The great scenery of the motherland is beautiful. There is always a scene that makes us move. Below is the composition compiled by Xiaobian. Welcome to refer to it.
20xx Elementary School Students Writing Essay Fan Essays
On Friday afternoon, I went to the garden to play.A gust of wind blows, so cool! I know, autumn is here!
I turned around the garden, and a tall green banyan tree beside the door quietly became a big golden umbrella.The wind blows, the leaves are like golden butterflies, flying freely in the autumn wind, spreading a golden carpet on the ground.The grass beside the banyan tree is not as green as before, so dense.Under the touch of Qiu, they put on a yellow coat.Some red, white, and purple flowers poked out from the small grass, adding some gorgeous colors to the yellow carpet.
The garden was surrounded by a small river around.I walked across the small bridge and came to the center of the bridge.Ah, a while of autumn wind blows, and the leaves float in the small river, as if the fleet of the little ants is driving to transport food! The flowers and plants in the middle of the grass are green on the side of the yellow side. After looking at it from the bridge, it becomes a half of the yellow half of the green.Small discs.The petals also fell, adding a spotted pattern to the earth.The earth has become more beautiful.
20xx Elementary School Students Writing Essay Fan Essay II
My hometown is deep in Daba Mountain. The village is surrounded by mountains and rivers.Every time I take a summer vacation, I will visit my grandpa and grandma with my parents, and stay for about 10 days.Although the time is short, it is my happiest day.Because in addition to seeing loved ones, you can also walk in the poetic beauty of his hometown and enjoy the beauty of nature.
In this beautiful landscape painting in his hometown, the most attractive is the endless lotus pond of the village.White, pink, blooming, bud -containing lotus flowers standing in the green lotus leaves of the green and oil, and it is shaken in Xia's soft breeze.She is beautiful and cute, and it is like those naive little girls.The summer sun is like golden gently wearing them, reflecting the round water droplets, which is more shining.
Because I am a lotus fan, I came here every day, and it was a few hours at first glance.I love lying on the grass under the tree shade by the lotus pond, chant the beautiful words in "Love Lotus", taste the lord "out of the mud without dyeing, the clear line of the line without the demon"The fish played, watching Qingfeng's flying on the lotus, listening to the birds singing in the green shade.
I love the lotus in my hometown, and I love the holy people there.
20xx Elementary School Students Writing Essay Fan Text III
I like Binjiang Plaza the most, where the scenery is beautiful and very cool.
Along the straight road, I walked to the entrance of Binjiang Square.There is a sunrise pattern at the entrance, and the sun has a bright sun.There is a tall lamp column in the middle of the square. Whenever night falls, the lamp column will make a bright light, like daytime.There are many fun on the square: trampoline, shooting, carriage, etc.I like to play trampoline the most. It's really comfortable to fall. It's really comfortable.There are round, square, triangular gardens on the side of the square, and various flowers and plants.There are green grass in the garden, just like a green carpet. I really want to become a lamb to sleep on the grass beautifully, wake up and eat a few bites, and continue to sleep.EssenceThere are tight trees standing in the garden, like standing in the stand, and various colors of flowers are blooming under the small tree.There are three cute dolphins in the pond, jumping in cheerful, they are really lifelike.
In the evening, when you pass through the two small stone bridges, many people can dance when they can watch. They dance well, and they exercise their bodies one by one.
Binjiang Square is beautiful and happy, it is a good place.
20xx Elementary School Students Writing Essay Fan Essay Four
My hometown is in Luoyang, there is a mountain there, there is a beautiful peak on the mountain, and he has a nice name -the top of the Jade Emperor.
In spring, a white clouds float in the blue sky.Looking out from the hotel, a peak was faintly seen behind the dense layer of trees. He was the top of the Jade Emperor.The green trees are lined with white flowers, and the white flowers are blooming. A small road paved with a slate passing through the mountain forest, through flowers and plants, it has been leading to the peak.
In the summer, a quiet early morning, my brother and I climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor with the flashlight.You must be puzzled, so early, what do we do? We have to go to see the sunrise.The sun finally came out, and his first red light drove away the darkness.Gradually, gradually ... the sun rose from behind the overlapping mountains, fiery red, like a big fireball.At noon, the light of the sun was on the top, and the butterfly danced on the peak stone, as if a beautiful flower ring was compiled for the stone.The night fell, and a gentle moon hung on the treetops, taking out the tranquility of the peak ...
I love my hometown, I love Baiyun Mountain, and I love the top of the jade emperor in Baiyun Mountain.
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、写景:写景读音为xiě jǐng,是指描绘景物。写景 xiě jǐng词语解释:描绘景物。分词解释:景物:可供观赏的景致和事物:山川秀丽,景物宜人。描绘:描画;描写:描绘人物|作品生动描绘了大上海的变化。● 景 jǐng ㄐㄧㄥˇ◎ 环境的风光:景色。景致。景物。景观。景气(a.景色;b.指经济繁荣现象,统指兴旺)。景深。◎ 情况,状况:景象。景况。年景。◎ 佩服,敬慕:景仰。景慕。◎ 高,大:景行(xíng )。◎ 姓。● 景 yǐng ㄧㄥˇ◎ 古同“影”,影子。● 写(寫) xiě ㄒㄧㄝˇ◎ 用笔作字:写字。写作。编写。◎ 描摹,叙述:写生。写实。写照(a.画人物的形象;b.描写刻画)。轻描淡写。...写景怎么造句,用写景造句»
3、学生:学生读音为xué shēng,是指①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。学生 xué shēng分词解释:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。(1) [student;pupil]∶在学校学习的人(2) [disciple;follower]∶接受他人的教导并帮助传播和实行的人分词解释:弟子:①古代泛指弟和子:弟子入则孝,出则弟(悌)。②学生:先达德隆望尊,门人弟子填其室。自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。肄业:1.修业;学习(课程)。2.(学生)没有达到毕业年限或程度而离校停学:肄业生/高中肄业。在学:就学;在校学习。如:在学十年有成。...学生的近义词,学生的同义词是什么»
4、小学:小学读音为xiǎo xué,是指实施初等教育的学校。中国小学入学年龄为六周岁,学习年限为六年。小学 xiǎo xué分词解释:实施初等教育的学校。中国小学入学年龄为六周岁,学习年限为六年。分词解释:学校:有计划、有组织地进行系统教育的机构。起源于奴隶社会。中国古代的学校称为庠、序、学、校。在开始产生时不都是专门的教育机构,而兼为习射、养老的场所。以后的学校一般称为学。1902年《钦定学堂章程》中称为学堂,1912年的学制中改称为学校。实施:用实际行动去落实施行:从今年起实施新的教改方案。初等教育:也称“基础教育”。对受教育者实施最初阶段的教育。在中国,对儿童实施初等教育的学校为小学,对青年、成人实施初等教育的学校为工农速成初等学校、业余初等学校和识字学校,施以相当于小学程度的教育。中国:①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区,后来华夏族,汉族活动范围扩大,黄河中下游一带,也被称为“中国”。《晋书.宣帝纪》:“孟达于是连吴固蜀,潜图中国。”(“中国”指立国于黄河中下游的魏国),甚至把所统辖的地区,包括不属于黄河流域的地方, 也全部称为“中国”。《史书.天官书》:“其后秦遂以兵灭六国,并中国。”19世纪中叶以来,“中国”始专指我国家全部领土,不作他用。 ②“中华人民共和国”的简称。 ③中国(Madhya-desa)。古地名。即恒河中下游一带的中印度,佛教徒译称“中国”。见《法显传》。...小学怎么造句,用小学造句»
5、范文:范文读音为fàn wén,是指语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。范文 fàn wén词语解释:语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。分词解释:语文:语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。榜样:作为仿效的人或事例(多指好的):好榜样ㄧ你先带个头,做个榜样让大家看看。讲解:解释;解说:讲解员ㄧ他指着模型给大家讲解。...范文的近义词,范文的同义词是什么»
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