Today, I am tired like a scattered football game. When I go home and go to bed, I go to bed. In my sleep, between me, I encountered a grandfather with white hair.He smiled and gave me a glittering treasure box, and told me: "Child, this is a baby, you need to use it well!" After that, he disappeared without a trace.I suddenly woke up and turned around, and she really had a glittering treasure box beside the pillow, which was exactly the same as the sleep.
I looked at the treasure box left to the right. This treasure box is exquisitely worked. There are beautiful flowers and three different colors of buttons on it, namely red, yellow, and blue. I was full of curiosity, and I held a yellow button with a treasure box involuntarily. Suddenly, I was dark in front of my eyes, lost my consciousness, and when I woke up and opened my eyes, I was stunned by everything in front of my eyes: the house floated in the sky, and the car flew around in the sky ... At this time, an antenna had a long antenna. There are many long beard guys floating at me under the head, this is not the jellyfish! It is transparent, and it is still light inside, and it drifted to me! It took my head a few times with a long beard, and I was frightened. It talked to me a lot of "watermate tongue", but I didn't understand it. But it seemed to know that I didn't understand it, so I touched my temple with two long bears. I immediately understood what it was talking about. It turned out that it wanted to make friends with me. It took me to its flying saucer and visited this beautiful planet. I saw this beautiful and suspended world excited. I jumped and danced on the flying saucer, but accidentally, my butt sat down. It was on the blue button, and there was a dizziness.
When I opened my eyes, there was a different scene: short houses, rows in rows, young men have long hair, wearing rough robes, and a magnificent palace. ... I was stunned by the scene in front of me. At this moment, the ground was shaking. With the dust of the flying soil, the two teams of soldiers came in. They wore armor and had spear with their hands, and they looked very neat. Then a carriage ran in. From the floating curtains, I vaguely saw Qin's face, God! Am I in Qin Kingdom? For a while, the dust flew up again. At this time, I took out an automatic umbrella from the bag to block it. I pressed the automatic button and opened the umbrella "bang". This time, I provoked two soldiers. They picked me up and said, "You assassin is so brave, and with a weapon!" I quickly said, "I'm not an assassin!" But they can't tole me. Considering that I fell heavily on the ground, my butt was hurt, and I quickly got up and ran away. I accidentally touched a red button again.
Suddenly after a while, I opened my eyes and found that I was lying on the bed. It turned out to be a dream!
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、如果:如果读音为rú guǒ,是指1.连词。表示假设。如果 rú guǒ[if] 假如,假使 你如果要来,请事先告诉我如果 rú guǒ连词。表示假设。《前汉书平话》卷上:“如果不利,截旗营前,以定胜败验之。”《儒林外史》第十六回:“如果文章会做,我提拔他。” 吴运铎 《把一切献给党·入党》:“一个人,如果是真心革命,就不会让个人主义的灰尘迷住眼睛。” ...如果怎么造句,用如果造句»
3、穿越:穿越读音为chuān yuè,是指经过;穿过。 跨过;越过;穿过穿越 chuān yuè词语解释:经过;穿过。[pass through] 跨过;越过;穿过分词解释:经过:①通过(处所、时间、动作等):从北京坐火车到广州要经过武汉 ㄧ屋子经过打扫,干净多了ㄧ这件事情是经过领导上缜密考虑的。②过程;经历②:厂长向来宾报告建厂经过ㄧ说说你探险的经过。穿过:1.从…一边走到另一边。如:穿过布雷区。2.横过,越过或从…上延伸过。如:穿过花园的一条小径。3.延展到或占据某一空间或地点。如:一条小道穿过山谷。4.克服阻力而进入。如:钉子…够长的,足以穿过绝缘部分。5.指气流通过。如:微风穿过房间。● 越 yuè ㄩㄝˋ◎ 度过,超出:越过。越冬。越级。越轨。越权。越境。越位。越狱。越俎代庖。◎ 声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激越。声音清越。◎ 表示程度加深:越发(更加)。越加。越快越好。◎ 消散:“精神劳则越”。◎ 失坠,坠落:陨越。“射其左。越于车下”。◎ 中国古民族名:百越(亦作“百粤”)。◎ 中国周代诸侯国名。后用作浙江省东部的别称:越剧。越凫楚乙(“乙”,燕子。喻对于同一事物,由于自身条件的局限而作出不同的判断)。◎ 姓。● 穿 chuān ㄔㄨㄢˉ◎ 破,透:穿透。揭穿。穿窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。穿凿。◎ 通过,连通:穿过。穿行(xíng )。◎ 着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:穿衣。穿鞋。...穿越怎么造句,用穿越造句»
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