
时间:2022-06-07 13:38:12 | 来源:语文通


"The Letter of Daughter" is an article in the second unit of the ninth grade in the human edition.So, let's take a look at the composition of the composition.



Young is the dawn of your life. During this period, you need to accumulate power to create beautiful things, including the spiritual power created by wise and brave love for humans. Yes, children, you need to think deeply, you need your own strength, including the power of spiritual love. This power needs to adhere to life. Cherish it, love and carry forward it until before entering the coffin, make it a loyal power of ideology, avoid making mistakes and disappointment. I call love a wise and brave power. Only in this way can it be regarded as human true love. However, if a young man lacks his will and follows the flow, if he has no human wisdom and bravery in his feelings, he will not get any happiness. On the contrary, he will encounter huge disasters. If a person is easy to impulsive and lacks thinking, and eagerly pursues a moment of happiness and a strong pleasure -this means that he is in a terrible danger. A flower seemed to be beautiful and charming at a glance, but it contains a toxin. Lack of rational sexual desire is a huge evil-evil. It is hidden in life, and sometimes you also encounter -we can bluntly admit this. The young man asked the girl to satisfy his desire, as if he was not intentional to do bad things. He seemed to really love this girl, so his sin was even more serious. But the bad thing is that his understanding of love is not mature. According to his physical development, he can already be a father, but his moral development is only a child.


This child is not malicious, but it is terrible.The terrible thing is that although his body has matured, he still lacks social experience, but he is a "father".It is not accidental to include the word "father" in quotes. I want to emphasize that I use this word to be conditional, because the word usually contains another more lofty thought.


  《致女儿的信》中,作者用一个充满诗意的故事,解释了爱情的真谛。这对我们这些青少年来说,是非常好的清醒剂。因为,现在的我们都有开始对异性产生好奇的现象,也有些人开始希望自己像青春偶像剧中一样,来一场浪漫的爱情。但他们知道爱情吗?难道,眉来眼去就是爱情?难道,手牵手逛街就是爱情?难道,甜言蜜语就是爱情?如果你认为这就是爱情的话,那天下就不会有那么多的失恋者了。如果一定要说这是爱情的话,那这也是劣质的爱情,就像劣质巧克力,只有瞬间的甜蜜。而不像真正的爱情 ── 优质巧克力,甜蜜中有苦涩,使你更加珍惜这品尝的机会,使你更加地回味无穷。

In "The Letter of Daughter", the author uses a poetic story to explain the true meaning of love.This is a very good sober agent for us teenagers.Because now we all have the phenomenon of curiosity about the opposite sex, and some people have begun to want to have a romantic love like youth idol drama.But do they know love? Is it love? Is it love? Is it love? Sweet words are love? If you think this is love, there will not be so many lover in the world.If you must say this is love, then this is also inferior love, like inferior chocolate, only instant sweetness.Not like real love -high -quality chocolate, sweetness in sweetness, making you cherish the opportunity of this taste more, making you have more interest.

In "The Letter of Daughter", the author uses a poetic story to explain the true meaning of love.This is a very good sober agent for us teenagers.Because now we all have the phenomenon of curiosity about the opposite sex, and some people have begun to want to have a romantic love like youth idol drama.But do they know love? Is it love? Is it love? Is it love? Sweet words are love? If you think this is love, there will not be so many lover in the world.If you must say this is love, then this is also inferior love, like inferior chocolate, only instant sweetness.Not like real love -high -quality chocolate, sweetness in sweetness, making you cherish the opportunity of this taste more, making you have more interest.


Love does not need to be vigorous, and I really don't need to stick together every day.When she needs warmth, send a cup of coffee, and when he needs comfort, send a hug, which is the real love.And nowadays, just to satisfy their vanity, desire, just to buckle the hat of love on their heads, but in the end, they are all empty.

Love does not need to be vigorous, and I really don't need to stick together every day.When she needs warmth, send a cup of coffee, and when he needs comfort, send a hug, which is the real love.And nowadays, just to satisfy their vanity, desire, just to buckle the hat of love on their heads, but in the end, they are all empty.


  作者苏联教育实践家和教育理论家苏霍姆林斯基别具匠心地用了一个充满诗意的故事,来回答十四岁的女儿提出的 “ 什么是爱情 ” 的问题,阐述了 “ 只有经得起时间砺磨的忠诚,能超越死亡的心灵追念,才配得上称为真正的爱情。 " 尤其是 文章结尾说: “ 万物生存、繁殖、传宗接代,但只有人才能够爱。 ”“ 如果不善待爱情,便不能提高到人类美这一高度,就是说它还仅仅是能够成为人、但尚未成为真正的人的一种生物罢了。 ” 这些话都很好地解释了 “ 只有能以人的方式去爱的人,才成为真正的人 ” 的含义:真正的爱情远远高于生理需要,爱情中包含的 “ 忠诚 ”“ 心灵的追念 ” 等人性的光辉,正是人之为人而不是动物的根本标志。

The author's Soviet educator and educational theorist Suhomlinski uses a poetic story to answer the question of "what is love" raised by her fourteen -year -old daughter, which explains "only with time to withstand timeThe loyalty of the hardness, which can surpass the death of death, is worthy of being called true love. "Especially at the end of the article," survival, breeding, and passing the seizure of all things, but only people can love. "It cannot be raised to the height of human beauty, that is, it is a creature that can only be a human, but has not yet become a real person. "These words explain it well.The meaning of the person who loves to be a real person ": The real love is much higher than the physiological needs.Fundamental sign.


The 16 -year -old sky has a moon, stars, laughter, and tears. I think there should be a hazy love.Maybe that can't be called love. It should be a matter of material between friendship and love. I can't give it a name so far.

  《致女儿的信》中,作者用一个充满诗意的故事,解释了爱情的真谛。这对我们这些青少年来说,是非常好的清醒剂。因为,现在的我们都有开始对异性产生好奇的现象,也有些人开始希望自己像青春偶像剧中一样,来一场浪漫的爱情。但他们知道爱情吗?难道,眉来眼去就是爱情?难道,手牵手逛街就是爱情?难道,甜言蜜语就是爱情?如果你认为这就是爱情的话,那天下就不会有那么多的失恋者了。如果一定要说这是爱情的话,那这也是劣质的爱情,就像劣质巧克力,只有瞬间的甜蜜。而不像真正的爱情 ── 优质巧克力,甜蜜中有苦涩,使你更加珍惜这品尝的机会,使你更加地回味无穷。

In "The Letter of Daughter", the author uses a poetic story to explain the true meaning of love.This is a very good sober agent for us teenagers.Because now we all have the phenomenon of curiosity about the opposite sex, and some people have begun to want to have a romantic love like youth idol drama.But do they know love? Is it love? Is it love? Is it love? Sweet words are love? If you think this is love, there will not be so many lover in the world.If you must say this is love, then this is also inferior love, like inferior chocolate, only instant sweetness.Not like real love -high -quality chocolate, sweetness in sweetness, making you cherish the opportunity of this taste more, making you have more interest.

In "The Letter of Daughter", the author uses a poetic story to explain the true meaning of love.This is a very good sober agent for us teenagers.Because now we all have the phenomenon of curiosity about the opposite sex, and some people have begun to want to have a romantic love like youth idol drama.But do they know love? Is it love? Is it love? Is it love? Sweet words are love? If you think this is love, there will not be so many lover in the world.If you must say this is love, then this is also inferior love, like inferior chocolate, only instant sweetness.Not like real love -high -quality chocolate, sweetness in sweetness, making you cherish the opportunity of this taste more, making you have more interest.


Love does not need to be vigorous, and I really don't need to stick together every day.When she needs warmth, send a cup of coffee, and when he needs comfort, send a hug, which is the real love.And nowadays, just to satisfy their vanity, desire, just to buckle the hat of love on their heads, but in the end, they are all empty.

Love does not need to be vigorous, and I really don't need to stick together every day.When she needs warmth, send a cup of coffee, and when he needs comfort, send a hug, which is the real love.And nowadays, just to satisfy their vanity, desire, just to buckle the hat of love on their heads, but in the end, they are all empty.


Therefore, I think love is going to operate all my life.True love is not overnight, but forever.This is the feeling after I read the letter to my daughter.



1、女儿:女儿读音为nǚ ér,是指1.犹言女子。 2.多指年轻的未婚女子。 3.父母所生的女性孩子。 4.蚕的别名。女儿 nǚ ér词语解释:1.犹言女子。 2.多指年轻的未婚女子。 3.父母所生的女性孩子。 4.蚕的别名。(1) [daughter](2) 某人直系血统或过继的下一代女性(3) 一个家族的女性后代张家女儿,李家女儿(4) 自起源或出身衍生而来的似属于女性的事物美国是大不列颠的女儿(5) [gril]∶女孩昔作女儿时。——《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》分词解释:女性:1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。别名:1.正名以外的名字;异名。 2.《荀子》中的逻辑术语。荀况把概念的基本属种关系相对地分为“共名”和“别名”两级。“共名”相当于属概念,“别名”相当于种概念。所生:1.生身父母。 2.出生之地。 3.谓亲生子女。 4.种植的。 5.指生养的。...女儿怎么造句,用女儿造句»

2、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»

3、课文:课文读音为kè wén,是指教科书中的正文(区别于注释和习题等):朗读课文。 教科书中的正文(区别于注释和习题等)课文 kè wén词语解释:教科书中的正文(区别于注释和习题等):朗读课文。[text] 教科书中的正文(区别于注释和习题等)分词解释:区别:区分;辨别。如:区别不同情况。如:区别。教科书:按照教学大纲编写的为学生上课和复习用的书。正文:1.著作的本文,区别于“序言”﹑“注解”﹑“附录”等。 2.本字。 3.指合乎正常写法的文章。习题:教学上供练习用的题目。...课文怎么造句,用课文造句»