Environmental pollution
Recently, environmental pollution has been too serious in many places.Many people smoke, throw garbage, spit anywhere ... so the world pollution is extremely serious.
If you continue this, then the whole world will become "junk planet". Do you want to do this? For human health and continuity, please be a hygienic person, don't let the world become ruined, okay? Listen carefully. This is the information I collected. After listening, I hope that I will change my personal habits: agricultural pollution. We all know that many delicious things, such as fruits and vegetables, contain pesticides, and pesticides contain contained in pesticidesToxic substances, this will contaminate crops, which will affect human health.There are also some toxic substances with plastic waste, and it will also affect crops in the soil.I won't say much about marine pollution, atmospheric pollution, etc.
I think to prevent the world from being covered by garbage, starting from around, starting from small things, so that the world will be better!
Sad puppy
Today, I went to my grandmother's house for dinner. My grandmother had a puppy, which was called Xiaotan.
The name of the puppy was given by my brother, and its name is not suitable for it at all. After you hear the small gray, you must think it is gray! Then it is wrong! It is yellow all over the body, it is very high, it is very high, it is very high, it is very highIt is much higher than my family's noise! It can also eat more than noisy.
Today, my grandmother wants to put it on the road and let it go away, hey! Is Xiao ash doing bad things? Then my grandmother said, "It's not that I don't want it! But it bites the chickens from others,This is the case: a puppy (very small) has been here these days, and the little gray cut off the dog chain, and he was eating two or three with another puppy. "
So let it go, we will leave after eating good meals. On the road, I really don't want to let it go. It is too pitiful! No way.
I ask my dad to raise it, Dad said, "Isn't the family made trouble at home?" I said helplessly, "Yeah! There are noisy at home, so don't let it go!" We put it on the school next to the school.There is something there in the stall.
I hope it will see that I will go to school without going back to me, and don't go home with me.
What moved me
Last Sunday, I finished watching the news with my mother after doing my homework. I put a good legal lecture before it came to the focus of today's news. This time the news talked about: a 22 -year -old young manAnd when he was hit by a car, he was hit with multiple fractures and fractures, and several breaks, so he couldn't stand up and walk anymore. You can think about how painful and uncomfortable the legs and feet.When I went to see the young people, I burst into tears, saying, "I'm older, why do you hurt your legs for me!" And the young man said, "It's okay, isn't it free!It is very good! "After hearing what he said, the old man smiled.
When the news was finished, the tears in my eyes had not stopped. I said to my mother, "Mom, this person is great! Even if you give up your freedom, you must save more than others!" Mom said to me:"Yeah. There are bad people in this world, but there are many good people! You, you must be a good citizen in society when you grow up!" I wiped tears and said, "Well, I know."
After watching this, I can't help but want to tell those bad people: "Why do you would rather be a bad guy that everyone hates, and he is not willing to be a good person admired by everyone? You have too late to change it now.
Animals are also emotional
Today, I was idle and picked up the book "Naughty Bao Ma Xiao Jump's Pet Concentration Camp". After reading it, I felt deeply.
This book is mainly about: Micastason is a beautiful and indifferent girl in her heart. She hate children and small animals.Later, under the movement of Ma Xiaoyu's love for small animals, he slowly abandoned her. The ugly love of the scholarly mumm of conjunctivitis, and slowly understood why people have pets becauseThey are all loyal, affectionate and intentional animals.McCadona not only became a dog clothing designer, but also helped fat dogs to lose weight and take care of sick dogs.The volunteer of a stray dog, the red house she lives, has also become the most longing pet concentration camp of Ma Xiaoyou.
The most deepest thing for me to give me is: Malda's bull -fighting dog "bin Laden" was killed by a car to save the "ugly eight monsters".From here, I feel the love of "Laden" for "ugly and eight monsters". It seems that animals also have love, and we should also have love, so we must have love from now on, and give a little love for a weak life.It will be better.
Everyone should have love.
People who don't love small animals
Tonight, I am very angry.I do n’t like to care for small animals, there is one in our class, and I still do n’t love small animals! He is Kong Linhan!
On the way back to dinner today, Kong Linhan picked up a snail and walked for a while, he threw the snail out far away! It's so angry! Turbing like this!
Life is valuable.Everyone knows this, but I want to ask you, the life of small animals is considered to be a life? Is the life of a small insect? Life of a small creature is considered a life? Don't think that our lives can be considered life.Isn't the lives of small animals, small insects and small creatures be a life? No! Every life is equal, and every life is the same.
Maybe some lives are a bit poor, a little weak, and a little bit, but they are also life! They also live very exciting! They are also very happy !!
Maybe one day, the earth has changed, and we have become weak, small animals and small insects have become powerful. They throw you out from far away. What is your heart? You may be angry.Why do they throw you because you have done this; you may be sad, and your life is over, but when you are still them, do you know what they think?Happy, but do you know what they think?
I want to tell you that our lives are the same, regardless of poverty and wealth, no weakness and strength! We are a bit older, small animals and small insects are a bit small! Life is equal to the same ones.Why do we hurt them? To destroy them?
Every life is a legend, and behind each legend is a wonderful story! People, please take care of small animals! Remember, every life is the same!
1、大全:大全读音为dà quán,是指1.全部。 2.用作书名。谓著作之全部。大全 dà quán词语解释:1.全部。 2.用作书名。谓著作之全部。分词解释:书名:1.用于书写的文字。 2.写上姓名。 3.擅长书法的名声。 4.字,别名。著作:1.用文字表达意见﹑知识﹑思想﹑感情等。 2.著作的成品。 3.见“著作郎”。全部:1.整个部类。 2.完全。● 大 dà ㄉㄚˋ◎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:大厅。大政。大气候。夜郎自大。大腹便便。◎ 指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个大。◎ 规模广,程度深,性质重要:大局。大众。◎ 用于“不”后,表示程度浅或次数少:不大高兴。◎ 年长,排行第一:老大。◎ 敬辞:大作。大名。大手笔。◎ 时间更远:大前年。◎ 〔大夫〕古代官职,位于“卿”之下,“士”之上。◎ 超过事物一半,不很详细,不很准确:大概。大凡。● 大 dài ㄉㄞˋ◎ 〔大夫〕医生(“夫”读轻声)。◎ 〔大王〕戏曲、旧小说中对强盗首领的称呼(“王”读轻声)。● 大 tài ㄊㄞˋ◎ 古通“太”。◎ 古通“泰”。● 全 quán ㄑㄩㄢˊ◎ 完备,齐备,完整,不缺少:齐全。完全。智勇双全。求全责备。◎ 整个,遍:全部。全国。全民。全神贯注。全心全意。◎ 都:代表全来了。◎ 使不受损伤:保全。◎ 姓。...
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