.When the teacher announced the results the next day, I actually took a hundred points. I was very happy, and I told me that I would work hard to study hard and maintain such good results.Don't hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, don't be kicked by the Buddha.



1、启示:启示读音为qǐ shì,是指启发使领悟:这篇文章给了他很大的启示。启示 qǐ shì词语解释:启发使领悟:这篇文章给了他很大的启示。分词解释:启发:①开导指点,使产生联想并有所领悟:启发式教学|这番话对我很有启发。②阐明;阐释:启发篇章,校理秘文。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。领悟:理解领会:他的话我领悟了。...启示怎么造句,用启示造句»

2、考试:考试读音为kǎo shì,是指通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平考试 kǎo shì词语意思:通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。[examination;test;exam] 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平分词解释:提问:1.传讯审问。 2.提出问题要求回答。考查:用一定的标准来检查衡量(行为、活动):考查学生的学业成绩。通过:1.通行;穿过。 2.议案等经过法定人数的同意而成立。 3.以人或事物为媒介或手段达到某种目的。 4.征求有关的人或组织的同意或核准。...考试怎么造句,用考试造句»